March 4, 2012

March 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

1:19 A.M.

Huffington Post put this up el serioso-style, convinced it’s evidence that Fox is indeed the evil, oppressive, anti-anything that isn’t white male Christian American, and that its female anchors ( I almost typed “talent” but that probably isn’t a good idea ) are indeed Stepford wives. I put it up because it’s a full body shot of Ainsely Earhardt in a short (enough) skirt.

2:37 A.M.

No matter how it stands on its merits, Hillary’s statement that Hussein wasn’t a Muslim “As far as I know”, was probably the best moment of political theater of the campaign. Absolutely perfect in its outrageousness, ruthlessness, shamelessness, and frankly, humor. She actually outdid anything SNL will ever do on any politician in terms of good satire, even if by accident.

Here’s the clip, along with Michelle Malkin’s take on it, and the clip of Obama reassuring everyone about his Jesus connection.

And while we’re on this topic, if this is true, then its a great story.

2:51 A.M.

It’s late.

3:33 A.M.

Hey, whatever happened to Ron Paul? Why isn’t he out humping in his home state, just to get out his “sacred message”? How much time was this guy allowed to suck up in the debates, at your and my expense?

3:39 A.M.

That dude that punched his lawyer just got six months for it. He still faces trial on the burglary charges.

3:46 A.M.

Why do I keep thinking of Mike Judge’s “Idiocracy” these days?


And this

4:25 A.M.

Geraldo harbors deep prejudices and stereotypes against white people and conservatives, plain and simple. He comes from the same place of hate and suspicion that he always accuses his enemies of.


Kinky Friedman: “I’m too young for Medicare, and too old for women to care”.

He also predicted Hillary would win Texas today, saying the Kiddie Crusade wouldn’t produce, just like it has failed to historically. He may be right, but I’ve heard that its panned out in other states for Hussein already, defying the historical record.

I will say this, it does feel like this election process has so far been stolen from adults by children.

And no matter how smart you may have been born, brains rarely are sufficient enough to compensate for experience.

If you don’t understand how the Government works, and just what the President can and can’t do, and what he has to do to get things done, to get laws passed, and if you don’t understand the challenges we face around the globe, it’s difficult to impossible to make a wise decision. Such people are easy prey for someone who can turn a good phrase, flash a bright smile, and make an assload of promises…especially if their couched in just the right politically correct tones.

5:15 A.M.

So the basic breakdown of the Weather Channel’s founder on Al Gore is that, since he’s raking in millions of dollars selling carbon offset credits despite the fact that there’s no real evidence that they work toward the end he says they do, you sue Al Gore for fraud.

He was just on Fox, promoting the whole idea, trying to move it ahead…

5:39 A.M.

“He comes from a father who was a Muslim,” said civil rights author Juan Williams of National Public Radio. “I mean, I think that given we’re at war with Muslim extremists, that presents a problem.”

5:49 A.M.


Click Here


Click Here

6:02 A.M.

AP News Alert:

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says “peace and negotiations are our strategic choice.”

6:05 A.M.

Texas expects to set an historic record today, with about 3 million people voting.

6:22 A.M.

Idiot. And they say George Bush can’t speak cogently.

6:41 A.M.

Hussein’s closest foreign policy adviser raises idea of invading Israel…


I love Joe Lieberman, but why does he sound like he has to take a crap every time he talks?

7:50 A.M.

Echoing the Zogby poll, Scott Rasmussen was just on Fox reporting that Hussein is slipping in both states, with Hillary far ahead in Ohio, and close enough to win in Texas.

Mark Penn, Hilary’s campaign manager: “Only now is Senator Obama starting to go through the vetting process that candidates normally go through,”


“There are plenty of states left. Far more states than the difference in delegates.”

8:59 A.M.

That gay-ass jealous car has got to go. I don’t know why, but it totally fuckin’ creeps me out.

9:01 A.M.

Isn’t it a little early for Alan Colmes? If you’re at work, count your blessings.

And on this topic…it’s astounding how out of touch these leftists are…they live in an imaginary world, a very, very, childlike one, until you disagree with them, and then they’re ready to drop a Jihad on your ass. Everyting’s love until you oppose them, then they’ll burn your kids.

9:10 A.M.

That Hillary toilet vid is the wrong code. I’ll try to fix it.


“obama” means “little beach” in Japanese. How absolutely right they are.


Michael Steele on Obama being caught lying to America in debate about NAFTA, and then after the fact in cover-up:

“This is Barack Obama with his hand being caught in the cookie jar. He’s trying to do the backstroke out of it now. No.”

10:15 A.M.

So, Greta Van Susteren says a few minutes ago, “The media really has an effect on these election numbers”, kind of amazed at how greatly the media is able to affect public opinion and shape elections. Well, anybody notice that the same thing is true with regard to the Iraq war?

10:34 A.M.

Let me be clear about the whole Rezko/Hussein thing. It’s not an issue of judgement, it’s an issue of committing crimes: influence peddling and accepting a bribe. Rezko bought the land next to Hussein’s so that Hussein could afford to buy the house. In return, Rezko gets political favors and influence. No one’s quite breaking the story, but they will…they’re not yet seeing it all, because they haven’t examined it in detail.

11:25 A.M.

So sad


11:49 A.M.

College student on Hussein: “His slogans ‘Change we can believe in’ and ‘yes, we can!’ have really mobilized youth to support him.”

Makes perfect sense to me.

12:10 P.M.


Try getting an anti-jihadi video up.

12:26 P.M.

So has Chavez declared war on Colombia already? Iran style, with FARC replacing Hezbollah in this equation?

There’s a thing that’ll remove hardwood floor glue from a concrete floor. It’s called a Diamond something…a big or fairly big machine…anybody heard of it? Can’t remember the word that comes after diamond.

1:53 P.M.

Uproar over The Darkening.

2:02 P.M.

Hussein’s whining hard today. @Hillary: “Running a television ad is not the same thing as being Commander In Chief!” Sniff, sniff…

2:23 P.M.

3:11 P.M.

Look at this whiney ass politcal cartoon from the Washington Post’s whiney asswhipe political cartoonist today:

Notice the invoking of the word “Articulate” to imply that Hussein’s critics are racist, and not criticizing him on substantive issues. Let’s not forget that Hussein has decided to offer no substance and make his personality, character and judgement what his campaign is all about. Well, if that’s the case, then great, let’s go ahead and make the campaign about him. Just don’t when it’s done, we’re only playing by his rules. Can’t have it both ways.

Also, in the cartoon, notice the strong condemnation of anyone who dare challenge Hussein with the word hate at the bottom.

Oh, and Jonathan Alter of Newsweek is mouthing off everywhere, linked on the Drudge Report, for “objectively reporting” that Hillary mathematically can’t win the nomination, even though she’s only 90 delegates behind. For the record, Alter is a fervid Hussein partisan, who nearly two weeks ago was on MSNBC basically demanding that Hillary quit back then.

Don’t trust Alter’s “Obama Math”.


3:33 P.M.

Did you cast your Texas vote for Hillary? Let me know.

3:36 P.M.

Not sure who’s sleazier. The 15 year-old, or the janitor. “Cancelled at the last minute”, Uh, yeah

3:49 P.M.

Hillary did it

4:01 P.M.

Super Tuesday II, baby. Polls just closed, oh, about a minute ago.

4:04 P.M.

90% of black voters voted for Hussein in Ohio. What happened to the Dream?

4:30 P.M.

McCain just won Ohio.

4:48 P.M.

I’m still standin’: Israeli’s house remodeled by Hamas


5:23 P.M.

All Texas polls will be closed in 35 minutes…

5:25 P.M.

Just in: Gangbangers shoot 2 year-old in the head in L.A.

Kid is in critical condition, it as a car on car shooting. They were trying to whack someone else in the car with the kid - there were six people in the Victim Car.

5:59 P.M.

Hillary’s now leading in Ohio at 60% to 32%. Uhm, that’s with less than 1% of the precincts counted. The long call is that by analyzing all kinds of important stuff, exit polls and analysis of the demographics of the counties already, she’s running at about dead even in the state, and victory is a long way from assured.

10:44 P.M.

I have now officially been blogging for 24 hours straight. I’m gonna be signin’ off here in just a few. Try to be up by 4 or 5 to get the fresh meat up my east coast gorillas lookin’ for their morning fix.

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33 Responses

  1. JonnyMordant

    Shuuuweeet… So, what will happen to the hem line in the next 4 years? Will it be mini skirts or Burkahs?

  2. Pat Dollard

    Somone needs to design a mini-burka. One that starts at the top of the head, and then cuts off just below the ass.

  3. JonnyMordant

    They already make mini Burkahs in Iran!

    But theirs are too damn short, they cut them off at the collar if the woman exposes a wrist!

  4. Pat Dollard


  5. Steve in NC

    Ron Paul has been lost in space…

  6. Steve in NC

    Pat, haven’t seen Idiocracy yet, read the synopsis, reminds me of Woody Allen’s Sleeper.

    You look around and see people detached from reality also?

  7. Zeke Eagle

    “As a former denizen of Harvard,” he wrote, “I’ve had to learn that a sense of reality doesn’t always flourish in elite institutions. It is the street virtue par excellence. Bus drivers can display a shrewder grasp of what’s what than Nobel Prize winners.”

    No shit, Sherlock? Obamalanadingdong! INSANE!

  8. Pat Dollard

    I see idiot people.

  9. Brian H

    So, Oblahblah or BillnHill Putin? You paid yer money, now take yer choice. :mad: :eek: :cry: :oops: :shock: :mrgreen:

  10. LftBhndAgn


    With the political climate of today and the months to come - I to wish (just like your headline for this thread) that it was already March 4, 2012.

  11. drillanwr

    1:19 A.M.

    That Brian Kilmeade is FNC’s in studio blatant, and on occasion obnoxious, cad.

    However, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t meet with him in the Xerox room once or twice …

    (Shut up … You guys go on about the FNC babes enough … My turn.)

    5:15 A.M.

    John Coleman is perfect to head the Crusade against the radical Global Warming Cult. Founder of the WX Channel blasting Gore and Co. … That’d be like Jesus coming back and speaking out against the twisted logic and reasoning of [some] Christians (and Jews) today …

    5:39 A.M.

    Careful, Juan, you make anymore sense, common or educated, and not only the libs and dems will kick you out, but you’ll be excommunicated from the “black” community …


    11:30 A.M.

    Heard by ME on my local bottom of the hour radio news:

    An Akron (OH.) area woman “of color”, when asked who she voted for in this primary today stated (and I paraphrase, but her choice of words): “I do really like Hillary … uh huh … but right now Obama be makin’ mo sense to me …”

    At THIS point, hearing something such as that, even Hillary MUST be digging her nails into her scalp and frantically wondering, “WTF?!?”

    I rest my case …

  12. warrior1

    Alright Pat, I gotta ask….

    Is that a typo for the date, or did you score a time machine when I wasn’t lookin? 2012 is a long way off bro.

  13. voice of reason

    There’s a video making it’s way around the liberal blogs showing a marine tossing a so called puppy. That puppy is a stuffed animal and can be purchased here:

  14. Texas Mom

    Pat . . . I just went to run errands and I saw idiot people, too - Here in Texas . . .

    I went to vote and they were all in the long-ass Democrap line. I just kept staring at their empty heads.

    THEN . . .

    I was in the drive-thru line at the pharmacy afterwards and a lady in front of me had two bumper stickers:

    One said “Bring the troops home, now” and one was flag of “CUBA!”

    - how appropriate for the stupid bitch.

  15. Walt

    I have long believed that “mush brain” is the PhD required to be a Democrat. When you see people gushing over Hussain, it is extremely obvious.

    BTW, I was disturbed to hear college students say (last night) that their college allows both Clinton and Obama campaign workers on campus but bar McCain campaign workers. Isn’t there a law against minipulating elections? I think votes in that area should be declared null and void.

  16. Pat Dollard

    Walt -

    Yeah, I heard that too. It was weird… waiting for follow-up, may check it out if I have time…

  17. Bob USMC

    THAT’s a real important thing going on in our country right now, talking about college campuses. This seriously needs to be addressed in a HUGE way by conservatives if conservatism, and actually the USA in general, is to survive over the next century, IMHO.

    What these marxist, hypocrite, fascist, and agenda driven useful idiot academic types are trying to do as far as indoctrinating the country’s youth is actually working to an astonishing extent and if conservatives don’t get very, very serious about changing that situation, we’re doomed as a nation. Don’t forget what Kruschev said about America will fall from within.

    The disgustingly manipulative double standard and blatant free speech censorship of the right on college campuses has to be destroyed, PERIOD. Certainly, what is and has been going on in liberal/marxist academia is a big part of what is going to eventually cause civil war here, and could someday officially end the good ol’ USA, I believe. This is a VERY CRUCIAL issue for America!! :twisted: :gun: :gun:

  18. drillanwr

    :arrow: 1:53 P.M.

    Uproar over The Darkening.

    Ah! Yes! The leftist/liberal way of using the “N” word … without using the “N” word.

  19. dtodeen

    Pat, Whats the real story on this Marine tossing the puppy? I see a fake puppy and a forgetful Marine! Anyone hear of this yet? Youtube took it down.

  20. Kerry

    I just got a visual on the burka idea, ending right at the ass-line. It’s so John Waters and wrong! Pair it with go-go boots. Oh, love it. Can’t stop laughing. And I swear I’m going to use that expression every chance I get at work: I see idiot people!

  21. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I would like to know why O’Bambam never talks about his whiteness.
    Is he not 3/4 white? :???:
    Mom full white; Dad 1/2 white I believe.

  22. drillanwr

    :arrow: Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I would like to know why O’Bambam never talks about his whiteness.
    Is he not 3/4 white?
    Mom full white; Dad 1/2 white I believe.

    I think he “changed” to all black, in “hopes” of beating the “white b/witch” into political submission.

  23. drillanwr

    In lesser news:

    “Hollywood braces for threat of actors strike”

  24. Pat Dollard

    dtodeen -

    I don’t know, man. I can ask around. I saw an ad for a stuffed puppy that looks just like it. Either way, they’re still in trouble with command. The reason: even if the dog was already dead or just a rag doll, you DO NOT make a video like that, IN FUCKING UNIFORM, clearly intended to look like the slaughter of a puppy, and then post it on a public site. Just making and possessing such a tape is negligent, because you could lose it, or have it stolen, and therefor embarrass the Corps, should it be made public. You do not make something like that in uniform, you just don’t, even if it wasn’t real. Because you tried to fucking make it look real, devils! Bad, man, bad. It’d be bad enough in civies, but in UNIFORM? Bye, bye retards.

  25. Pat Dollard

    In this day and age, all the new Idiot Power People are going to do is get a bunch of their contrymen killed, and erode our liberties to Big Brother and Big Mullah.

    It’s alway darkest before dawn. They’ve got the numbers, but we’ve got the guns. All they’ve got is a bad case of gun induced pants pissing.

  26. drillanwr

    :arrow: Mr. Dollard -

    As much break-neck blogging as you’ve done in the last couple days … especially today … I think you’re having some fucking fun with it all… :cool:

    Ya (and Bash) done good. :wink:

  27. LftBhndAgn


    :arrow: Let me be clear about the whole Rezko/Hussein thing. It’s not an issue of judgement, it’s an issue of committing crimes: influence peddling and accepting a bribe. Rezko bought the land next to Hussein’s so that Hussein could afford to buy the house. In return, Rezko gets political favors and influence. No one’s quite breaking the story, but they will…they’re not yet seeing it all, because they haven’t examined it in detail.


    After the elections tonight, Clinton’s victories, I stand on my theory from my last nights Deep Thoughts.

  28. Pat Dollard

    Yo, Left, forgive me, what was your theory last night? Oh, yeah, right that the bitch is holding the nuke in reserve. Hey, my doubts were in no way a preference I sure as fuck hope you’re right, and I will say this. If she was feeling confident about her victories tonight, then in support of your theory, there is indeed little doubt that she was indeed holding it in reserve. I hope to God you are right. That would the best thing I heard all year.

  29. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: I hope to God you are right. That would the best thing I heard all year.

    You and me BOTH! Whitewater all over again but no escape this time for this candidate..

    You had a BUSY day - go rest that eye!

  30. PhilNBlanx

    “There’s a thing that’ll remove hardwood floor glue from a concrete floor. It’s called a Diamond something…a big or fairly big machine…anybody heard of it? Can’t remember the word that comes after diamond.”

    Planetary Grinder?

    Some popular models –

    CS Unitec Inc. — EBS 180 Floor Grinder

    Draygon Enterprises Inc. — X4 and X6 Electric Planetary Grinders

    Husqvarna Group — Dual Trac RG 2112

    MK Diamond Products Inc. — MK-SDG & MK-DDG

    Werkmaster (B A Werk Industries Ltd.) — SuperColossos Planetary Machine

    I’ve got to get a life…

  31. JadedSage

    Obama’s dad is actually 100% African from Kenya.

    About the left wing college complaint. If you go into the military you will be surrounded by right wingers and you will be left wing at your own peril. If you go to college you will be surrounded by left wingers and will be right wing at your own peril. I know it is oversimplification but it fits.

  32. LftBhndAgn

    My Dear Good Man Pat:

    As the Scandal Turns: Clinton, Obama, Rezko and Whitewater


  33. Walt


    Re the campaigning on campus. This might be a good issue for Melanie and Move America Forward. She can round up a lot of people to hit the campuses with and expose this to the media (if they bother to listen).

    Re Obama and Rezko, I read where Hillary also got money from him.

    But what surprises me more is the huge sucking sound of silence on Normal Hsu!

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