More Hypocrisy From The Left - Dimwit Dan Abrams And Mealy-Mouthed Kos

March 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


So, the liberal left, represented here this morning by the moronic Dan Abrams and the whiney brat Kos, wants to start calling people who followed Rush’s “Crossover Voting” strategy “UnAmerican.”

You remember…Rush urged Republican-registered voters in Ohio to crossover in that state’s primary and vote for Hillary, in order to draw out the Dem nod race, thusly creating a greater rift in the Democratic Party, revealing more dirt on both Democratic candidates, and as a result swaying the Independents and Uncommitteds in the General Election to vote for McCain.

“UnAmerican!” the lefty lib nut-jobs say. “Felonious!” they scream.

Here, check out Dimwit Dan…

More hypocrisy from the Left. Because their very own mealy-mouthed weaselly liberal puke mascot Kos, recommended that Democrats do the same thing in January with the Michigan Primary. He urged the Dems to vote for Romney for the very same reason, entitling his little piece “Let’s Have Some Fun In Michigan.”

Nods to Hot Air.

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7 Responses

  1. Lock and Load

    Someone needs to welcome these idiots to the game…. both Hussein and Hildabeast have been asking Republican voters to do the same thing in phone messages for weeks - these spoiled brats just can’t stand their own tricks being used against them - to good effect - by none other than El Rushbo, their avowed enemy ( I think they hate him more than the Al Queda crowd). The Dimwits thought they had it made when they used this tactic to blow away all of McCain’s adversaries, so right back at ya, bitches!!!!!!

    Statistics are already being published showing that Democrat registrations are off the chart in some of the states that have recently had primaries - thanks to “Commander in Chief” El Rushbo’s OPERATION CHAOS!!!!!! :twisted: This is going to be lots of fun before it’s all over……. :mrgreen:

  2. blastdad( typical patriot)

    Sure pisses off the kooks when we play THIER game better than they do!!!!! HA HA HA :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  3. momps

    I’ll say it again…Ohio is open primary. I didn’t sign an affidavit. who’s to say if i did that i wasn’t able to. i could register democrat for a day, a month, a year?!? If one of the candidates pissed me off a day before the election i could still vote for their opponent. dems are cry babies

    wait…voting to affect the outcome of an election?!?! isn’t that the point. stupid…

  4. CJ

    Asshat’s should not be allowed to reproduce :gun: :beer:

  5. Mark in WA

    After watching this clown Abrams in his first installment regarding Rush, I watched again last night. Mistake. Waste of time.

    However, it might be interesting to see how an Orwellian investigation of the voters in Ohio would turn the public further away from the party of surrender.

    @CJ Couldn’t agree more. Fine use of adjectives.

  6. Howie

    Can’t we all just get along????????

    This is a joke! I agree that if it is good for the goose it should be good for the gander as well.
    And if someone signed the affidavid and added for one day then there was no lie, and if the election officials did not catch it then shame on them!!

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    “So, the liberal left, represented here this morning by the moronic Dan Abrams and the whiney brat Kos, wants to start calling people who followed Rush’s “Crossover Voting” strategy “UnAmerican.”

    Yeah, especially after the Dhimoids encouraged their own to cross-over and vote for McCain.

    Dhimis like to play dirty, but can’t handle when the same stunt is pulled on them in return.

    I wouldn’t put any stock in anything Abrams says, that guy is a dulluded little lawyer who pretends to play one on TV.
    He’s an idiot.

    Rush was right. LOL

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