Most Dutch Say Islam & Immigration Greatest Mistakes In Dutch History

March 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Over half of the Dutch people see Islam as a threat and view rampant immigration as the greatest mistake in Dutch history…

Do not let the Islamization of America happen.

AMSTERDAM, 27/03/08 - The majority of the Dutch are negative on Islam and immigration. Additionally, their knowledge of Dutch history is meagre, according to a survey by three history professors.

According to 56 percent of the Dutch, Islam is a threat to the Dutch identity. As well, 57 percent named admitting large groups of immigrants as “the biggest mistake in Dutch history”.

The results come from the History Monitor. This survey was carried out among a representative group of 1,069 people by De Volkskrant newspaper, Historisch Nieuwsblad history journal and TV programme Andere Tijden in consultation with history professors James Kennedy, Niek van Sas and Hans Blom.

The History Monitor presented 20 multiple-choice questions on Dutch history and identity. Only for six questions did over 60 percent know the right answer. The worst answered was the question ‘Since which century has the Netherlands been a kingdom’; only 17 percent knew the Netherlands was a republic before the 19th century.

Also remarkable is the self-criticism on the Netherlands’ slavery past. Only 21 percent correctly gave the Netherlands a 5 percent share in the world slave trade; the rest estimated a higher share. The researchers attribute the overestimating to a feeling of shame, born of structural and years-long media attention for the dark sides of the dominant role the Netherlands played in the world in the 17th century.

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10 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    When dealing with roaches, one must employ harsh measures. Stop squakin’, call Orkin! :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  2. tedders

    In a democracy you must do as the majority wishes. If the Palestinian’s can vote Hamas in then why can’t the Dutch vote to deport any immigrant the makes a hate speech, breaks the law or won’t assimilate?

  3. Lone Wolf

    Actually, the beauty of our constitution is that it protects the rights of the minority.

  4. ArleighB

    Lone Wolf,agreed,but the minority should not dictate policy for the majority,which is happening there in the Netherlands. Never negotiate from fear,which is what they are doing. Appeasement is looked on as weakness by Muslims,and they will only make more demands…

  5. Paslode

    They can change it tomorrow. Round them up and deport the entire lot back to their 3rd world shit hole.

  6. Kevin M

    A tad off-topic: Why am I constantly seeing a “Meet Muslim Singles” ad on

    1. The muzzies are doing it to piss us off.
    2. There are so many muzzies watching Pat’s site that it makes business sense.

    In either case, I have no desire to look at some porch monkey skank with a burqa. Get that bitch onto all fours like a good dog should be!

  7. Arthuraria

    Our Constitution was not designed to protect the minority. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard…almost. The Constitution is designed to protect freedom. If the minority says they don’t want freedom - or they want a different type of law, as the muslim crazies are calling for in the Netherlands - the Constitution says, “Fuck you, I am the law and you will get no special treatment from me. You have the same rights as everyone else, but the one right you certainly don’t have, is to take rights away from others.”

  8. Ivan the Typical White Racist Kafir

    :arrow: Kevin M: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
    I’d been wondering about that Muslim Matrimonial ad for quite some time myself.

  9. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: Arthuraria

    Protecting the freedom of speech is important for people in the minority who hold views opposite those of the majority, for example.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    The Constitution was designed to let the world know that are rights come not from some King or government entity, they come from God. Those rights are therefore unalienable…they cannot be taken away by some government. These rights apply to ALL Americans equally.

    We are however, a government of majority rule. It takes a majority to pass a bill or to elect a President. Minority rule is not discussed in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. Minority rule is a modern contravention.

    But yes, the Constitution is for all American citizens.

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