March 18, 2008

March 18th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Yesterday’s Deep Thoughts including ongoing weapons thread

5:25 A.M.

“The United States has raped nearly every part of the globe” - Rev. Asshole Wright, Obama’s close personal friend for over 20 years. What matters most about all this is that Hussein is lying through is teeth when he acts like all this is news to him, and the fact that he never disassociated himself from this church a long time ago. You can’t defend the church by saying the church is fine, its leader is just bad. The fish always stinks from the head down, and the smell was just fine by Hussein for decades.

6:15 A.M.

So is adultery cool now? Should we all dive right in?

6:39 A.M.

Last part is old news, but his alleged interference in the NIE report has been largely ignored…this in from a regular source…

CENTCOM chief Adm. William Fallon was strongly suspected of a hand in
the National Intelligence Estimate which let Iran off America’s
military hook….which is suspected of being the reason he got the

10:05 A.M.


“America is still the No. 1 killer in the world. … We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional killers. … We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God. … We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic. … We started the AIDS virus. … We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty.”

10:08 A.M.

LOL. Fuckin’ pinhead liberals.

2:30 P.M.

Out at secret government meetings. When I saw Art Bell, I was nothing short of shocked. Back, taking cover, piling mags…

3:20 P.M.

Honestly, never once did I think Hussein was talking to me, it was like he was doing nothing more than cramming in as many manipulative soundbites as he could, while all the while playing the victim card, always making the inference “I’m black, as are my wife and pastor, and therefor all you evil white people and your media, who have done nothing but victimize and enslave and hate us black people from slavery until this very moment, are not treating us fairly, but if you’d like to get yourself respect back and face yourself in the mirror, you’ll vote for me because I am a black man and you owe all us black folks if you ever hope to 1. be cool and 2. redeem your souls and not burn in Hell.”

3:26 P.M.

Looks like this CD Gunhand Band is over. I knew they’d break up. I think people are gonna be able to carry handguns in D.C., too. I wonder if the midgets in doggy cages ban is going to stick? I’ve been watching that one too, closely, quietly.

3:30 P.M.

Never forget: 1. The media is responsible for what Pastor Wright said, not Pastor Wright. 2. The media is responsible for Hussein not leaving Wright’s church back in the day.

3:45 P.M.

Did Hussein just lie?

4:34 P.M.

Just in from Michigan DNC: Re-vote unlikely.

4:37 P.M.

I’ve received several inquiries about HBO’s upcoming “Generation Kill”. Here’s a reprint from my late night report from yesterday:

“Young Americans” is nothing like “Generation Kill”. It was directed by a Brit with Leftist leanings, it’s scripted not documentary, and people close to the production have told me much of it is a laughable misportrayal of what being a Marine during the initial push was really like. The whole thing is limited to the initial push. It’s from a book about that drive to Baghdad, and due to a variety of the usual “fucked up by civilian idiots with an agenda” issue, what was a good but somewhat fictionalized book (according to several of the actual Marines in it that I’ve spoken to) has turned out to be far less than what it should be. Don’t get too excited to see it, though I’m sure it’s got some good fake combat moments. Expect another crappy, inaccurate portrayal of what Iraq during those few weeks was like, similar to “Over There”. Not the book author’s fault, just the fault of the Hollywood civilians and another Limey with an anti-war, anti-American chip on his shoulder, who put their clueless, biased, “entertainer’s” mitts on it. And honestly y’all, none of all that negative stuff I’ve just said is my opinion, it’s what I’ve been told by some of the highest creative folks involved in every step of its creation. It’s the kind of thing to watch it you have that perverse enjoyment of seeing how bad Hollywood fucks up the truth of Iraq. Check this: there’s a scene where after a firefight all the Marines break out into song because the boneheaded Limey director thought it was a great idea. Gay. And just sad, that once again, millions of dollars and hours of good cable airtime are being spent to make sure an audience knows less about the truth of Iraq than when they did before they even started watching.


If you think I’m slow, they’ve been working on this longer than I’ve been working on YA. But a lot of you have already read my angry spiel on that. Had I bypassed re-embracing Hollywood, YA would’ve been out already.

8:03 P.M.

Yo, just back on the scene, wonder what I missed?

8:54 P.M.

Question: If white people aren’t allowed to question or criticize the behavior of black people because “white people don’t understand the black experience” then are black people exempt from criticizing or questioning the behavior of white people because “black people don’t understand the the white experience?” Or those the rules of the rhetorical game?

Is Reverend Wright being called a nigger worse than Hillary being called a stupid cunt? What’s his point, exactly? What are the rules of the game? Somebody help me here….actually…what is the game?

8:58 P.M.

From Drillanwr, a Finnish band called The Leningrad Cowboys:

9:41 P.M.

AP News Alert

Mar 19 12:09 AM US/Eastern

HOUSTON (AP) - The Houston Rockets’ 22-game winning streak has been ended by Boston.

9:42 P.M.

Hussein read his whole speech from a teleprompter. I wonder how he got his heart into the teleprompter without dying?

Can I no more “disown” Charles Manson and David Duke than I can “disown” the whole white race?

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29 Responses

  1. danielle

    Rev. A$SHOLE Wright is an appropriate name for that loon. Sorry, but he and Obama realllllly piss me off.

  2. Infdel

    I’ll comment about Rev. Wright tomorrow….. :roll: like Hussein said he would.

  3. Steve in NC

    I see the ad for BUSH’S WAR on Frontline. I’ll bet my ass it’s a slickly produced expose of the folly of American hegemony, with undercurrents of how we have weakened our status in the world community, how this has created more instability in the world, and it is his neo-con ideology twisted by Cheney that got us there in the first place.

    A cocktail of smoothly delivered biased bullshit that the masses drink in while commenting on it’s earthy undertones, unaware they are drinking in the fecal matter of those that will spirituality and economically enslave them.

    I’ll pass.

  4. drillanwr

    From Yesterday’s Deep Thoughts thread (which was conveniently posted after I’d signed off … late last night)

    :arrow: 007


    Larry says bend over!

    :arrow: 007 -

    AH! So, it was obviously a private message for you …

    Carry on. :beer:

  5. drillanwr

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    I’m deluged with loads of information on “BUSH’S WAR” …

    However, let me know when they come out with “KENNEDY’S WAR” and “JOHNSON’S WAR” … :wink:

    :arrow: Pat-


    Yep, I figured it was everything you mentioned last night … and then [some] … Even their title is disparaging and degrading … as usual, absolutely NO context on the truth.

    Exactly EVERY damn thing YOU have fought to keep them (Hollywood) from mutating YOUNG AMERICANS into. HBO’s comes out in July.

    You did say YA is out in June??

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    Aside from all the other unbelievable statements Wright has said, what kind of church leader says G-d Damn in front of his congregation or in private? is that not blasphemy all by itself? I would say yes.

  7. A. S. Wise- VA

    ^ Kurt
    No clergyman I know of, takes the Lord’s name in vain. Guess this must be the “social gospel” all the apologists accuse we “intolerant” Americans of not understanding–much like we’ll never understand or forgive Islamism.

    Obama is digging himself into a deeper hole today…What better birthday present could I ask for this year? :beer:

  8. Molly

    Rev. Asshole Wright is a racist lunatic. I agree Pat, that you cannot defent the church by saying they are ok, the leader is bad. It’s total bullshit. Wright was employed by the church for 36 years and they gave him free reign. :evil:

    BTW has anyone else seen the latest cover of Rolling Stone? It has this “painting” like image of Hussein on it; I swear they made it look like he’s the new Jesus, the savior of America.

  9. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: 6:15 A.M.

    So is adultery cool now? Should we all dive right in?

    No. Its not “Cool”. Adultery effects more people then anything. It changes lives forever. It breaks trust and respect. The two emotions that are most important in a relationship with ANYONE. Although the act only takes two. You need a calculator to add the lives it effects on a negative level.

  10. dtodeen

    Generation Kill:
    Ok Pat you were there, do soldiers ( I did not) have this discovery of the “horror” war or are they all like me and to stupid to realize what Hollywood wants the public to imagine.

    Platoon!!!! Syndrome

  11. PhilNBlanx

    But Kurt, we don’t understand because it’s a black thingy.

    I’m sure that excuse will impress God on judgement day.

    sarc off…

  12. LftBhndAgn

    All I had to do is listen to this mans speech and it blew the Obamabullshit out of the water…

  13. Kurt(the infidel)


    You have a point there. maybe he’ll just hit the rock and say aight playa, go on in, you’re on the list. :lol:

  14. drillanwr

    :arrow: Hey … to our “Lone Star” Stat(ers) …

    Watching breaking weather news related to your area(s) …

    Any personal updates?

  15. ticticboom


    That’s a classic.

    What’s laughingly called the ‘Black Leadership’ isn’t fit to shine his shoes. Honorable Americans like Colonel (or is it General now?) White, Colin Powell, Secretary Rice and Justice Thomas are reviled while parasites like Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright are held up as the standard for blacks.

    As long as that is the case, race will be an open wound on the American psyche. Obama will only prolong the agony.

  16. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: drill

    Everything’s still quiet down south of Houston. Apparently Dallas has been getting hit the worst but they say we may still get some heavy storms at some point this evening. YAWWWNNN! Not a big deal though. Been through more tornado bullshit than I’d like to remember.

    Hell, at least we ain’t had like a million inches of snow and ice! :lol:

    By the way, Obama’s full of shit. I didn’t listen to his crap but read it on drudge earlier (internet but no tv at work) and thought the whole time like I was being lectured about how my evil whiteness required that I vote for him to aleviate the transgressions of my ancestors. Too bad for him I’m a 3rd gen Scottish immigrant whose family didn’t land on these shores until after 1900. Meaning, I HAVE NO EVIL TRANSGRESSIONS TO MAKE UP FOR YOU STUPID SOB SO STFU! :twisted:

  17. LftBhndAgn


    Remember praying to God that the American public sees through the BS and somehow a nuke of information comes crashing down on the Obama Campaign?

    IMHO God was listening.

  18. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: ticticboom


    That’s a classic.

    What’s laughingly called the ‘Black Leadership’ isn’t fit to shine his shoes. Honorable Americans like Colonel (or is it General now?) White, Colin Powell, Secretary Rice and Justice Thomas are reviled while parasites like Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright are held up as the standard for blacks.

    As long as that is the case, race will be an open wound on the American psyche. Obama will only prolong the agony.


    Ive said it before and I will say it until the day I die. As long as you have so called “Preachers” filling young minds with crap like Wright and the ones you mentioned, you will always see race issues and the “Blame Others” attitude. After all, there is a TON of money to be made in the Race Bate game…. Where would these so called “Preachers” be today without preaching hate and blame? Just as radical clerics of Islam preach hate and intolerance, I see no difference here. How can we as a society (Black White Brown Yellow) jump over the racial bar of hate and racism when the bar is constantly being raise?

  19. larry

    :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  20. LftBhndAgn

    And then theres Larry. Hey Larry? Ever been this drunk?

  21. drillanwr

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn

    And then theres Larry. Hey Larry? Ever been this drunk?


    Bird Word Up!! :beer:


  22. drillanwr

    :arrow: Did you guys know Hussein brought his “racist” [white] granny to his speech today?

    According to powerline blog:

    [[[Throw grandma under the bus

    When seeking to extricate himself from the tight spot in which he has been placed by his long association with the spiritual leadership of Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama hauled in his (living) maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham. Obama has previously characterized Mrs. Dunham as a “trailblazer of sorts, the first woman vice-president of a local bank.” She had a direct hand in his upbringing when Obama chose to live with his maternal grandparents rather than his mother, who was then in Indonesia. Today Obama brought Mrs. Dunham into his speech for a cameo appearance as a white counterpart to the fulsome Reverend Wright …]]]

  23. Texas Mom

    Rained all day here in DFW . . . no big deal . . . it rains all the time in Texas - It shouldn’t be a frickin’ major news story - So flights get cancelled - big frickin’ deal - I think the media was trying to distract from the Obama crap . . . we get tornadoes all the time in Texas . . . NO BIG DEAL! . . . The saying here is that if you don’t like the weather in Texas just wait a little while and it will change . . .

    So I am busy today doing house cleaning and mom stuff around the house and listening to talk radio all around the house AND THEN EVERY DAMN TIME I would get interested in something Rush or Hannity or Levin was saying . . . those damn weather alerts would blurt in and it is not bad enough that the National Weather Service lets us know that it is . . . uh . . . raining . . . then the local weather person comes on to follow-up and tell us that it is . . . uh . . . raining . . . They always interupt the talk portion of the show - never the commercials and nerve the news at the top or bottom of the hour . . . always the talk portion, just when I get interested . . .

    Sorry, I am bitchy today because I am SICK AND TIRED OF BEING CALLED A RACIST JUST BECAUSE I AM WHITE AND I AM CONSERVATIVE . . . I have had it with this election crap - I have had it with these liberals - I have had it with the media. These Democrats have lost their damn minds if they think we are going to put up with this shit very much longer.

    Obama and his preacher can kiss my white conservative ass . . . someone posted that to take the Lord’s name in vain in church is the ultimate insult - it is not very Biblical if you ask me! . . . I am sick of these fools. The Obama supporters are the racists. That fat black woman coming out of Obama’s church on Sunday sacheing my proclaiming “NO COMMENT, GOD BLESS, NO COMMENT GOD BLESS.” She is a racist. All those churchmembers who did not get up and walk out of that church when he said God Damn America - They are racists, anti-America haters AND clearly not Christians.

    I have disowned members of my family because they didn’t like that my best girlfriend is black and that my daughter and her daugther are as close as sisters - If I can disown members of my family for being racists and I am just a nobody, then that damn Obama who wants to be president should be able to disown that RACIST REVEREND UNCLE OF HIS . . . He will not disown him because Obama is a racist, too. It is obvious. It is clear. I suspected it before and after today’s speech - It is confirmed. Obama is a racist. His preacher is a racist. His fellow churchgoers are racists! Anyone who expects us to believe his bullshit today is a racist.

  24. Texas Mom

    Today - so like how many flags could that cram behind Obama during his “if you don’t vote for me, you are a racist” speech . . .

    Ever notice how when Obama gives his regular out on the stump speeches, the majority of the people in the background are WHITE . . . “product placement” . . .

  25. drillanwr

    When I was a little Catholic school girl my dear superstitious Mother would always point out cracks in the inside wall(s) of the Churches we would go into …

    Mom explained to me that “every church has at least one crack in a wall … so the Devil can escape …”

    Seems the Rev. Wright’s church is devoid of any cracks in the walls.

  26. Steve in NC

    :arrow: Texas Mom, Why don’t you tell us what you really think? :beer: nice rant :beer:

  27. drillanwr

    I see Frontline is advertising “Bush’s War” on Pat’s site …

  28. Steve in NC

    :arrow: drillanwr, sounds like my superstitious polish inlaws, I had to put our new born under the dining room table when he first came home, to teach him humility.

  29. drillanwr

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    My Hungarian Grandmother would NOT allow me to go to “calling hours” or attend the funeral of ANYONE when I was pregnant with my first baby (and there were two I ended up missing … a former co-worker in radio and also a grade school mate … because she so vehemently insisted against my attending that we actually fought … so I acquiesced as to her wishes.)

    I did, however, put my foot down when she tried to tell me I wasn’t supposed to go to the church for the baby’s Baptism … that the baby’s father was supposed to take the baby to the church with the Godparents …

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