Man Alters Jetta To Get 1,700 Miles Per Tank

March 15th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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12 Responses

  1. DC

    I’d buy that the vegetable oil conversion is a great alternative to diesel……..but 1700 miles per tank is stretching the truth…….alot! Unless, of course he has hidden a 75 gallon tank somewhere or has disabled 2 cylinders on the engine.

  2. Kevin M

    Have you ever driven a veggie-oil car? They ALL smell like the fry-O-later at McDonald’s!

    And 1,700 mpg is bulllllll-shiiiiiit!

  3. Lone Wolf

    I had a diesel Audi once that consistently got up to 45 miles per gallon - I could go about 1000 miles or more on a full tank. Diesels have inherently better thermodynamic efficiency than Otto-cycle gasoline engines due to their higher operating pressures and temperatures, which is also why they make more NOx. Vegetable oil has a somewhat lower volumetric energy content than normal diesel, about 10%, so his fuel efficiency should drop down to about 40 mpg or so. The only way he could go 1700 miles then is if he has more than doubled his original fuel tank volume with the addition of the vegetable oil tank he has located in the trunk. If his original diesel tank is the Jetta standard at about 12 gallons capacity, this vegetable oil tank would need to be about 30 gallons capacity to do it (i.e. a cube about 19″ on each side).

  4. rightangle

    Looks as if he doesn’t have to contend with many hills or stoplights.

  5. DC

    @ Lone Wolf:

    Well I won’t pretend to be an expert on diesel engines, and maybe part of the conversion kit is a larger tank or an auxiliary tank. The problem is that this guy didn’t disclose that so I can only assume he is using the stock tank.

  6. Lone Wolf

    Go to - the 95-98 Jetta conversion kit adds a 15 gallon auxiliary tank in the trunk to hold the vegetable oil. Heck, I’ll bet he put two of these tanks in his trunk. There’s no magic here, folks. And you’re right - he didn’t disclose that in the broadcast interview - but that’s probably more the fault of the reporter and editor who didn’t really understand what he was doing or wanted to make it sound more dramatic.

  7. truckie36

    The conversion uses a separate tank for the vegetable oil. The vehicle starts on diesel till it’s warmed up switches to vegetable oil while driving and goes back to diesel to shut down. He went 1700 miles on one fill up of diesel, he didn’t say how much vegetable oil went into it during the same 1700 miles. He gets the vegetable oil for free, so that is how he went 1700 miles on one tank of diesel.

  8. Reagan T.

    I would never ever run a diesel engine on vegetable oil. What we really need to do is stop burning natural gas in these new power plants and get the conversion for the gasoline engine cars. The conversion is pretty simple and natural gas is a lot less expensive and the us could actually supply it. I don’t know why that it isn’t taking off. Natural gas is 60 cents. I don’t know what we would do for diesel engines tho…

  9. azpatriot

    the Diesel engine was designed to run on vegetable oil originally, the name Diesel comes from the inventor and not what it was designed to run on.

    The engine he demonstrated at the Exhibition Fair in Paris, France in 1898 ran on peanut oil.

  10. Kermit

    The owner of the MacDonalds franchises in the Lake Charles, LA area is an engineer who did this to his Mercedes several years ago. He gets a heck of a lot of used oil from there. He made no claims of such wild assed mileage but he does drive quite cheaply.

  11. Steve_Montana

    I tune Duramax diesels for a living to get better fuel mileage. Veggi oil as stated drops the fuel mileage… so his 1700 miles is based on a larger fuel tank.

  12. Steven D

    Now all he needs is a flux capacitor.

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