Michelle Obama Spews More America Hate: Calls It Land Of Ignorance

March 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


About the 1:20-1:30 mark I had to go puke. This anti-American racist bitch pissed me off.

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30 Responses

  1. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    :gun: :twisted:

    Just can’t even think about this bitch being the First Lady of the United States of America..

    Where did I put my barf bag.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    You facist bitch. You and your husband made 1.6 million bucks last year in the country you bash. Think you could do as well in a third world country? I doubt it.

    And how many degress do you have and from what university?

    You freaking asinine jerk. This country has been good to you and that husband of yours. Instead of denigrating it all the time, why don’t you try supporting it and celebrating it…instead of always trying to divide us into class and race.

    You’re no uniter anymore than your husband or Jerimiah Wright are uniters. You’re a divider…you need to lose this election…And so far, it looks like you probably will.
    And it’s your mouth and Wright’s mouth and your support and Barack’s support for such racist nonsense that’s doing your campaign in.

    Good riddence when you’re gone.

  3. Jim C.

    I listened to the whole thing.

    Re your thread title, yeah, that part was stereotypical, but it seems to me she was applying it to the audience and her supporters as well, black and non-black.

    I didn’t hear anything in this video we didn’t already know: the condescension and arrogance, the hypocrisy, the paranoia (relatively mild in this instance), the sense of entitlement, the “challenging” cliche, the failure to mention her benefiting from affirmative action. Not news, unfortunately.

  4. TO (typical white person)

    Someone should do a comparison of MO and BHO’s speeches and see if any material is lifted from preacher Wright’s past speeches. A back-to-back play back would be awesome.

  5. Cridhe Saorsa

    She sounds really racist to me. SOmeone needs to push her outside of her comfort zone.

  6. mike3481

    She says she wasn’t proud of America until recently.

    Yeah, now that she’s got a shot at being 1st Lady of the U.S.A.

    She wasn’t proud until now?

    Imagine the narcissistic, superiorist, ego-centric, me-type personality the woman has. :shock:

    We want that in the White House? :shock:

  7. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    Im sick of the Obamas! shit. cant we hurry up with this campaign, let McCain take his seat in the oval office and say one last fuck off to these two. :evil:

    Racism doesnt seem to exist here at the dollard nation and that is a major testament to all of us. And we’re pro-military and in almost every case i would say conservative. Wow what a concept. we’re supposed to be the racist ones and yet all of it is coming from the left

  8. Maynard

    Obama needs every ignorant vote he can get.

  9. Goodbye Natalie (racist, fascist, militant cracker)

    Can you imagine this witch and her lightweight husband deciding your health care future, in charge of the military, deciding fiduciary issues? If Obama is one of the smartest people in the world then I’m Solomon. What a joke!

    You got into Princeton woman because some more qualified candidate was shoved out the door, probably cause of the color of their skin…

  10. Jason's dad

    Initially I gave them the benefit of the doubt. But that was quite awhile ago. At this point there isn’t anything she or her husband could say that would change my very negative opinion of them. I no longer watch or listen to anything from them, or about them. They unfortunately reinforce what I have observed often. Which is, that a significant percentage of blacks are racist towards whites. Not for any logical or real reason. Solely for perceived past transgressions (way in the past!), either real or imagined. Truly anyone who would vote for Hussein (who is an inexperienced, arrogant, racist, anti-American, hypocritical, lying, leftist clown), has to be brain damaged. Considering that both the House and the Senate will most likely stay in the Democrats hands, we cannot afford four years of this insipid fool. To say that the USA would be FUBAR after four years of a Hussein/Democrat controlled Congress is an understatement of epic proportions. McCain wasn’t my first choice, that’s for certain, but he is the ONLY choice now in my opinion. I’m not willing to spend four (or more! How did Bill get elected for a second term?!) years letting Marxists (either Hussein or Billary) plunder our military, raise taxes to unbearable levels, and force us into mandatory socialized health care, etc etc etc.

  11. deathstar


  12. old11B

    …..A white, oriental, and Indian, look in the mirror and see themselves.

    …..A black looks in the mirror and sees his skin.

  13. A. S. Wise- VA

    Yeah, keep opening your mouth, you unappreciative bitch.

  14. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Oh, good … It won’t play for me …

    I really can’t afford a new computer monitor right now anyway. :gun:

  15. JCD

    Keep opening your hole Michelle Hussein, thus hastening your husband getting stomped in November. Just keep ‘em coming.

  16. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    If what she said was true, the only way her husband could work on Capitol Hill would be as a janitor.

    The very fact she’s making this speech is proof she’s lying.

  17. DC

    That’s all I ever hear from these asshats!

    Change?…..to what?

  18. momps

    didn’t she recently say in a speech how proud she was to be american… bitch

  19. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :evil: Hey what-ever your name is Mrs. O’Bambam, STFU.
    Hey how about picking a country, go there. Give up your American citizenship, take all your money with you. Take your kids too! They are no doubt spoiled rotten by now and take that guy who thinks he can be president of the U.S. with you, his name? O’Bambam of course.
    By-the-way, I’ll pay for your way to get there, just promise to never come back. I’ll even send you first class just to show how much of a good guy I am.
    I need a freaking beer. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  20. alyssa

    When American black and socialist radicals realized they were going to get nowhere with guns, they decided to fake being “typical, America-loving, Americans” and win through the balllot box. But as John Lennon once said, “One thing you can’t hide, is when you’re crippled inside.” This is why she cant shut up. Fuck these leftist fuckers. They are not taking over our country.

  21. rightangle

    “To everything (Change Change Change)
    There is a season (Change Change Change)
    And a time for every person, underprivileged.”

  22. Irish Gal

    It’s about us, you know, me and Barry….

  23. warrior1

    I got some spare change to go with her ignorance. She really could have worded that better.

  24. mess

    She thinks it’s America that has a racist problem. Sounds like she’s the one with the problem.

  25. lllllllllllllll

    She hates this country, and should just go live on another planet. She and her husband are the racists. AMERICA! LOVE IT, OR GET OUT!!!

  26. JJIrons

    I have no problem with black folk. Color isn’t the issue, at all. God did not create an inferior race.

    This hellish mindset is the problem. It is unfortunate that it *seems* (giving the benefit of the doubt) to prevail amongst the black community and in particular the demoncrap party. Liberalism, communism, socialism=Hussein and his wife. What junk.

  27. alexjensentx

    I wish they never took the plastic off of America…

  28. Trindam

    I can see Jim C’s point after listening to the entire thing, however I do not completely agree with him.

    I also found it rather interesting when she was talking about who was going to decide your healthcare or who is going to choose your retirement.

    Well personally, atleast now I can choose my healthcare insurance, and now I can choose my type of retirement in many cases.

    Under the Dems what choices would we have? Lets see, for healthcare you have the government. Ok, so how about retirement. Oh the government there too.

    Personally, I would rather be able to make my own choices than to leave it completely up to the government to to tell me how I’m going to receive healthcare, or how my retirement is going to be setup.

  29. PhilNBlanx

    Shouldn’t she be in Bezerkeley or out on a ledge at the least?

  30. chay

    “People are comfortable in their fear”???????

    What is comfortable about fear you dumb bitch. Fear by definition is an emotion causing great discomfort…Duh!
    That’s one problem with Affirmative Action: It sure has elevated a lot of dumb bitches to positions of prominence.

    She probably was telling the truth when she said Hussein was the smartest guy you would ever want to meet. Compared to her, everyone must seem like a fricken genius.

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