Mealy-Mouthed Kos: They’re Making Hussein Blacker!

March 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


You know, I would give a nice chunk of change to be able to just get in the same room with that mealy-mouthed little faggot Kos.

In case you haven’t heard he is accusing the Clinton Campaign of darkening and widening Hussein’s picture to make him look blacker.

Holy Photoshop, Batman! Looking at the pics, it would appear so, but you know what?

I mess with pictures in Photoshop all fucking day long, and sometimes pictures appear on my screen lighter than normal and sometimes they don’t exactly fit the criteria for the size I need for a pic for an article, or for the post thumbnail or for the video thumbnail or any other type of work for that matter, and I am constantly adjusting dimensions and altering saturation and contrast and hue and brightness all fucking day long…

This Kos puke is Chicken Little. As much disdain as I have for the Clintonian Political Machine (disclaimer: It is possible that they could have done this I won’t deny that), I really don’t think they were trying to do anything other than adjust the freaking photo.

Would be good for a laugh if they had done that, something nobody would ever admit to, but when I first saw this story my gut told me this was just that little puke squealing like a suckling piglet.

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3 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Kos is a little punk. thats for sure.

  2. EDinTampa

    So what is the big deal? Black is beautiful!

    Look what libs did to Joe Lieberman’s picture and had it posted on the huffpo.

    Hell, didn’t time magazine even put Impeached Clinton on the cover with black skin?

    There are so many pictures that are altered why complain.

    Also, when they put on make-up for the debates and TV appearances, isn’t that altering your picture also?

    WHINE, WHINE, WHINE! That is the left for ya…

  3. Trialdog

    Bash, you are missing an opportunity here. Instead of educating Kos, encourage him. Tell him he’s right; the Clintons did darken the photo. They did it because they are racist fearmongering. And tell him its just the beginning. Drop a hint that the Clintons are going to steal the nomination from Hussein by manipulating superdelegates, and orchestrating the revoting in Florida and Michigan now, and only now, that Clinton has momentum - surely, Hussein would have won those states if their votes counted the first time around. Let Kos’ head explode with conspiracy theories. The crazier he gets, the crazier the Dem fight gets. The crazier the Dem fight, the more votes for McCain. We want absolute total anarchy at the Dem convention. Please, let these people be themselves.

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