“Like A Movie”: Massive Tornado Hits CNN

March 15th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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8 Responses

  1. Leatherneck

    They even sensationalize their own demise.

    Forever trapped in their own lethargy.

  2. JonnyMordant

    I feel my house shake every time the neighbor kids slam their front door… No Fatalities to report here either… well, not yet anyway… my patience is wearing thin!

    Looting? Oh, that’s right, there is a huge market for elevator buttons and plastic lobby plants!

  3. One Shot

    Looks like it did about 2 million dollars in improvements…

  4. DC

    God punishes liars!

  5. drillanwr

    Welcome to the suck, Atlanta … literally.

    Called my doc-sister down there as I was watching the storm system moving into the area on TWC … She lives about 45 mins. south of Atlanta proper … She said nothing was happening over her. It was a small, but compact, patch of nasty weather.

    As to the use of “war zone” to describe damage … can we stop over-using that? It looks like STORM damage to me …

    Oh, and the whole “like a movie” analogy … yeah, what a ‘telling’ narrative on just where the public’s/society’s reality is based. Cripes …

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    like a movie.

    Well i have been through a real tornado before. back in 1990, three tornados ripped through my small town, all simultaneously. 2 F-2s and one F-3. it was the scariest damn thing i have ever been through. Ripped the hell out of my neighborhood which was a pretty big neighborhood. I remember opening the windows and just seeing houses blown apart and gas leaks everywhere. we were all evacuated for the night.

    I would never say like a movie. i would say like my life experience.

  7. drillanwr

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)


    Was through one several years ago. The hubby and I were on a week-long river trip on our friends’ boat. We left the Ohio River and went onto the Monongahela River and were anchored behind an island so the guys could drag the hibachi onto shore and grill our steaks. After dinner it got really weird. The air got real still and heavy and greenish … Then the winds picked up like a son of a bitch. We started snapping on the sides of the awning as the rain came down hard, and then hail … when I could feel the wind pushing against it like a massive wall … That’s when I slipped on a life jacket. Got laughed at until I said (as the boat was twisting and you could hear the trees on the island snapping loudly), “Yeah, well, if I’m going IN the river, I’m floating …” They put theirs on too … We listened to it cross the river and begin taking down trees on the river bank on the other side of us.

    Lasted a few minutes and then just got completely quiet and all you could hear was the river running and the sun was back out. When we opened the sides there was a distinctly cut path of trees lying flat on the island and on the mainland bank. The twister had moved about 20 feet or so beside us.

    That was the most direct experience I’ve had with tornadoes. Have seen a couple go through our area over the years.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    wow drill!

    That sounds like a horrible experience too. being outside during that would have been scary. I have been canoing during some pretty bad storms, always been the worst fear of mine. get stuck out on the river during one

    We just got home when it hit my neighborhood. the sky was orange and lightning was everywhere. could barely get the door closed behind. that was me, my dad and my 2 brothers. all hell broke loose directly after we got the door shut

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