Miracle Of Allah…Flying Ragheads!

March 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Nods to JonnyMordant.

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14 Responses

  1. Jackal3886

    Damn, both those fuckers got some good air time! :twisted:

  2. GregGS

    even camel fucks get their 15 minutes, or more thanks to You tube.

  3. Kufir Ken

    Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jihadi jackass…

  4. Mart (just another infidel)

    Bet that left a mark. :beer:

  5. One Shot

    I’d say that it’s a pretty safe bet that they won’t be trying THAT shit again… :shock:

  6. Infdel

    Seatbelts people, seatbelts!

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :roll: Where’s my magic flying carpet Akbar; you dumb-ass?

  8. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :roll: Where’s my magic flying carpet Akbar? You dumb-ass!

  9. RememberOurFathers


  10. Mark Tanberg

    watching people die is not fun no matter who they are.

  11. Pat Dollard

    Mark, I must say I disagree with you. I know that saying that makes me look like a joker or bad-ass poseur, but my experience watching some really bad people go down, left me not with what I think can fairly be described as either just a rush or clear evidence of insanity. Watching the deaths of evil men at close quarters, I felt and have crystal clear sense-memories of what I think is best described as joy. My purpose in writing this is that I recognize that it is both an astounding and to many, disturbing and counter-intuitive phenemenon. Which to me is fascinating, and therefor worth mentioning. What it boiled down to for me, was the immediate feeling that Marines and civilians lives had been saved and watching these guys go down produced what I honestly have to say was a rush of joy - again, not merely a rush of adrenaline or something else as reductive and simple as that. I didn’t have to intellectualize it or rationalize it later to make me feel good about the killing the Marines were doing. I really just remember instantly, light-speed instantly, feeling thrilled and thinking, “fuck yeah, that motherfucker isn’t killing anybody tomorrow”.

  12. Indy

    :arrow: Kufir Ken

    Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jihadi jackass…

    :lol: :lol: LMFAO !!!

  13. Dr. Jerry

    Uh…a 10 and a 9.5. Not to bad a score, for amateurs, I’d say.


    Your response to Mark Tanberg is not only accurate and honest, but the feeling of most who have seen combat or been in Law Enforcement. It is also a correct interpersonal feeling for those who have experienced the disasterous trauma of the murder of a loved one. There are some individuals or groups that need to be killed, wiped out, or destroyed, for the sake of humanities continual existence. Without those individual(s) deaths society could never enforce its laws, expect peace, or enjoy a cohesive society.

    Jehovah commands Moses and the Israelites, just prior to the death of Moses in the Wilderness, in the Book of Deuteronomy 17: 6 “At the mouth of two or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death; be put to death…” Even the God of Heaven proclaims that there are those who are worthy of death.

    So, in reference to those Haji’s, who are flying through the air, in the aforementioned video, I say: Pop goes the weasle!

  14. CBL

    Jihadi Jackass, that is fucking hilarious :lol: :lol:

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