March 1-2, 2008

March 1st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

12:47 A.M.

Just finished tweaking another episode…it’s gonna be fascinating to see how this whole Hamas thing turns out, U.S. warships showing up at Lebanon’s doorstep, Iran’s almost got the bomb, Ahmadinejad’s going to Baghdad, and Americans are seriously considering Hussein for President. The Middle East has never been hotter or more dangerous, and we’re toying around with electing a pacifist socialist President whose ideology was born out of 60’s anti-American radicalism. Perfect timing. But he has a nice voice, and says “Why can’t we all just get along?”

Are you ready for all the bodies in the streets?

12:54 A.M.

Rush is dead right, by the way. It’s gotta be a serious temptation for all Texas Republicans to vote for Hillary.

Al Qaeda vows to kill Harry

1:39 A.M.

“I’m fixin to kill you”


3:50 A.M.

Excerpt from actual interview two days ago. Ellen DeGeners and Hussein:

Ellen: What is day one like? Do you wake up at eight? Do you get breakfast.? What’s your day one?

Hussein: Well, first of all I think I’ll just go into the Oval Office and sit at the desk and say, ”Wow, this is really cool.”

Actually, the first day after I’m sworn in and I don’t know whether that counts as day one or not, I think the day after the inauguration if I were lucky enough to serve it would be to call in the joint chiefs of staff to really start talking about how do we get our troops out of Iraq in an honorable, careful, responsible way..I am a strong believer that we need to bring this war to an end.

4:54 A.M.

2:04 P.M.

Little could be worse for America than Hussein being President.

2:26 P.M.

Nig and the Star Of David

5:11 P.M.

Hands down, Jennifer Griffin is the best Iraq reporter on television.

5:36 P.M.

This isn’t a political speech. This is the indoctrinational rhetoric of a cult leader. “Those”: the outsiders, the non-believers:

PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island (Reuters) - Presidential candidate Barack Obama accused rival Democrat Hillary Clinton of using the politics of fear on Saturday after her campaign released an ad suggesting that Obama lacked enough security experience to keep America safe.

“There are those who are telling you not to believe. There are those who are trying to feed your fear and your cynicism and your doubts,” the first-term Illinois senator told supporters in Providence, Rhode Island.


5:54 P.M.

Geraldo’s new term for Republicans who don’t support McCain: “Extreme Conservatives”.

6:06 P.M.

Hussein on Iraq in 2004:

“Now, us having gone in there, we have a deep national security interest in making certain that Iraq is stable. If not, not only are we going to have a humanitarian crisis, we are also going to have a huge national security problem on our hands-because, ironically, it has become a hotbed of terrorists as a consequence, in part, of our incursion there. In terms of timetable, I’m not somebody who can say with certainty that a year from now or six months from now we’re going to be able to pull down troops.”

Hussein on Iraq in 2005:

Today, as Americans grow increasingly impatient with our presence in Iraq, voices I respect are calling for a rapid withdrawal of our troops, regardless of events on the ground.

But I believe that, having waged a war that has unleashed daily carnage and uncertainty in Iraq, we have to manage our exit in a responsible way - with the hope of leaving a stable foundation for the future, but at the very least taking care not to plunge the country into an even deeper and, perhaps, irreparable crisis. I say this not only because we owe it to the Iraqi people, but because the Administration’s actions in Iraq have created a self-fulfilling prophecy - a volatile hotbed of terrorism that has already begun to spill over into countries like Jordan, and that could embroil the region, and this country, in even greater international conflict.

In sum, we have to focus, methodically and without partisanship, on those steps that will: one, stabilize Iraq, avoid all out civil war, and give the factions within Iraq the space they need to forge a political settlement; two, contain and ultimately extinquish the insurgency in Iraq; and three, bring our troops safely home.

Hussein On Iraq in 2007:

“We have to send a clear message to the Iraqi government as well as to the surrounding neighbors that there is no military solution to the problems that we face in Iraq. So we have to begin a phased withdrawal; have our combat troops out by March 31st of next year.


“‘The best way to protect our security and to pressure Iraq’s leaders to resolve their civil war is to immediately begin to remove our combat troops. Not in six months or one year – now.”

Hussein’s current position on Iraq, on his own Presidential campaign website:

Bringing Our Troops Home

“Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.”

Okay, Hussein.

It is beyond comprehensible that a man hoping to become Commander In Chief will not recognize that Al Qaeda already has a base in Iraq on his own website. It is equally incomprehensible that he would even suggest the possibility of keeping Al Qaeda out of Iraq via “targeted strikes” launched from outside the country.

7:16 P.M.

This just in from some Dollardites putting some beautiful art to good use:


Get some.

8:04 P.M.

Could Peggy Noonan be any more pretentious when she speaks? Or lost? Right now she’s prattling on about Hussein winning because he’s about consensus? How about cutting through the crap and noting that there’s nothing in his poltical history to indicate a consensus builder, only a hard left ideologue? Noonan carries the same disease as almost every Republican leader these days: a paralyzing fear of the opposition. The mind shuts down to the point that not only does it encourage submission, it begins to believe the enemy’s rhetoric.

9:02 P.M.

Is Geraldo’s brother gay? Geraldo has a touch of the gay accent as well, seems to struggle with it…

9:24 P.M.

Two best lines in a pill commercial, in the same commercial!

1. First person delivery: “Struggling with bipolar disorder can be such a burden. For years I…”

2. “Elderly people with dementia should not take Abilify”

9:39 P.M.

Not 14 days ago, Hillary was ahead by 24 points in Ohio. How much attention to politics can people really be paying for things to shift so quickly?

What does it mean when single words replace cogent thoughts, analyses and arguments to get a man elected? “Change”, “Believe”. What’s next, “Goo goo, ga ga” ?

10:23 P.M.

Is this the part where Hillary realizes she really isn’t Bill?

11:36 P.M.

Ever wonder what the top 100 U.S. newspapers by circulation were?

11:41 P.M.

Photo of the day. Angry Serbian teens protest Kosovo independence. Fashionably:

(Caption by Chicago Tribune) Against Kosovo Independence
Kosovo Serb girls wearing Serbian military caps attend a protest against the independence of Kosovo in the Serbian part of the ethnically divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica. (AP/Zvezdan Djukanovic)

MARCH 2, 2008

2:12 A.M.


2:57 A.M.

According to John Kasich, Diane Feinstein is scheduled to begin a “woman’s assault” on the media’s biased coverage in favor of Barack Obama on Fox & Friends this morning. Hillary’s campaign has plotted to whip up a feminist strike on the MSM, utilizing high-profile American women like Mrs. Feinstein.

4:00 A.M.

Oh Jesus, will somebody please fire Gretchen Carlson already? The morning show is a key slot. A piece of styrofoam shouldn’t be used to anchor it in place.

5:09 A.M.

Here’s what seems to be emerging from the Texas massacre. It’s a bit of a “Psycho and Juliet” story. Teenage daughter was dating was dating one of the killers, while her mother and some other relative were working hard to break them up. Developing…

5:21 A.M.

Leftist Guardian dismisses Harry’s Afghanistan service as “Cringemaking Stunt”. Of course they argue that “there is no exit strategy” for Britain, although they allege one was in place for Harry.

5:39 A.M.

Ahmadinejad in Baghdad today: “Iraqis don’t like Americans”.

6:37 A.M.

More evidence that the Obamas speak exactly, exactly, like they are leading a cult. Remember this? Whether they realize it or not, they are leading a movement by utilizing precisely the same basic rhetorical, intellectual, and psychological techniques of typical cult leaders.

8:17 A.M.

The Texas ranch massacre is getting sicker. Not only was it perpetrated by the family’s daughter’s boyfriend, but it’s starting to look like the daughter was in on it. She was found hiding out at one of the suspects’ house. Her parents were demanding that she break-up with the boyfriend. And somehow, he was able to talk at least two of his buddies to help him with the killing.

11:33 A.M.

Is the Lizard Man eating cars?

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30 Responses

  1. James “Jihad this” Hooker

    I’m deep in my first pres-lection cycle on foreign soil, and boy is it weird. Personally, I want a president who, on his first sitting in the Oval Office, would say “Oh shit!”

  2. Paslode

    Obama has no clue what he is getting into.

  3. LftBhndAgn

    Has BO ever seen how a president ages in 4 years? You can see, its one of the most stressful jobs in the world.

  4. drillanwr

    :arrow: Hussein: Well, first of all I think I’ll just go into the Oval Office and sit at the desk and say,

    “HOLY fucking shit! Bush was RIGHT!!! … I quit!!!”

    Muskrat Queens RULE!!!!!!!!!!! Get some!!!

  5. John Cunningham

    A few weeks ago I got a newsletter from Senator Santorum and it said he was going to have some speakers in Washington. The title of the talk was “Cube or Cathedral”. I immediately said I’ll be there. A couple of days later I bought my train tickets for the trip. Then I got an e-mail from those organizing the talk and it said they had a huge response and they’d have to put me on a stand-by list, let them know what I want to do. I guess I’m not an “A lister”. I e-mailed back and said, I’m still in and OMG, I already bought my train ticket. So, I’ll give you my cell number, I’ll come to DC anyway and you could call me five minutes before start time and I’ll jump into a cab and be right there. Got to DC about 10.30 Friday and thought I’ll have a couple of beers in this restaurant/bar in Union Station and hope to get a call. Well, start time came and went and no call. Oh, well. What to do now? I could just stay where I am and anyone that knows Union Station knows it’s like spending the day at the Mall where they also drive trains to. It’s about 12.30 and my return reservation is at 4.05. The times I had to step out for a cigarette because of where the bar is situated was on the side of Union Station. When I finished my fifth pint I stepped out for a cigarette and then it dawned on me I’ve been going out the side. I could have gone just around the front and at least look at the Capitol Dome. Better at least do that before I leave. Because the leaves are off the trees for the winter it’s easier to see the Dome, it’s right there. So I smoked the cigarette and meditated on the dome. I’m standing there saying to myself, “I can’t believe they let democrats roam freely through that building”. But, that’s a subject for another day. Decided to have another, it’s now 3.15 and while meditating through my alcoholic haze I was thinking that on 9/11 they, since they’re into symbolism, went after the symbol of US finances, US military strength and there’s been talk as to what they were also after. I went to get on the train convinced that Flight 93 was after The Capitol Dome. BHO is a silly negro.

  6. LftBhndAgn

    John Cunningham :

    :arrow: I went to get on the train convinced that Flight 93 was after The Capitol Dome.

    There is no doubt in my mind that The Capitol or The White House was the intended target.

  7. Mike in CA

    “Wow, this is really cool”
    WTF! Bush used to get shit from people saying this is how he acted and now this guy is admitting this is how he’s going to act and they love him for it! WTF? Why do liberals live by such double standards and it’s o.k. but not the rest of us? Pelosi stands there and says she’s going to sue Bush’s aides after the AG said they weren’t guilty of anything. She should be the one being sued, there’s a laundry list of shit on her. WTF? :mad:

  8. drillanwr

    So, I’m standing in the loooong check out line at the local Italian market this afternoon, re-check my list, (pondering one of the cameo apples I will grab out of the bag when I put it in the trunk of the car … IF I ever get that far …) … and I’m scanning the publications on the check out end-caps.

    Cosmo wants to inform you (gals) about “The Sex He Has Alone”, and a List of 21 Naughty Sex Tips and something about your “Va-jay-jay”

    Paula Dean wants you to use more butter (NOT to be confused with the List of 21 Naughty Sex Tips)

    The women’s mags sport over-frosted, spring-themed cupcakes, but offer dieting tips to get into swimsuit season

    One Woman’s mag had a woman on the cover who lost over 160 lbs. (and it wasn’t a divorce) … That’s a whole `nother person! Dayem!

    A half dozen sudoku puzzle books

    Assorted celebrity mags with assorted whack celebrities

    and amid it all a small “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to … Praying”

    I can see information about sex, recipes, dieting, and the latest rehab queen … But IF we need a “Complete Idiot’s Guide to Praying” … We really ARE fucked … :shock:

  9. drillanwr

    :arrow: 2:26 P.M.

    I thought I saw a flash of Eleanor Roosevelt in the guys face as he came in the room … :beer: :roll: :beer: :roll:

  10. Chad

    muskrats huh. i’ve skinned a few critters, but have yet to skin a muskrat. :???:

  11. drillanwr

    That’s one honkin’ bitchin’ picture! :twisted: :beer:

  12. Dean Wormer

    That picture is fucking awesome. Can’t imagine a Muslim would submit, I mean pose for it. Is that a Mexican?

    And good question about Geraldo’s brother. I always just assumed he was a flamer, Guess I should Google it.

  13. Dean Wormer

    All I could find:

    But this was better:

  14. drillanwr

    :arrow: 2:12 A.M.

    Pat -

    I am sooo glad I am NOT a breakfast or brunch-type person … UGH!

    Wonder what “Mom” did to “Sonny Boy” for him to get back at her that way … It always amazes me these people insist on not one or two friggin’ cats … but a herd of them.


    :arrow: 4:00 A.M.

    I know she is a little older than the “babes” that have graced the early morning couch, but I thought the morning program had more “gravitas” when E.D. Hill was sitting there …
    :arrow: 6:37 A.M.

    The B. Hussein Cult … hmmmm, gives me an idea … Imagine the “power” his administration would have if he combined his cult with that of Algore’s GW Cult …

    I’d either die charging the White House, or sucking down a cloud from a cyanide capsule.

    :arrow: 8:17 A.M.

    Yeah, I never could understand how these asshole kids ever think they can get away with this crap.

    Screw(s) missing … Wheels off the bus … Not a full deck …

    FYI, dumb, obsessed, lust-sick kids … The “slaughtering your family” plan has NEVER worked as a relationship dowry. Next time “google” before “executing” the plan.

  15. monkeysdad

    Probably easier to defeat Hillary Cliton that BarraCK the Magic Negro in the General.

  16. drillanwr

    :arrow: monkeysdad

    Probably easier to defeat Hillary Cliton that BarraCK the Magic Negro in the General.


    :!: Easier to trump the “don’t hit a girl” card than to trump the “race card” …

    :?: Did you know (and I am sure you did/do) :

    Equal rights for blacks in this country was promoted/endorsed/ and pushed through the Congress by … Republicans … It hit MAJOR snags and road-blocks by … democrats.

    In 1923 Sen. Charles Curtis and Rep. Daniel Anthiny, Jr. both from Kansas … BOTH REPUBLICANS … introduced Senate Joint Resolution No. 21 on Dec. 10th, and as House Joint Resolution No. 75 on Dec. 13th, respectively … The (ERA) Equal Rights Amendment for women …

    So, the next time someone tries to tell you republicans are racist and sexist …

  17. drillanwr

    Oh! My Dear, Sweet G-d!

    I just found my favorite quote of all time:

    Marine General James Mattis to Iraqi tribal leaders: “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: if you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all …”

    Damn! I am so grateful and proud to be an American!

  18. MarineSgt

    Since John Mccain has been questioned about his age during this campaign… I thought this was interesting and would apply today as well…

    Reagan’s opponent in the 1984 presidential election was former Vice President Walter Mondale. With questions about Reagan’s age, and a weak performance in the first presidential debate, many wondered if he was up to the task of being president for another term. Reagan rebounded in the second debate, and confronted questions about his age, stating, “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience,” which generated applause and laughter from members of the audience, and even from Mondale himself.

  19. LftBhndAgn


    Oh! My Dear, Sweet G-d!

    I just found my favorite quote of all time:

    Marine General James Mattis to Iraqi tribal leaders: “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: if you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all …”

    Damn! I am so grateful and proud to be an American!


    Here is another one for ya

    “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for 5 years because they didn’t wear a veil,” Mattis continued. “You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.”

  20. A. S. Wise- VA

    Greetings Dollard Nation, from Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, by way of a friend’s iPhone (even though I hate Apple computers, I must admit this iPhone is pretty damn sweet)! While I can’t say that the weather is as nearly good as my peers down in Florida, I did get to see the Blackwater compound, took some buddies to shoot my garand and .45 at a local range, and played some gulf. Plus things are more relaxed here than the rowdy Florida destinations.

    I must say, those Serbian chicks remind me why I dig Eastern European/Slavic gals so much!

    Still waiting to hear Cindy Sheehan’s reaction to her hero’s, Hugo Chavez, belligerence towards Columbia.

  21. ticticboom

    drill: “The B. Hussein Cult … hmmmm, gives me an idea … Imagine the “power” his administration would have if he combined his cult with that of Algore’s GW Cult …

    I’d either die charging the White House, or sucking down a cloud from a cyanide capsule.”


    Actually, I’ve found there’s a lot of overlap between the two. The only good thing about them is their uselessness. They rarely manage to accomlish anything other than to hold a rally, fuck with traffic, and turn a park into a garbage dump.

    However, if they somehow got the ability to carry out their not-so-hidden agenda, you wouldn’t have to go to D.C. to fight them. They’ll be sending someone to your door to take you to ‘re-education’.

    Just imagine watching Micheal Moore’s propaganda, An Inconvienent Truth, The Day After Tomorrow, Malcom X, Roots, and reruns of Oprah all day, everyday, with quotes from Noam Chomsky on every surface not covered by posters of He Who Must Not Be Named and the Goracle. If you feel the need for spiritual guidance, an imam from CAIR will be available.

    As for how I’ll react when they come for me, anyone else remember the end of ‘The Professional’? After the hero’s shot, the villain comes over to gloat and finish him off. The hero says he has something for him, and hands the guy…a grenade pin.

  22. drillanwr

    :arrow: ttb -

    Just imagine watching Micheal Moore’s propaganda, An Inconvienent Truth, The Day After Tomorrow, Malcom X, Roots, and reruns of Oprah all day, everyday, with quotes from Noam Chomsky on every surface not covered by posters of He Who Must Not Be Named and the Goracle. If you feel the need for spiritual guidance, an imam from CAIR will be available.


    I guess I’ll stop bitching about the millionth rerun in our house of assorted Sponge Bob episodes …

  23. ticticboom

    Heh. Found this at imao. Enjoy:

    Shrine of the Mall Ninja

  24. drillanwr

    :arrow: ttb -

    Good sci-fi lords! Maybe whoever Gecko is he/she can start writing for “24″ …

  25. ticticboom


    The legend of the Mall Ninja has spread so far, that there’s actually a homage to it in a military sci-fi book, ‘Better To Beg Forgiveness’, about bodyguards in the future, kind of like Blackwater in space. Good read.

  26. LftBhndAgn


    Heh. Found this at imao. Enjoy:

    Shrine of the Mall Ninja


    I was laughing so damn hard reading that!! That is great!

  27. LftBhndAgn


    Gloria Steinem thinks that McCain’s 5 and one half years of being tortured and beaten is over-rated

    These people make me so damn sick. McCain can’t even raise his arms over his head and they say its over rated? These people make me puke! And water-boarding is torture but being in a Vietnamese POW Camp is overated? :gun: :gun:

  28. drillanwr

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn

    That ain’t nuttin’, coming from “Gloria” …

    And check out what Wes Clark says about McCain’s experience compared to Hillary’s experience, in order to be prez.:

    “Wes Clark: McCain Doesn’t Have the Right Kind of Military Experience To Be Commander-in-Chief”

  29. LftBhndAgn



    That ain’t nuttin’, coming from “Gloria” …

    And check out what Wes Clark says about McCain’s experience compared to Hillary’s experience, in order to be prez.:

    “Wes Clark: McCain Doesn’t Have the Right Kind of Military Experience To Be Commander-in-Chief”


    Amazing what some people will say just to get a cabinet position. A few months back there was talk about Clark booking for Hillery’s Vice President position. I believe he still is.

  30. Sandy

    @ Pat

    “Are you ready for all the bodies in the streets?”

    Anticipating and always preparing for the worst the further this goes along.

    God help us all.

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