March 6, 2008

March 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Yesterday’s Deep Thoughts

2:20 A.M.

Yeah, I’m up. But I’m not feelling very deep, so no thoughts.

2:24 A.M.

AP News Alert
Mar 6 05:03 AM US/Eastern

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli army says one soldier was killed in ambush by Palestinian militants in Gaza Strip.

3:00 A.M.

Well, the Times Square bombing has New York in chaos, as hundreds of thousands of commuters are now prevented from entering one of the biggest commerce and hotel sections of the city, are finding themselves locked in car and train traffic, as so many of the city’s routes are blocked, given that the Square and subways have been shut down. Fox News is reporting that witnesses saw a guy on a bike toss a bomb at the front door, and obviously, it exploded. The reports were of “a loud explosion, and a huge cloud of smoke.” Developing…

3:07 A.M.

The police have found an incendiary device, and there are reports that there may be a second unexploded device. The location of the station is 44th & Broadway.


Good chance you’ve read or heard that Hugo Chavez has sent ten battalions to their border with Colombia. What that amounts to is about 750 men, give or take. Now that’s a lot of troops, but it ain’t enough for Chavez to launch a meaningful invasion into his neighbor’s land.

11:16 A.M.

Heeeere’s Johnnny…

11:34 A.M.

Not surprisingly, that McCain Streisand clip was recorded at a Log Cabin Republican’s event. Now since these guys are always looking for double entendre name things for things ( In the gay section of west hollywood there’s a famous bar called “Trunks”. Think about it ). So, i get the slightly nauseating thought a few minutes ago about what Log Cabin means in one of the gay community’s double entrendres. I don’t think I should share. Now keep in mind to everyone who suspects I might be a hater, don’t waste your time. If I has a hater, I’d be walking on eggshells about the things I say, afraid everyone would discover the “truth”. But as there’s no hatred in my heart, no one can make me a racist based on just their charges, so generally, as long as it’s in humor, I’ll freely crack the jokes, mostly with the intent of breaking the ice that actually divides us, and/or leads to tensions. I learned something of this in the Marine Corps. I found the MC to be light years ahead of average society in having a society free of racial tensions, yet the rules were the opposite of civilian, race-torn society. Everyone was open about the topic, and would tease everyone mercilessly about the stereotypes and outward cultural and behavioral markings broadly associated with each group. You’d get pejorative name after pejorative name thrown, without invective at each other, and all manner of humor, mostly improvised, and it was the first time I felt I was in a multi-racial group where the tensions of race problems were essentially absent and therefor far from ever bubbling over. It was like everyone let the monster out of the bag to be exposed for the clown it really was, and everyone got it. Part of this, of course, is that the Marine Corps is a cult of masculinity, and one has to be able to take the teasing, and ability to fight back in kind, which is to say in a rational, in-on-the-game, sportsman’s-like manner, or display his weaknes. I think the problem with holding stereotypes and such in, leads to the bubbling of tensions, whereas letting them out with the tacit acknowledgment that they don’t matter and everyone is an equal part of the team and dependent on one each other is what does matter. It was in part a way to acknowledge that every group holds their stereotypes and criticisms of other groups, and let’s just let them out, instead of pretending they don’t exist, and then just let them explode at the first moment of tension. Not a good idea. I remember thinking that the Corps was the first society I had discovered that had figured out how to make the race problem an essentially irrelevant factor, and realized that by dropping all the PC games, admitting some truth, and allowing free expression as opposed to constricting it, were really the keys to getting past the race issues as much as humans could. But I realized that I was in a very unique place, and that it just wasn’t going to happen in the civilian world. Society has a lot to learn from the Marine Corps in terms of building a society where race as a divisive factor is as diminished as you can get it. I’m an Irish Puerto Rican. Which puts me on the lowest rungs of both the white and Hispanic ladders, and means I have a variety of other races thrown in. Just call me Mr. multi-cultural. I ain’t sensitive. I hope you aren’t either.

So anyway, “Log Cabin” = gay butthole? Tell me it isn’t so….I get the Abe Lincoln thing, but like I said they love their double-entendres….

12:53 P.M.

Bully for him…

1:53 P.M.

And today’s Weasel Award goes to…

1:57 P.M.

Change. From leadership, to liarship…

5:50 P.M.

So it was home-grown terrorism. The guys that threw the bomb at the Times Square recruiting station were anti-Iraq war nuts. But the Left supports the troops right? Here’s a photo of some of the damage:



Hey, I forget whoever gave me the tip on concrete diamond grinder two days ago, thanks. I can rent it for $100 and get the wood glue off myself instead of paying some dudes $500.00 minimum to do it. Awesome tip.

7:11 P.M.

Global Warming Scam another dealt death blow…

9:18 P.M.

Politico takes on the issue of the surprise power player in both the primaries, and by extension, the a biased MSM’s larger role in having shaped public opinion about other major issues like the Iraq war.

9:19 P.M.


WASHINGTON (AP) - GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul is hinting to supporters that he is ending his long-shot campaign for the presidency.

The Texas Republican congressman addressed supporters in a 7 1/2- minute video on his campaign Web site Thursday night and did not specifically say he was quitting the race.

He said that although victory in the conventional political sense is not available in the presidential race, many victories have been achieved due to the hard work and enthusiasm of his supporters.

He said that he hoped that one day he and his supporters could look back and say his campaign was a significant first step that signaled a change in direction for the country.

Paul said their job now was to plan for the next phase of their effort.

9:25 P.M.

Brutal land

9:56 P.M.

New target for Hamas missiles

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27 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    It was just reported that an explosion just went off at that recruiting station in the middle of Times Square.

  2. Pat Dollard

    Thank you, John.

  3. Striker_One

    Hey Pat, check out this story about RAF personnel are too scared to walk around their own cities in uniform.

    It’s sad that they are more respected in Afganistan and Iraq than they are at home. Apparently, Britain has already lost the war.

  4. dtodeen

    I love watching Uncle Hugo flex his power….well his supposed toughness. We will see, I can’t see him doing anything real, much like Iran, real tough until it is launch time. I could be wrong though, because they are of course dictators. We know much we can trust them.

  5. voice of reason

    Obama man video-

  6. Militant Bibliophile

    Wait, 10 battalions is 750 men? That’s it? That’s, what, two of ours! Gotta love wannabe Marxist dictators who talk big! What a putz.

    “Pay no attention the the man behind the curtain!”

  7. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: voice of reason

    Obama man video-


  8. Steve in NC

    ok now for a rude racial slur, Pat, your a mick spick?

    Hell, I am such a mongrel not sure what I am, got irish and german mainly, drunk nazi? someone should have a good wack at me… I was born in west virginia, that should help

    re the log cabin, that will be stuck in my mind from now on, not that there is any thing wrong with that….

  9. Pat Dollard

    I say spic mick, just cos it flows better.

  10. Bash

    Dude, its McSpic.


  11. Pat Dollard

    Bash wins. New adoption of my self-moniker.

  12. drillanwr

    :arrow: McSpic

    Is that … like … a new burrito being offered at McDonalds?

  13. Steve in NC

    Have the counter girl supersize that mcspic :twisted:

  14. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Society has a lot to learn from the Marine Corps in terms of building a society where race as a divisive factor is as diminished as you can get it.


    You are a Marine FIRST. Race issues do not belong in this society. You never know who is going to save your ass, but you know damn well its going to be another US MARINE. That is the way I see it with my husband and his fellow Marines.

    The same used to apply to Americans. Being part of the 2nd generation of an Immigrant family, I was always taught, by my grandparents and parents, we were always going to be an American first.

  15. drillanwr

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn

    Same here … Second generation from immigrants who declared they were AMERICAN first, and Hungarian when gathered around the table.

  16. LftBhndAgn



    Same here … Second generation from immigrants who declared they were AMERICAN first, and Hungarian when gathered around the table.


    Austrian, Russian & Slovak here with family still in all three countries. Family members who survived the Nazis and Communists. As much as my grandparent were proud of their heritage, becoming Americans was something that meant everything to them until the day they died. My children WILL grow up understanding it is OK to have pride in your heritage, but will how great it is to be born in this country and know they to are AMERICAN first! :beer:

  17. Molly

    The article that Striker_One posted about the RAF officers reminded me of an incident that happened to my cousin but on a lesser scale. He attends the University of Colorado at Boulder and is in the ROTC program there. One day he was walking down the street in uniform and some random woman spit on him.

  18. Steve in NC

    Just zipping around on the main page at work, and gotta give it you guys, the new layout kicks ass. :beer:

  19. Pat Dollard

    Thank you Steve, thank you very much. I’m intimidated by the fact that it looks so…mature, professional. When I hit the page and it’s posting time I feel like I have to act like I’m in church, or at least my age.

  20. dtodeen

    Hold your head high~!!! Us Micks gotta stick together, we are better then any master race!!!! OOH RAH!!! :beer:

  21. ticticboom

    God invented whiskey so the Irish wouldn’t take over the world.

  22. drillanwr

    :arrow: ticticboom

    HEH!!! :beer:

    (part Mick, BTW …)

  23. Pat Dollard

    tictic is so fuckin’ right it’s not even funny

  24. drillanwr

    :arrow: Pat -

    I think you mean FOOKIN’ right … :lol:

  25. ticticboom

    Another saying about the Irish I like is “Gentle when stroked, fierced when provoked.”

    When I was over there last year, there was a story in the paper. A guy in Ulster had been tied to a lamp post, tarred, feathered, and had a sign around his neck saying, “I am a drug dealing scumbag.” :twisted:

  26. drillanwr

    ttb -

    Well now … THAT is refreshing to hear. We might/should learn something from the Irish.

  27. JonnyMordant

    To: Patspic McDolloard, Too much I’d like to say today… I hate Material overload almost as much as a dry spell… I’ll chose a couple?

    Issues March 6, 2008

    Times square: “Who dunnit?”

    Why I thought it was Anti-War activists and not Jihadists was based on certain key factors; A) Terrorists would have walked into a crowd of civilians and blown themselves up (because they prefer to attack the innocent and weak), B) If Jihadists had attacked a military site there would be chunks of said Jihadi lying about the crime scene (gotta admit they have more Balls than our homegrown Terrorists), C) Pinkos are the driving force behind hatred of our military (Jihadists actually somewhat understand and respect our military), D) The incident had the same basic M.O. as many E.L.F. attacks here in the N.W., E) The Terrorist was on a bicycle (see: LOL! I’ve been documenting the Bicycle Terrorists for years now, I’ll even infiltrate from time to time, it’s a lot of fun… The stinky hairy chicks think I’m gay because I wont fuck ‘em and the queers all think I’m straight.. the queers are right!)

    There’s much more to this story than most realize, Code Pink/Critical Mass/E.L.F./A.L.F./Anti-Fa and numerous other Anarchist/Communist organizations have close ties through their co-membership…

    This has all been well documented, but has unfortunately gone unnoticed for the most part… Why? Because these are the little cocksuckers that toast your bagels and make your coffee every morning; No not your Cranked out Crystal Meth Suburbanized Stepford wives, I’m talking about your wannabe Hippie children working in the city at the local Chestnut Cafe! You know, the Barista with the perky boobs at the daily perk? That’s right, you know the one I’m talkin’ ’bout! So… anyways what I was saying was that, that little Bitch is probably as likely to be a Terrorist as the next little piece of Home Wreckin’ Ass you nail!… O.K., now before we stray… off subject that is, so what’s the point? Oh, yeah? The point is that these are the American Terrorists, we see them every day we live amongst these vermin… They don’t always wear their Patriotism on their sleeves (they never do), but more importantly they don’t always wear their Pink/Orange/Black/etc… uniforms! They however are easily distinguishable by their words and actions. There’s just something about a Bicycles attack that screams “No Blood For Oil”!

    Racist Jargon: “Slur slinging”

    Couldn’t agree more about the concept! Lighten the Fuck up People… This is exactly the subject that struck my mind when watching this:
    LMFAO! I didn’t see anyone trippin’ from that crew!

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