McCain Sings Streisand

March 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay, this actually brought him up a notch or two on my scale. If you haven’t seen this before, trust me, it’s not a waste of time.

Nods to LftBhndAgn.

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19 Responses

  1. Reagan T.

    hahaha :lol: :lol: what is that from?

  2. LftBhndAgn

    on ‘Saturday Night Live’ October 2002

  3. Mike F.

    It speaks for itself. No comment needed. I did like the bit about the Alaskan Wildlife Preserves though.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    I remember this, and its hilarious. :lol: he did a great job with this skit.

  5. Dannyboy

    Beautifully done.

  6. drillanwr

    Touché, Mac! :beer:

  7. JonnyMordant

    “I’ve had Barbra Streisand trying to do my job”! LMFAO! Teh teards in me eyes meke it hart to type…..

    But in all honesty, with a little voice coaching, I’ll bet you he could do some seriously kick as versions of many Sinatra classics! I still love Fred… but that was some funny ass shit!

    I’d forgotten about this, but I totally agree with you Bash, he just stepped up a rung or two on my elect-ability ladder as well… Good luck to Hillary and Obama ever finding a sense of humor!

  8. Ivan the Kafir

    LMAO….he actually is pretty funny! :beer: :beer: :beer:
    Not that I’d vote for someone based on humor but that part about damaging Alaskan Wildlife Preserves does say something. No liberal would have the balls to joke about something so SERIOUS and SACRED as the wildlife of Alaska.

  9. RVN68MIKE

    I never saw it before, thanks Bash.

  10. azbastard

    did i mention we spray his vacation house in not sedona, like everyone else says it, but cornville az…beautiful place

  11. Steve in NC

    rarely watched sat night live since they no longer sell the bass-o-matic

    ‘Good stuff’ as Carson would say

  12. Steve in NC

    :arrow: azbastard

    CORNville,AZ. :beer:

  13. 0311inOHio

    Sidney ain’t bad in this one.. Sense of humor for sure.

  14. KBar

    That is hilarious.

  15. Jewells

    I have never seen this. Hilarious!

  16. GERMAN...

    Sorry, I know the majority here holds the man in high regard.

    Here is another clip of McChimp - believe me I laughed harder then:

  17. Brian H

    :shock: “A man’s got to know his limitations …!” Even if :gun: Streisand doesn’t. :lol:

  18. kjk32

    Nice! :beer:

  19. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: GERMAN…

    For his service to this country we do hold him in High regard, you’ll find that he’s not the 1st choice of most here though…. However when considering the Nations best interest, he’s our guy by default, just look at the other options…
    Besides it was his “I’m a Liberal” Freudian slip that we’re concerned about. LOL!

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