Memri: Al Sadr Retiring

March 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Well, Reuters had a much less dramatic take on Al Sadr’s letter to his followers, but apparently, an Arab publication translated by MEMRI does not. In fact, they say the game is over…and he says part of the reason is that he failed (his own word), to beat the Americans.

Muqtada Al-Sadr Announces He’s Retiring From Leadership Of Sadrist Movement, Sequestering Himself

The leader of the Shi’ite Sadrists in Iraq, Muqtada Al-Sadr, has announced in a letter to his followers that he is stepping down from his position, distancing himself from people, and focusing on his studies.

He explained that he was doing so because he had failed in carrying out his father’s will to liberate Iraq from the occupation and turning its people into believing Muslims.

He wrote that the continuation of the occupation, the many who were distancing themselves from the true path, and their turning to politics and affairs of this world had motivated him to sequester himself from human society, in order to carry out his obligation to Allah and not to add sin to the crime.

Al-Sadr called on his men to obey the committee for managing the affairs of the Sadrist movement and all Sadrist institutes, and its representatives that bear the name of the Office of Al-Sayed Al-Shahid – which is named after his father, Ayatollah Muhammad Sadeq Al-Sadr, murdered in 1999 by the regime of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.

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13 Responses

  1. franchie

    I am afraid that this man is lying, it is ratherone of his tactics to get the full power later on

  2. Caligula

    okay… so he’s gonna go preach hate-speech and raise a new generation of terrorist… fan-freakin-tastic!!

    wait… add “sin” to the crime? WTF?!

  3. drillanwr

    So, Mookie … Where’s the retirement party, bro? Is it BYOB?

    :arrow: ticticboom -

    I’ll let you [handle] the traditional retirement “Gold Watch” (tick-tick-tick …BOOM!!!) :twisted:

    You know, the Japanese Samurais had the right idea when facing dishonor and defeat …

    Find a nice sharp sword, fucker …

  4. franchie

    I don’t know how much credit we should allow to this analyse :

  5. Faith of Judas

    fuck. People follow this man, he’s eloquent and charismatic (apparently)

    with his retirement, it could easily become an excuse for his army to start acting of their own will.

  6. Kevin M

    I say shoot the bastard. It’s not like anyone important will miss the SOB.

  7. Q_Mech

    Outstanding. Discouraged, discredited, and largely out of the power game - this could be the best possible outcome. If we offed him, he’d be a martyr as a prominent religious figure. The best thing he can do for us is operate as a self-admitted failure.

  8. Evestay

    maybe the food poisoning was a plot on him so that he fears for his life and is retiring ;x

  9. ticticboom


    You’d be amazed at what a few ounces of Semtex in the right shape can do. :twisted:

  10. LftBhndAgn

    Here is a better source -,1,6821825.story

  11. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    This guy is one of the most evil looking people I have ever seen.
    He is retiring? Ya, and I’m Santa Claus.

  12. POD1

    Does this mean he’s moving to Florida?

  13. DC

    @ Evestay

    “maybe the food poisoning was a plot on him so that he fears for his life and is retiring ;x”


    “Bad dates”………………………

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