March 7, 2008

March 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

6:16 A.M.

Sorry to get started late on the posting, I was at Bash’s funeral.

6:17 A.M.

If I missed the apocalypse or something, I’m especially sorry, ‘cos that’s a story my readers should expect timely reporting on from me.

6:21 A.M.

Breaking: Hamas is claiming credit for yesterday’s massacre. Which is genius when you have a death wish. Talk about some weird thinking…

7:58 A.M.

Yeshiva Attack:



How stupid can Hamas be to see this as any type of victory? This is 9-11 stuff. Unprecdeted hellfire shall rain down upon them…oh, the Arab mind…

8:08 A.M.

When I got back from Iraq, my big treat was to buy myself a 70″ flatscreen to watch my shit on, and I used the money from the Maxim article to buy a top of the line Bose surround system. Well, the bulb has burned out, so now I have one of the world’s most expensive 70″ flat screen radios, with an Onkyo receiver. In fact, I was glad Bash posted that vid of the hot chick in the insipid Verizon commercial, cos I was listening to it for a week and thinking, is she hot? Am I pervert, she sounds 14?

8:20 A.M.

The Right Hand Girl Jihadi Killer T-Shirt photos and ads will be coming soon…so she tells me, and one should always believe a woman.

9:07 A.M.

Hussein’s Foreign Policy Adviser who called Hillary a monster just resigned. And Hussein apologized. He said “Harridan” is the only acceptable term for Hillary by his campaign.

10:25 A.M.

A Hugh Hewitt brainchild

1:45 P.M.

Colombia/Venezuela crisis put on ice?

2:05 P.M.

Drama, drama, drama…if only I could spill the beans…yet…

2:51 P.M.

You may have noticed that some of our thumbs had been looking a little sketchy, but Chad got right on it with a technical fix, and the thumbs will now show a full display of the larger picture.

4:16 P.M.

Joy! If Obama fails to get the nomination, despairing Dems may abandon the poltical process entirely…

4:54 P.M.

Fuck yeah on that “Hush, hush…” song making it onto tv for awhile. I get pumped whenever it comes on. I remember heading out of Iraq and just waning to hear “So glad we made it, you gotta, give me some lovin’…” and hug my daughter when I hit Mother America. Came home to some domestic tragedy instead. More on that on another day…

7:01 P.M.

Been tied for the last hour on the phone doing the Hollywood shuffle. Back…

7:10 P.M.

Remember this? With Franchie upset she wasn’t dead? Well…

8:53 P.M.

AP News Alert

Mar 7 10:24 PM US/Eastern

WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal judge is holding a former USA Today reporter in contempt of court for refusing to identify her sources for stories about the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks.

8:58 P.M.

Bill O’Reilly’s Patriot of the Day is:


Singer, Rihanna, because:

NEW YORK — A leukemia patient in dire need of a bone marrow transplant has found a donor after Grammy Award-winning singer Rihanna publicized her case, People magazine reported.

“When I heard about Lisa’s plight, my heart broke,” the 20-year-old singer told the magazine last month.

Thanks for the tip, Bill.

9:50 P.M

I just heard Hillary utter that typical inanity: “Force should be used as a last resort, not a first resort”. Complete horse shit. By natural law and moral responsibility, force should be used as a necessary resort. First or last is irrelevant. What happens if you’re on resort #12, and haven’t gotten to the “last resort” yet, and the other party unleashes force on you, because you’ve been yammering in the hope they’ll stop threatening you? Shouldn’t you have struck first, once it became clear that force was necessary, no matter how much time you could’ve still kept “negotiating”?

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45 Responses

  1. momps

    Bash’s funeral? hoping that you’re using that as a sarcastic inside joke or something

  2. Steve in NC

    momps, Pat freaked us regulars out months ago with a posting of his murder.
    Apparently Bash has been bad, and one of these days, it will not be a joke. :gun:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    And thats no bullshit. the last time i really thought Bash was dead.

    Well the targets are picked out, who wants to bet the Israelis will probably be adding more to that target list. I hope they drive those tanks until they reach the sea. Push those Pali assholes right into it.

  4. Bash

    I was sick as a bitch last night, the whole bullshit fever chills thing.

    Better today. I cannot be killed.

    I died on Dec 17, 1991 at the age of 29.

    Everything is gravy now, and my departure date is in 2063.

    I will see the destruction of Jihad.

    :beer: :gun:

  5. momps

    That’s a relief :eek:

    as i sit here at my computer doing my 8-5 I often want to go and see to the destruction of jihad myself. still teetering between going marine officer reservist or not.

    :beer: to all the soldiers out there. you have my respect.

  6. dtodeen

    Breaking: Hamas is claiming credit for yesterday’s massacre. Which is genius when you have a death wish. Talk about some weird thinking…

    This is something I have always thought, but afraid to ask in a PC world. I just always knew someone thought like me.

    BTW: how long before this little excursion is stopped in a NBC heavily reported UN meeting trusting the blue hats as peace keepers? And once and for all why don’t we let Israel play this out and crush them. Seems only logical since Hamas, Hez will never stop. The mentality is a mind blowing PCP trip! Same as the bully on the corner, beat the shit out of him and then we all will get along, ground rules set! AHHHHHHHH!

  7. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Breaking: Hamas is claiming credit for yesterday’s massacre. Which is genius when you have a death wish. Talk about some weird thinking…

    7:58 A.M.


    Now they are saying they did not do it.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    Cheers to 2063 :beer: that would be a good long life

    Drill? where are you?

    Im sending you all some love to the north in the form of snow. we’re supposed to get over a foot today and tomorrow with over 2 foot snow drifts. already looks like a blizzard out there

  9. drillanwr

    Bash is dead … AGAIN??!!??

    Damn it! You guys just like seeing me in that clingy black dress and F-ME-heeled black pumps!

    Knock it off, already!

  10. drillanwr

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    Your “love” is deadly … for somebody … could be you, man :twisted:

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Drill

    Thanks to your description above i just might fake my own death lol Grrrowl!

    yeah this snow is getting crazy! i dont wish it on anyone. im wondering when spring is coming, damn phil the groundhog just had to see his shadow :roll:

  12. steve m

    Bash, you related to Kenny on South Park?

    See y’all at the End of Jihad Party. I’ll bring the ham.

  13. Mike F.

    Bash, I thought The Day the Music Died was Feb. 3, 1959? What can you tell us about Dec. 17, 1991?

  14. LftBhndAgn

    Kurt(the infidel) & drillanwr

    I will be cutting my grass today. 2nd time this week. :mrgreen:

    Glad your feeling better!

  15. drillanwr


    We get no spring … Remember, we go directly from shit-storm winter to 90 degrees … Our birds are damn vultures in Ohio …

    :arrow: steve m

    Bash, you related to Kenny on South Park?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer:

    I dunno, Kurt … If we get all the snow they are calling for I might have to replace the F-ME-heeled pumps with the shiny black F-ME-heeled boots … I hate making these kinds of decisions …

    Hey, just heard … B-HO’s flunky that called Hillary a “MONSTER” the other day in the not-so “off the record” interview resigned … He probably would have had to have her shot if she had actually called Hillary something … BAAAD!

  16. ticticboom


    New York City Needs Us
    As you all know, I was lucky enough to be invited to the christening of the USS New York this past weekend. It is doubly disturbing then to have the recruiting station in Times Square, the heart of Manhattan, bombed by an act of domestic terrorism. We at GOE are therefore, calling all Eagles and supporters in the Northeast to join us as we stand in support of the troops stationed there. We will gather at 1230hrs until 1600hrs, this Saturday, 8 March in Times Square to serve notice that our troops do not cut and run, and neither do we. We recognize that most of you do not live within easy driving distance of NYC, so we are asking that everyone else don your military or patriotic garb and visit your local recruiter station. It is important for them to know we love and respect them, and will stand with them always. New York City has, once again, been the victim of terrorism; this time of the homegrown brand it appears. This despicable act can be laid right at the feet of the vehement anti-American groups we have countered so often. They have made it okay in the minds of some to attack recruiter stations and deface our war memorials. We must not allow this to continue! I have contacted law enforcement agencies in several of the cities where recruiter stations have been previously targeted. They assure me that security has been stepped up. Respectfully, that is not enough. We must show support publicly and proudly for our brothers and sisters in uniform. This is our line in the sand. This nonsense will stop. I look forward to standing with you all again and appreciate your unqualified support. I love New York. Manchu.

    Chris Hill
    National Director of Operations


    I’ll be at Times Square tomorrow. I really hope some hippies show up. It’s been too long since I beat the crap out of anyone.

  17. Kurt(the infidel)

    :shock: I say cheers to both options in the F-ME collection :beer:

    So BHO is now a victim in the political correctness game. Lost his advisor for calling Hillary a monster. how about ill call her a monster and lose absolutely nothing :lol: oh the joys of being a citizen.

    and another question, hussein and foreign policy, that could be considered an oxymoron right?

  18. TBinSTL

    :arrow: Pat
    I’ve been around the track a few times on the burned out bulb thing on my big DLP TV. If you need any tips gimme a holler brother. I can walk you through some stuff and save you some money if it’s out of warranty. My bulb from RCA was going to be $600+labor but I figured out how to do it for ~$100. No special skills required, just tools from any decent tool box.

  19. Pat Dollard

    Thanks, TB, I think I got the extended warranty. Gotta find it when I find time. If not, I’ll HOLLAH!

  20. Jeanet

    @ Drillanwr;

    Can I order from the F-ME-catalogue. Need it before March 28th. Got a military anniversary that day with some civvie-VIP’s and lots of military-VIP’s. Amongst them some close buddies of mine. Need to make “my guys” proud as hell :lol:

    Informed my Captain yesterday that this date might hold some “surpises” for the whole event. It’s the same day Wilders’s Fitna-The Movie will be aired.

    I just hope my dad won’t make this match. He’ll be scared and will ask me to stay home. NO WAY!!! Won’t stay off the barracks. If “my boys” can make the ultimate sacrifice so pinkos and leftist scum can open their mouth without punishment (abusing the freedom of speech, that is), then I can’t stay home or away from any military festivities where that ultimate sacrifice will be honoured the way it should be. In a sad, humble but also proud way.

    I’m just not the coward The Netherlands seems to be these day. I won’t bow my head for threats and I will step into the lions den voluntearly at this special day.

    I DO hope there will be body-search though :twisted: So, give it to me, that F-ME-catalogue. ‘Cause I need to look F-ME-DEAD-stunning :mrgreen:

  21. drillanwr


    Come on, hun! … Yunz guys “invented” F-ME over in your neck of the woods … :smile:

    Kurt -

    Yeah … shit-storm is an understatement. Just got back from DRIVING in the crap … Brought back memories of “bumper-skiing” from high school … THAT’S what’s laying on our roads up here … and still coming down. Folks going into “shutdown” mode … Good thing it’s the weekend. I ain’t even bothering to shovel the crap off the drive … not with 10x more coming.

    MUST GET BEER, though, before it gets too bad … :mrgreen:

  22. Kurt(the infidel)


    I stocked up last night. got plenty of beer, cigs and a few good movies. its going to be a long weekend. im sure i can put together a good enough buzz to make it a little more fun at least ha. they are talking about a foot and a half now

  23. drillanwr

    :arrow: Kurt -

    Snowed-in for the weekend … You forgot the girl … How else you gonna [contribute] to the “oops!” traffic in the hospital delivery rooms 9 months from now??? :lol:

  24. drillanwr

    BREAKING ********

    Jabba lives to fight another day …

    Venezuela backs down from Colombia

  25. ticticboom

    @drill & Kurt:

    Here in the city we hardly get any accumulation, buildings get fined if they don’t shovel the sidewalk, and I can get :beer: delivered in any weather.

    Did I mention that I can get :beer: delivered? :mrgreen:

  26. drillanwr

    :arrow: ttb -

    Kurt’s got the beer …

    Can you get a girl delivered to him? “Snow-Bunny” suit a MUST. :mrgreen:

    Corner of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky …

    Got your back, Kurt! :beer: :gun:

  27. ticticboom

    Now that I think about, you can get girls delivered here, too. Where’d I put that Village Voice?

  28. drillanwr

    :arrow: Kurt -

    Just UPGRADED us from Winter Storm Warning to BLIZZARD WATCH …

    Busty … er … Gusty winds coming in with the snow.

    (Gusty Winds) … Always thought that would be a good name for a stripper.



  29. LftBhndAgn

    I got a little sun burn cutting the grass today. :beer: :mrgreen:

  30. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Drill

    We have a blizzard warning down here. its actually kinda freaky to be honest with you. I live in the woods and when you walk outside you cant even hear yourself think. wind is just unbelievable. trees are blowing all around and we’re supposed to get another foot between now and tomorrow afternoon. good luck to you up there.

    :arrow: ticticboom

    you’re a lucky person. wish i could have women and beer delivered to me. but i gotta get in the truck and drive down a country road :lol:

  31. drillanwr

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn -

    I hope you get grubs … :twisted:

  32. Steve in NC

    PAT CHAD !
    leave the cropped thumbs alone, I thought they were intentional, sort of edgy, with just a hint of what is inside. Gotta click it find out. Leave it, trust me.

  33. Pat Dollard

    Steve, we don’t all have the same quality ganja.

    But I’ll think about it.

  34. Pat Dollard

    It’s funny though, cos I was thinking “Jesus, everyone must think we really don’t have our shit together over here”

  35. Sandy

    “Sorry to get started late on the posting, I was at Bash’s funeral.”

    :cry: :lol: My heart almost stopped for only a second that time!


    “How stupid can Hamas be to see this as any type of victory? This is 9-11 stuff. Unprecdeted hellfire shall rain down upon them…oh, the Arab mind… ”

    They are insane. :sad: I hope the hellfire rains down very soon. It has been way too long already. It is time for Israel to just do it. No mercy. No restraint. I have a very difficult time understanding why they haven’t yet.

    @ ticticboom

    Club a hippie for me! :wink:

  36. LftBhndAgn

    —-> drillanwr

    LftBhndAgn -

    I hope you get grubs …


    :lol: Yeah, Im a bitch sometimes.. Its ok.

  37. drillanwr

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn

    Well, as I was reminding Kurt earlier, we go from winter to 85 in a heartbeat.

    So, we got that to look forward to.

  38. ticticboom


    Funny, I actually have a shirt that says that:

  39. Steve in NC

    ok, not on my phone, at a computer, and checking out the thumbnails. I was right.

    As I type this the sadr pic is cool, while the waterboarding and code pink pics are distorted and lose detail.

    I used to be a photographer until I found out I needed money, and have looked to Diane Arbus as inspiration, that is until her suicide…. but anyway, that is my opinion.

  40. Sandy


    I love those shirts and I am not surprised that you have one! Have a good time and make sure you fill us in on the details of the day.

    (Oh, :oops: I love the Jihadi Killer shirts more though!)

  41. Steve in NC

    ticticboom, gotta send in some pics. a bloody hippie would be nice.

    some sign ideas from protest warrior:

  42. Paul in Iowa

    Pat - here’s a tip: Buy a Spare Bulb. I told my brother to do so and he wouldn’t listen. Then *bink — no TV. So he had to wait for one to be delivered.

    Do ya think he’s learned his lesson? Nah, still doesn’t have a spare on hand.

  43. Pat Dollard

    Alright Steve, I’m taking your recommedation seriously, but let me think about it. And thanks for even making the Goddman input.

  44. drillanwr

    :arrow: Bash!

    You (and Pat’s site) just got linked on Flopping Aces, dude! Your video promo …

    :arrow: 7:10 P.M.

    G-d speed, Mrs. Thatcher

  45. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: drillanwr


    You (and Pat’s site) just got linked on Flopping Aces, dude! Your video promo …


    How cool is that! :beer:


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