Michelle Obama Fills In For Bill Clinton

March 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Swamp:

Just last month, Michelle Obama was remarking at a fundraiser for her husband, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama: “In the past week or two, another candidate’s spouse has been getting an awful lot of attention.’’

Not any more.

It is no longer Bill Clinton, husband of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who is drawing the headlines. This is, in part, by design, following a spate of comments by the former president that may have hurt his wife’s candidacy more than his own continuing appeal on the campaign trail helped.

It is now Michelle Obama who, with her own comments in recent weeks, may also have created more controversy than comfort for her husband’s candidacy.

Last week, the Illinois senator’s wife complained in Ohio that opponents are invoking the candidate’s middle name – Hussein, the birth-given name of his Kenyan grandfather – as a political wedge aimed at instilling ethnic hostility. The name, she said, serves as “the ultimate fear bomb’’ in the contest between Obama and Clinton.

Earlier this month, campaigning for her husband in Wisconsin, Michelle Obama declared: “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” She probably would have said that a little differently, had she had another chance. “I’ve got to be careful not to be the story,’’ she told a reporter aboard her campaign bus. “Because it becomes a distraction to the broader issues.”

The question, for Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton, may be how much distraction from the broader issues they have created at critical junctures in the campaign – or whether Michelle Obama has helped focus voters on some of the underlying cultural dynamics in this titanic contest.

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9 Responses

  1. Jimmyb

    Fear bomb? Money bomb? what the fuck is that supposed to mean? What the fuck happened to American politics? It’s all a joke to people now. It’s a fucking three ring circus with corny catch phrases and all :roll: Shut your suck and know your fucking role woman, your NOT running :evil: , your husband is….. unfortunately

    Again… apologies to the Ladies…. :mrgreen:

  2. drillanwr

    I have that suit … Looks a hell of a lot better on me … three sizes smaller.

    Seems BOTH Husseins are empty suits.

  3. Irish Gal

    Gee, I wish she’s keep her mouth going… :roll:

  4. drillanwr

    :arrow: Irish Gal

    No danger of Michelle running out of “things to say” …

    She IS the new THKerry.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    she doesnt need to be standing in front of American flag. I have been proud of my country since the day i was born.

    I hope she just keeps running her mouth. let more of her true feelings out

  6. nate

    Yes, I think she “slipped’ up on this one..

  7. Mark

    When she said she was not proud of this country till now, I was no longer a potential Obama Republican. If she wasn’t proud until that moment than she was ashamed her entire adult life and if that is the case I do not want her or him in the White House.

  8. just posting

    “Because it becomes a distraction to the broader issues.”

    Obamas whole campaign strategy is adistraction from the issues :mad:

  9. ron

    She looks just like one of those strung out crackheads. She will be like a lead weight around his neck. since he can’t swim he will sink right to the bottom.

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