March 8-9, 2008

March 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Friday’s Deep Thoughts

Earlier Deep Thoughts by day

3:33 A.M.

I’ve had it with the euphemism “identity politics”. It is what it is: racism or sexism. The word got suddenly invented this election season when blacks and women had to make sounding like casting their votes based on race was normal and good, instead of racist, sexist and bad. And if we accept their theory, than they should applaud whenever white men vote for white men just because they are white and men, and not only not complain about that, but encourage it. And hey, why stop at voting? Why not jump on the black and female bandwagon, and institute identity hiring just as enthusiastically? And how about taking the fun of it all, all the way: identity schools, identity neighborhoods, etc., etc. Hell, why not just break America up into an unaffiliated group of identity countries?

3:33 P.M.

By the way, anybody this weird politeness seeping into political TV talk shows. Alan and Sean are being very nice to each other, they are making self-deprecating jokes about their political biases, and overall guests on all shows are taking more care to not talk over each other etc. Maybe it’s a primary season thing. Maybe

Also, it’s astounding to me that the MSM is getting so clearly busted on and in the MSM itself for bias ( NY Times/McCain, Everyone and Obama, being prime examples ) but no one has made the point that we should roll back the clock a little to examine if the same phenemenon was going on during the Iraq war. (yes, dear readers, I know we all know the answer to that, but I’m talking about the MSM-dependent public at large). In other words, why is it so easy to see that the press is completely untrustworthy when it comes to reporting about Obama, but no one has pointed out that the same ridiculous bias existed in the MSM’s coverage of the Iraq war? Some folks of real note in tv news need to really raise and flog this point, so America will take a second look at the whole war.

The exposes I have to write about some specific journalists are going to be very eye opening to a lot of people. Especially with the withnesses I have to back me up.

4:00 A.M.

Why are hot college co-eds suddenly getting whacked right and left?

6:21 P.M.

So that Leftist rag “The Guardian” is doing an in-depth portrait of me and the project, as I’ve mentioned before. Just got done with an extensive email exhange with them. Should hopefully be a “Slam the bloodthirsty crazy conservative piece” - love those ‘cos they just discredit themselves with all their bias. But who knows, may be fair. I don’t know if I do press with folks like this cos of the challenge of walking into the lion’s den, or because I like to expose them for what they are, and learn a lot about their techniques. I don’t know, I just find it fun engaging like that with someone I know who’s looking for something to hate in the first place. Plus when they lie, they just set themselves up for lawsuits. But I liked the guy, let’s see where it goes, can’t lose either way.

And bizzarely enough, they love me in Brazil. What the fuck is that all about? Your guess is as good as mine. But I’ve interviewed by six different papers down there. I just want to meet the ultra-hot brazilian porn-star “Mona Lisa’, so maybe I can use it all to exploit that angle. My biggest confession of I guess shame: I cancelled a meeting with the top Victoria’s Secret model cos I had to leave for Iraq the first time. Before you start hating me, just remember, those days are long gone. I now live the same middle-class suburban life I grew up living.

This is the girl I cancelled on to go get blown up. She wanted to be an actress, that was the point of the meeting

6:51 A.M.

The Decline Of Western Civilization, Pt. 67, 984

7:25 A.M.

Hussein accepted a $610,000.00 bribe from Tony Rezko, and i’m about to break the story wide open…developing,..

11.47 A.M.

Yo, I’d been up working up all night, passed out a few hours ago. Just got up. The game is back on…

12:55 .M.

Hell, yeah

12:56 P.M.

Sucks losin’ an hour, eh?

1:23 P.M.

Hussein’s National Security Adviser: He’s stupid.

1:47 P.M.

Man, it’s a slow motherfuckin’ news day….so far…

5:16 P.M.

I’m a YA workin’ fiend this weekend, y’all. BTW, the Ramadi section my be retitled “Hell On Earth”…

5:42 P.M.

Apple’s Soundtrack and Soundtrack Pro are pretty good shit. Ended up composing a few touches myself.

10:38 P.M.

Just wrapped up a call with another Chicago Hussein source re: Rezko. Man, this is getting DEEP….Hussein needs to be glad the end is nearing now, instead of later. It’s being Rezko’d instead of resigned, which will be his only option…developing…

10:52 P.M.

Not so good…

March 9, 2008

1:25 A.M.

Ever found yourself seized with a case of rage - free-floating, unattached? Not even the kind you act upon; you don’t yell, you don’t throw shit, you move and function with essential normality, productive, not even particularyly distracted but full of rage. And then it grows even greater, at least to some degree, as the realization hits that your own behavior is likely as responsilble for it as both circumstances and the behavior of others? And the whole thing feels like an epiphany doing a slow striptease before your eyes?

6:03 A.M.

Hillary won 5 out of Wyoming’s 12 delegates. The Felon won 7.

Ainsley so kicks ass over Gretchen. Sorry. Nothing personal against Gretchen, she’s too stiff and mom-like. Not really “with it”, as the kids like to say.

And special Kudos to Griff Jenkins, who was a very supportive pen-pal to me when I was in the thick of it in Ramadi. I’ll take some credit here in that I told him he was going places back in the day when they gave him so test runs on the camera. The guy’s straight fucking funny, and it’s good to see him come into his own on the network. He stands out just cos he’s got a good gift for comedy and is exceptionally witty, as opposed to the stunningly beautiful but loud obnoxious camera-hog Megyn Kelly. I’d love to see Hemmer just straight shush her insecure and trying too hard ass one day. A straight smack might even have it’s place, he said with an evil smirk on his face.

And oh hell yes, Courtney Friel. I thought that broad was going to be like a lot of chicks I dated, hot as fuck, semi-articulate, but pretty much as dumb as the provervial box of hair. But she’s consistently funny, and uses her up-front sexuality in an entirely classy but effective way. Plus I admire her drive. You can tell this is a chick who knew exactly what she wanted, and fought the good fight to get it.
You could line up a 1000 chicks smarter than her, but her good-person vibe, determination, humor and serious attitude about her job is inspiring in that she clearly never let her weaknesses get in the way of her determination to win the game. She’s like the sex-pot version of a good Marine. Keep slaying, Courtney.

And before you’ve got anything smart-ass to say about the fact I’ve got Fox News on so much, keep in mind that keeping track of news, is, oh, my freakin’ job.

I took about twice as many Advil P.M’s as I should’ve, feeliing a little Heath Leadgery, and loading hydroshockis into my USP tactical, while typing and shaping some of the deepest of deep thoughts yet plumbed. OOhraah.

Last time I saw Heath was like a scene out of a David Lynch movie. It was at a retro-burlesque club, this Brazilian chick, who Ivan, the clubs owner told me was “The Michael Jordan of Burlesque dancers”, was doing the Salome reveal to a live post-modern band of Fedora sportin’ jazz greats, Heath and I were downing whisikey and bemusedly trashing all the freaks around and my neck suddenly gets while Sting sat on what was literally a private throne with Judy Stiler on his lap, as a gross river of drool poured down from their chins as they made out live 12 year olds on their first date, either trying for attention or trying to seem very loose, and “cool” to be so “down to earth” and too cool to care. Heath and I kept sneaking out to finish off my pack of smokes. The last I ever did with him was hand him tobacco and booze. Never saw him again. Nice guy, very funny. Goddamn stupid he’s dead. “Therapeutic levels” of some downers. WTF?

6:38 A.M.

Dear Mr. Maglite: Thank you.

12:02 P.M.

Just got up….

2:09 P.M.

Excellent Times Square protest photos from Tic Tic Boom…

6:28 P.M.

Okay, I’m a dick ,cos I don’t have many female heroes, but this is definitely one:


And yeah, she’s the most beautiful conservative pundit working, but that ain’t why I listen, that part’s just a bonus. The “fearless” tag has been used to death, but her other two great attributes are a real sense of humor and a nearly infallible incisiveness. That’s why I listen.

Try taking public bullets for your team every day, putting your heart and soul into preserving the integrity of your country, simultaneously raising two children in a hands-on fashion, and doing it all without an obsession for a “fabulous” lifestyle. Plus, for all intents and purposes, she was the second person in history to break Geraldo’s big fat nose.

The Baltimore Sun looks at the Great Lady. “Michelle Malkin may seem like any mild-mannered blogger in her Baltimore-area home, but she’s reviled by liberals like almost no one else online”

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61 Responses

  1. Zachary

    Why does the page title read “March 8, 1933″?

    Also, political correctness only applies when social progressive want to attack somebody. It’s just dandy when they want to do something sexist or racist though.

  2. Steve in NC

    Not sure about the co-eds, but seem it only makes national news if they are cute and white.
    The president of the student body at Chapel Hill was executed. Fatal shot to the temple.
    Maybe gang initiation?

    When my kids go to college they will have a laptop, ccw and sidearm.

  3. PhilNBlanx

    “identity politics” - What Shelby Steele labeled as the “politics of difference” in a 1993 eye-opening article in USA Today. That sow has grown so obese, I’m not sure it’s possible to put the hog back in the pen.

    Excerpt - “The black power movement encouraged a permanent state of rage and victimhood. An even greater failing was that it rejoined race and power–the very “marriage” that civil rights legislation had been designed to break up. The leaders of the original movement said, “Anytime you make race a source of power you are going to guarantee suffering, misery, and inequity.” Black power leaders declared: “Were going to have power because were black”.”

    “Is there any conceivable difference between black and white power? When you demand power based on the color of your skin, aren’t you saying that equality and justice are impossible? Somebody is going to be in, someone else out. Somebody is going to win or lose, and race again is a source of advantage for some and disadvantage for others. Ultimately, black power was not about equality or justice, but, as its name suggests, about power.”

    “When blacks began to demand entitlements based on their race, feminists soon responded with enthusiasm, “We’ve been oppressed, too!” Hispanics maintained, “Were not going to let this bus pass us by,” and Asians stated, “We’re not going to be left out either.” Eskimos and Native Americans quickly hopped on the bandwagon, as did gays, lesbians, the disabled, and other self-defined minorities.”

    “By the 1970s, the marriage of race and power was firmly established again. Equality was out; the “politics of difference” was in. From then on, people would rally around the single quality that makes them different and pursue power based on that characteristic. It is a very simple formula. All you have to do is identify that quality, whatever it may be, with victimization, which is itself, after all, a tremendous source of moral power.”

    “The politics of difference demanded shifting the entire basis of entitlement in America. Historically, it was based on the rights of citizenship elaborated in the Declaration of Independence and the US. Constitution. This was the kind of entitlement the original civil rights movement leaders claimed for blacks–recognition of their rights as American citizens to equal treatment under the law. They did not insist, “We deserve rights and entitlements because we are black,” but “We deserve them because we are citizens of the United States and like all other citizens are due these rights.” The politics of difference changed all that. Blacks and other minorities began demanding entitlement solely based on their history of oppression, their race, sex, ethnicity, or whatever quality that allegedly made them victims.”

    Full article -

    I apologige for the length; However, understanding many readers don’t chase links and the importance of the issue Mr. Steele and you (Pat) raise, I thought it important to understand at the mininum the origin of the concept (idendity politics/politics of difference) and post it here.
    This distortion of the original request/demand by civil rights leaders of equality granted in the Declaration of Independece and US Constitution has become so entrenched in the mainstream that much like supposed global warming the debate is over…sanity lost. Mr. Steele highlights this reality in his article by repeating a conversation he had with an English Professor that also was (the proud) head of a woman studies program. You will have to chase the link for that story….it’s worth the effort.
    The United States of America is rapidly becoming the Divided States of Special Interests. And yes….the demedia has since the early 70’s and still today leading the charge.

  4. Zachary

    That was a fantastic post, PhilNBlanx.

    I’ll be sending that article to some friends of mine. :beer:

  5. Steve in NC

    :arrow: PhilNBlanx :beer:
    Posts like yours only contribute to my Dollard online addiction.

  6. Goodbye Natalie

    As long as the double standard exists for white American males, especially those heterosexual and conservative, where we are judged by one set of “fairness” criteria and every other race, creed or color by another, I will gladly wear the racist, sexist award as a badge of honor.

    I’m not apologizing for happening to be born male, white, and American. In fact, I wouldn’t wish it any other way. Oh, and I refuse to hyphenate my American name with some meaningless distance ancestry. Don’t expect me to recognize yours because I am going to hold you to the same set of judgmental criteria you apparently want me held too.

    What’s good for the goose…

  7. drillanwr

    :arrow: Goodbye Natalie
    I refuse to hyphenate my American name with some meaningless distance ancestry.

    Most of us “white-folk” are mutts and would have multiple “hyphens” … so WE usually ARE the [ones] who find it welcoming and easy to just throw it all in the stew-pot and “melt” it all together and forge it into “AMERICAN” …

    While there are certain pure and mixed breed (dogs) [hyphenated breeds] that are great, I have always found the most loyal, devoted, and wise are the mutts.

    G-d Bless! :beer:

  8. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: PhilNBlanx

    BEAUTIFUL post!

  9. LftBhndAgn

    March 8, 1933

    FDR - gold standard was safe?

  10. drillanwr

    :arrow: acu -

    Nice job, mate :beer:

  11. jgee

    not alessandra!?!

    Oh, by the way… there was a hilary clinton photoshop contest on a moronic website I check out from time to time…

    I thought some of these could be great news headline pictures on here…

    the girls with tattoos on the homepage isn’t too shabby either

  12. Jimmyb

    She wanted to be an actress huh? :twisted: You were about to pull some casting couch shenanigans there Pat?
    I swear to god, if you reply with anything other than affirmative on that Pat…… :mrgreen:

    Shit just looking at that picture, I’m about to pull on something myself :shock: :lol:

  13. drillanwr

    What [some] college kids find entertaining, I guess …

    Sent to me by my college daughter:

    Watch the video and see if YOU can recognize “historical” wars/battles … After the video, scroll down and view the list depicted.

    HEY! I’m snowed in here … Sucks, alright!?!


  14. Steve in NC

    PAT, is the March 8 1933 reference to the Leticia dispute and the league of nations?

  15. Pat Dollard

    Who was Leticia and what was her beef with the League of Nations?

  16. Pat Dollard

    Jimmy b -

    To this day, I think about the fact that of all the shit I lost in this war, that meeting was some of the worst of it. I think I got more PTSD from skipping it than almost, almost anything else.

  17. Jimmyb

    Yeah man, that shit must haunt you, but hey like you said, they love you in Brazil, so maybe you can make up for it. It’s always a good thing to be ” loved ” in Brazil ! :razz:

    I’m an ” ass ” man myself, I think if I went there I would never come back. Good Lord……

    The only problem is, I was born in El Salvador, so I look like every other motherfucker from central/south america and those chicks won’t be all gaga over me like they would the traditional ” american ” white boy, so what are you gonna do you know? charm them with my witty repartee…..that or my big fat co……oh sorry :mrgreen:

  18. Steve in NC

    the Leticia dispute was peru v columbia and the league of nations intervened
    first example of the blue helmet type of intervention
    was a charade though also, as the troops were Columbian but uniformed like an international force

    it’s also the birthday of Johnny Dollar

    who’s quote I found made me smile:

    “I don’t play games. I’m a for-real son of a bitch,” declares Johnny Dollar, slugging back a shot of Wild Turkey, no chaser.

    just wondering if the date was significant of anything..

  19. drillanwr

    :arrow: Kurt!

    Boy! Where are you?

    Guys, Kurt’s area got slammed harder than my area … We may have to send in troops to dig him out before he runs out of :beer: :beer: and ammo :gun: :gun:

  20. Kurt(the infidel)


    Im around. took me 6 hours to dig out today with a shovel and a snowblower! we got about 15 inches of snow with 3 foot snow drifts everywhere. This is my first blizzard and ill never forget it. I did run out of beer. I tied a pretty serious buzz on last night then took my dogs out to play in the snow :lol:

  21. John Cunningham

    We can say, we played Broadway.

  22. drillanwr

    :arrow: John Cunningham


    Talk, buddy … Don’t make us waterboard you …


    :arrow: KURT!!

    You’re alive! Beginning to worry if “Nicholson” got you out there in the frozen hell …

    Finally moving out of my area, but windy and cold as hell … Level 3 “NO DRIVING” restrictions in some areas (up in Stark County where my daughter is at college … she says the snow is up past her knees) …

  23. ticticboom

    Just got back from the rally at Times Square. We went to a bar afterwards. I was the last to leave, a fact that will surprise no one who knows me.

    No hippies showed up, but a few moonbats made an appearance. I got into it with one of them, along with John Cunningham. She was wearing an Obama pin, had a South American accent, and was going on about making the terrorists our friends. I was pointing out they want to kill or enslave us, but she didn’t want to hear it.

    John started making a point, saying, “They want to kill the Jews-” when she interupted and said, “Just the ones in Isreal. Once they’re gone, we can make peace.”

    I kind of froze up, and while I was restraining myself from beating her to death with the flagstaff I was holding, I found myself laughing hysterically. I guess it was either that or get charged with manslaughter.

    Shame no one was recording that conversation.

    Pics when I get around to it.

  24. drillanwr

    :arrow: John started making a point, saying, “They want to kill the Jews-” when she interupted and said, “Just the ones in Isreal. Once they’re gone, we can make peace.”



    These people are truly fucked in the head(s)!

  25. John Cunningham

    Drillanwr, it was an eye-popping, jaw dropping moment when she said what she said.. I have a hoagie coming in a few minutes, I’m starving, just four pints all day. Wow, that was fast, he just knocked on the door. Food.

  26. Kurt(the infidel)

    Wow only the ones in Israel. that is a scary ass statement. people are seriously fucked up and that statement proves it with no room for doubt

  27. Sandy

    :arrow: ticticboom & john cunningham

    You guys have a remarkable amount of restraint and I am glad. We need you out here fighting the good fight!

    Wow. It sure is amazing how people like that “think”.
    I hate to even use that word for them.

    The B.O. supporters are frightening. If he even gets near the WH we will be in serious trouble.

    I hope they all like taking it up the a$$ because that is all we would ever get as a result and 9/11 would be considered a small event compared to what would become of this country with that assclown in office.

    :arrow: Pat

    “Hussein accepted a $610,000.00 bribe from Tony Rezko, and i’m about to break the story wide open…developing,..”

    BLAST EM PAT! :gun: :beer: :cool:

  28. ticticboom

    Okay, I’ve been screwing around with MSN. I think I’ve got the photos posted online:!81216ABC4B7EFC0!110/

    Tell me if the link doesn’t work. If it does, feel free to post them here, Bash

  29. Jim Carlson

    Staying on theme, that was a fantastic essay. I would like to expand on the subject by quoting an extract from a speech given by Woodrow Wilson, on 25 Sept 1919, in Pueblo, Colorado.

    “I have gained a renewed impression as I have crossed the continent this time of the homogeneity of this great people to whom we belong……..and I cannot say too often that any man (person)who carries a hyphen about with him (her) carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this great Republic…”

    The speech was long, and admittedly these words were taken somewhat out of context, because he was lobbying for the League of Nations at the time—forerunner of the U.N. He had a great mind, but unfortunately could not foresee the unintended consequences of placing our nation in the hands of those foreign nationals who would like to see us taken down.

  30. Jim Carlson

    I’ve scanned the posts, and don’t find any answer to the question regarding the date at the top of this column.

    My guess is that it would refer to the Beerhall Putsch in Munich by Adolph and his buddies just about 65 years ago.

    I would have been 8 years old then, but recall my folks talking about it.

  31. drillanwr

    ttb -

    Great pictures. Thank you for sharing.

    You and John did good representing those of us who could not go. :beer: :beer:


  32. ticticboom

    In case you can’t tell from the pics, it rained. A lot. And a hundred people still showed up, on only 48 hours notice.

    All without socialist billionaires funding everything or a legion of too-lazy-to-get-a-job bums with nothing better to do.

  33. drillanwr

    :arrow: ttb -

    You got “waterboarded” up there …

    Kurt and I are buried alive down here and still digging out.

    My husband ran into someone after work today. The guy had taken his wife to Cleveland airport and had to go back up to get her because her flight got canceled.

    He said the pilot refused to unhook from the boarding ramp because he knew it would be too bad to take off and could see the planes sitting lined up on the tarmac (some for HOURS) ….

    Anyhow, he was a good pilot. Told the passengers to go ahead and get up and stretch their legs while they waited still docked to the building, and even told them they could leave the plane and go back inside the terminal until further notice.

    After awhile everyone was inside and they heard emergency vehicles arriving near their plane …

    Here, the de-icing truck had over-heated and caught on fire, and the fumes had gotten into the cockpit and made the pilot and co-pilot sick … They were carried off by EMTs …

    Finally closed the airport.

    For all yunz folks mowing your lawns in flip-flops and shorts:

  34. Pat Dollard

    John and Tic - I salute you.

  35. A. S. Wise- VA

    Pat, I can’t imagine how difficult it must’ve been to choose between filming the documentary, and meeting with that hot babe. But you are doing a noble deed, and my hat’s off to you for choosing the difficult choice.

  36. mike3481

    Pat, just went to that little bitch Harry’s blog via the Guardian, here’s hoping your, eh, legal team are Pit Bulls and they tear that little, smarmy Bitch into obscurity, never to be heard from again :!: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  37. Sandy

    @ ttb & John

    Thank you for the pics and for being there!

    Just like that one Gathering of Eagles sign said.
    We really are ~ “Fighting the Insurgency at Home”


  38. John Cunningham

    The NYPD at about 1pm did an about thirty car, complete with sirens and lights show of support riding past the Recruiting Office. Seventh Avenue and Broadway run south so they ran their cruisers along both sides of the traffic island we were on.

  39. mike3481

    March 9, 2008

    1:25 A.M. :arrow:

    Pat, yes I’ve been there, now get some sleep, America needs you, no kidding. :beer:

  40. POD1

    :arrow: ticticboom and John Cunningham

    Great job guys, wish I could’ve been there.
    I didn’t know Suffolk county even HAD a Conservative party.
    Thought I was all alone on this sand bar.
    Have to look into it. :cool:

    :arrow: Pat,
    Why didn’t you call that pretty young thing after you got back from being blowed up?

    I know your a tad busy right now but if you want her,
    go get her.

  41. Steve in NC

    Thanks to ticticboom and John! I appreciate your standing for our troops and nation.

    any of you guys in the pics?

    the comment about killing all the Israeli jews does not surprise me, that concept has been vocalized before. Israel is the problem and if it was gone so would the whole threat of islam.

    That sack of meat was honest in the killing comment, most just talk about the removal of the jews, I have heard this from lefty family members I have.

    Removal?, how to be done… final solution?

  42. John Cunningham

    Steve in NC, I detected an accent, perhaps she was a pali. Also ran into one last Sep in DCs GOE counter demonstration of the realists (us). Speaking of accents I walked up to 42d from33d when I first got there and walked the same route to get back to Penn Station at 4pm. Accents every where. It was funny when I first got there. I had just gotten up to the mezzanine level when I first got to NY. There was this well dressed guy walking toward what I first thought was his wife waving his hands. This is not a slam at blacks but, I’m sure everyone will understand that since so many of them talk to each other in that manner that he was you’re not sure if there’s danger or are they just having conversation. Turns out the poor woman didn’t even know him but I turned to continue on and had just made a few steps and I heard people calling out loud, “police, police” Two NYPD and Guardsman were on him in seconds. You could tell he had done prison time because he did all the proper positions in the dramatic flair one would do if they had done time. They cuffed him and then everything was back to “normal”. I love NY. And I do, if I ever hit the big one I’d move there in a heartbeat, get an apartment on Central Park North on the 50th floor so that it looked like Central Park was my front lawn and probably never leave the island. But, I don’t even play the lottery anymore so it’ll never happen.

  43. Kurt(the infidel)

    I cant wait for this Obama-Rezko bribe story to come out. Its about time someone drops a bomb on this guys hopes to become disaster in chief. Get him Pat

  44. LftBhndAgn

    Starting This week in 1966 the #1 song.

    SGT.BARRY SADLER - The Ballad Of The Green Berets

    March 5 “Ballad of the Green Berets” SSgt Barry Sadler
    March 12 “Ballad of the Green Berets” SSgt Barry Sadler
    March 19 “Ballad of the Green Berets” SSgt Barry Sadler
    March 26 “Ballad of the Green Berets” SSgt Barry Sadler
    April 2 “Ballad of the Green Berets” SSgt Barry Sadler

  45. Jeanet

    :shock: , no mowing lawns, no drifting snow either.

    My neighbour took me out last night. He figured I needed it, being locked up for weeks in my house. So, went over to this Egyptian-meet-thingy. (They sell what we call “shoarma”.)
    It was cozy and we had lots of laughter ’till a guy became “too friendly”. He just went on, ending up placing his arm from the back around my throat.

    I kicked his ankle and bit his arm. He wanted to hit me. My neighbour wanted to counter him but by that time I’d already kicked the idiot in the balls.(I hope he’ll get rabbies :twisted:)
    Thought we would get kicked out but as it turned out the owner was a close friend of my neighbour. They dropped the scum outside :mrgreen: .

    After that a Muslim asked me how I thought about the Quran and Fitna - The Movie. I think he liked me after chatting for an hour, offering me a 2,5 K loan to start up breeding Arabian purebred-horses again. I declined with dignity.

    Tried to re-write my last will today with the 28th of March in the back of my mind. And, succeeded to dig up a figure-accenting dress for that same date. (Straight out of the F-ME-catalogue. :wink: @ Drillanwr.)Got my mind set on the killer-heels I saw in the store last week. (Remembering myself for my prophetic words some years ago;”When I go, I’ll go with a BANG!!!”.)

    Short for - Just another dull weekend and all quiet on the front.

  46. Jeanet

    Just remembered Kurt is livin’ “in the woods”.

    Please, don’t start talking to those trees, going snow-crazy :cool:

  47. PhilNBlanx

    Great job John and Tic. Big Kudos!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

    “All without socialist billionaires funding everything or a legion of too-lazy-to-get-a-job bums with nothing better to do.”

    What!?! Not even any Vegans or Peta idiots showed up to protest the leather?

  48. drillanwr

    :arrow: Jeanet

    Good for you! And congrats on the “dress” find. Always look your best, girlfriend, no matter what …

    Yeah, Kurt and I, and others, are dealing with winter’s fury … Good times … GOOD TIMES, eh, Kurt? :roll: But hey, 90 degrees and tornado season is right around the corner … So, we got THAT going for us. HEH!

    :arrow: What!?! Not even any Vegans or Peta idiots showed up to protest the leather?

    Wait … ttb and John, there was leather??!!??

    Damn! I knew I should have harnessed-up the dog sled and made my way to Time Square …

  49. drillanwr

    Just found these over at …

    For those less fortunate than me and Kurt.

    Check out the Cleveland Indian’s baseball park … heh! Any wonder they finally closed down the airport yesterday.,4644,3513,00.html#10_55

  50. ticticboom

    Here’s video of the rally:

    Of course there was leather. Bikers aren’t Code Pinkos.

  51. Steve in NC

    :arrow: Jeanet, I think I love you… :wink:
    You have grit, but you have me worried with that talk of a will and March 28th.

  52. drillanwr

    ttb -

    Thanks for the video link.

    You guys rock(ed)!!!

    Even a patriot doggie!!! :beer:

  53. Kurt(the infidel)

    I am seriously looking forward to 90 degrees even if it means tornado weather. I am finally able to make it off the “mountain” today and things are going better. had to restock the beer fridge. and it just felt good to get in the truck and go for a little drive.

    :arrow: Drill
    Being a Reds fan i think the Jake looks better covered with snow lol cool pictures though. looks like they really got it also

  54. Jeanet

    Drillanwr said:
    Good for you! And congrats on the “dress” find. Always look your best, girlfriend, no matter what …
    For “my guys”, I do my utter best. “Good” won’t work, “Better” ain’t enough, “Best” would be an insult. Only “Surpreme” will do.
    So I talked my dad into a short-lived loan to get them killer-heels :razz:
    “My guys” deserve to be talked about in the best way possible. If I, being the entourage that day, can contribute to that, I darn well will. I want that glow to spread over them so afterwards they’ll feel as proud as can be.

    Had the luck to find the same gadget I sent to the supreme Dutch commander last year. While doing that radio-intervieuw last November I told about, it was brought up as a subject. The commander, was my BC for 2.5 years, talked about it, bringing a lot of laughter at tough times, using it also to bring some spirit when needed and how the gadget was used to frolick around. Unfortunatly, it was broken, makes no sound anymore, but yet got handed over to the new commander as a welcome-token.

    I’ll meet this supreme-commander again on that March 28th, only to surprise him with the same but new AND working gadget. Can’t wait to see his face and hear how he’ll react :mrgreen:

    I saw the pictures ticticboom talked about. Just awsome. (Bowing my head humble with lots of respect to all those who gathered there to show their support. Man, that would never happen here in The Netherlands. Just shows again what Americans are made of. Strong backbones that is. Let me salute you!!!.)

    Steve in NC said:
    Jeanet, I think I love you…
    You have grit, but you have me worried with that talk of a will and March 28th.

    Steve; stop thinking. Seems I blind, deafen and mute lots of men. Only to leave them behind totally flabergasted by the time I’m done. I’m a health-hazard :twisted: (Just ask Pat, gnagnagna.)

    As for the rest of your comment;
    Don’t worry. It’s all part of the job. But let me explain it as good and clear as possible, ’cause I can’t reveal certain info.

    Here, on Pat’s site, lots of info can be found on the current situation in The Netherlands and elsewhere considering the airing of Fitna - The Movie from Geert Wilders.

    Let me put it this way:
    Apart from our govenment who only seems to abide and give in to threats, bringing on childish and cowardness reasons, the man in the street is afraid what the Muslims will do on this airing date. (B.T.W. They DO want the movie to be aired. If only because it’s for the freedom of speech.)

    Law and behold, not a scene has been shown yet, but in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and other countrys The Dutch people are “devils and need to be stopped and punished according to sharia-law”.
    Oh my, I’m a trembling wreck already. (NOT!!!!!)

    Fact is that from these uproared and exstremists places lots of “plans” CAN reach certain groups in The Netherlands by e-mail and mobile phone. In short; things are brewing. Whether it will be just a good soup or a lot of shit will stay hidden in the shadows ’till this day has arrived. You got my drift? ‘Cause that’s all I can say about it.

    By coïncidence, at the same day a certain honourful festivity will be held at the barrack of “my guys”, accompanied by lots of civvie-Vips and military-Vips. I’ll attend these festivitys because it centeres around the work I’m doing for the army.

    I breefed my Captain about “our” date and the fact that airing the movie likely will be at the same day. (”Likely” I said, because the airing-date has been changed already a few times. Could happen again.)This was last thursday.

    Don’t know what will happen. Depends also on what will happen the two upcomming weeks world-wide. But, security-messures have already been tightened throughout the country since last friday.

    Their’s not a hair on my head that thinks about NOT going to the barracks that particular day.
    Both my grandparents were heroes in their own little ways during the German occupation. Both my parents witnessed that, taking it up as a role-model. And so was I brought up.
    Yes, it’s good to face the hazzards, think about the risks etc.. But staying home, being a coward? NEVER!!!!! I refuse to bow my head for threats and terror nor will these lessen my freedom to go wherever I want to go.

    Maybe for sheer security-reasons the festivities will be held at another date. (But I’m sure, knowing some of the peeps involved, they won’t like that. They are like me; we don’t bow our heads for terror and threats being made. We are no cowards, we stand tall and proud.) The ministery of Defence will have the last word about it.

    But there’s no way around it, from March 28th on especially military compounds and barracks will be an even more dangerous place to be then ever before. Also because during uproars the link is made over and over again between Dutch troops taking part in Iraq and now a days in Afghanistan AND the Wilders-movie. Any military-related object would make a great target. Like I said, not only on this particular date but from the airing-date of the movie on.

    One has to be prepared for the upcomming events and therefore take proper actions. In this case that means; Probably being faced with upcomming and maybe increasing danger at the places I work and being the stubborn woman I am, not staying home ’cause then I would be a coward and give in, it was a good idea to have another look into my last will.

    Got no family left except my 78 year old dad. I don’t want him to be confronted in a “worst case scenario” with all the turmoil. I need a good written en well explained, into every detail that is, scenario so he won’t need to be bothered with ridiculus stuf.
    He’d rather have me to stay away from the military for some time ’till things have cleared and softened up a bit. But he also knows my heart lies with the 13 Infbatlumbl RSPB. And, I’ll never to be able to walk away from the path God has in mind for me. Wheather I’ll die from my illnes, a car-crash, a bom-attack or turn 83, He will have His reasons for it. As He had His reason to send me on a path, paved with sorrow, loss and greave, leading me towards those who needed my help, going trough the same hard-ship, bringing me to “my guys” who needed my experience how to deal with that sorrow, loss and greave. “My guys” who had to go trough the worst nightmare a soldier can come across; innocent, but still being held responsible by most for the death of over 7000 men and boys in July 1995 in former Yugoslavia.

    Hence: “Tried to re-write my last will today with the 28th of March in the back of my mind.”.

    In my story, there are a few “blanks”. But I have no doubt about you being more then clever enough to fill those in.

  55. ticticboom

    Here’s a youTube video I found on Red State. “Obama - Building A Religion”:


    As I always say, a confident attitude and a weapon in your had will get you through just about anything. I don’t know what the laws are over there, but purses are perfect for concealed carry. Most guys are stuck with fanny packs, although I can fit most pistols in a front pocket easily, but getting a concealed carry permit in NYC is damn near impossible.

    Can’t wait to see if the Supreme Court decides we can have the Second Amendment back.

  56. voice of reason

    This is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Make sure you get through 0:55. I’m crying laughing so hard..

  57. drillanwr

    :arrow: Pat -

    Re: Michelle Malkin

    You hit it spot-on.

    The libs/left cannot battle her in content, so they resort to emailing to her some of the most racist, vile and evil insults and threats I have ever seen (she, on occasion shares some with her blog readers …).

    She IS a brave hero on many levels … :beer:

  58. drillanwr

    :arrow: voice of reason


  59. Jeanet

    ticticboom said:


    As I always say, a confident attitude and a weapon in your had will get you through just about anything. I don’t know what the laws are over there………..

    No weapons allowed in The Netherlands. But you will have to accept to get killed by a weapon, the purp going to jail for some 6 years ’cause “he had a bad youth”.

    Even a police-officer will have to face trial for using his weapon when his wife is raped in his house in front of his eyes. The purp will probably even get a hefty payment for being shot (at and survived).

    Dutch laws, they fuck :evil:

    When a soldier on a mission shoots a Taliban, our government pays his family lots of money. The soldier can be charged for attempted murder.

  60. Steve in NC

    voice of reason.. thanks gonna laugh all day..

  61. Bob USMC

    Michelle Malkin is a true hero and a great American! I had the honor of telling her so in person and I also got to meet Bryan Preston, who now produces Laura Iingraham’s show.

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