Movement To Draft Condi For VP

March 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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19 Responses

  1. JonnyMordant

    I really like the Condi idea, but we may need a V.P. that will keep McCain concentrated on Homeland Security issues as well as Foreign Policy…

  2. IP727

    We don’t need to play the race/gender card,
    let the demonrats do that. She is a quota liberal.

  3. Boo Boo

    Oh, please. She is a Russian specialist, and our relationship with Russia is worse than during the Reagan cold war years. Our Israel policy: we’ve funded “Palestian authority” to the tune of billions, and there is a direct positive correlation with the amount of $ they get and the terrorism activity. She encouraged Israel to “cease fire/surrender” during last summer’s war and use UN “peacekeepers” in zone between Lebannon & Israel. That turned out real well: the Hezbollah has reoccupied that territory. She doesn’t have a positive record of accomplishment in government. She is an academic. Period.

  4. ticticboom

    1: Condi isn’t a states(wo)man. She’s, at heart, an Ivory Tower type and can’t accept that the real world and her preconcieved notions don’t match. It’s the same blindness many Leftists suffer from.

    2: Bash, that thumbnail on the front page is…disturbing.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    She already said “No”. So give up on the idea.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    I like Condi, i think she is brilliant. But also think we need someone who is more rounded in all areas. Everytime i think of VP the names Mitt Romney or George Allen always come to mind. those would be two great choices. Romney is a master at business which means lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and a strong country. George Allen on the other hand is just a great conservative so we would get all that comes with that.

  7. drillanwr

    Kurt -

    I like and admire Sec./Dr. Rice too …

    I, however, agree that she is NOT a good choice for Veep for McCain. I should be someone OUTSIDE the current Bush Admin.

  8. danielle

    I like Condi, I find her to be a very admirable woman! But I think Romney will make a better VP!

    Or General Peter Pace! Or heck, maybe even Erik Prince. They’re known for being true to their conservative principles.

  9. Dave M.

    Gen. David Petraeus anyone?

  10. BILL

    “A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell its numbers.” ~ Ronald Reagan, 1975

    “I don’t know about you, but I’m impatient with those Republicans who, after the last election, rushed into print saying we must broaden the base of our party, when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.” ~ Ronald Reagan, 1975

    “Don’t give up your ideals, don’t compromise, don’t turn to expediency – and don’t, for heaven’s sake, having seen the inner workings of the watch – don’t get cynical.” ~ Ronald Reagan, 1976

    This talk of a VP for that traitor McCain is a bunch of crap!! Who he picks for VP won’t make a hill of beans! I have history to back me up on that. That is the problem with a lot of you so called conservatives, you don’t learn from history!

    Bush 41 was put on the ticket with Reagan to appease the liberal wing of the Republican Party and he had no power to stop Reagan from moving the country to the right.

    Dan Quayle was put on the Bush 41 ticket to appease the conservative wing of the Republican Party. We were told (as now) to shut up and hold our nose and vote for Bush 41. The VP will have say so and keep him in line. Bull crap! We got “read my lips no new taxes”, gun bans, 1000 points of light. Did Quayle have any power to stop Bush from screwing us big time?!! NO!!!

    Because of a liberal Republican we got Bill Clinton. Gore was put on the ticket with ole Bill to appease the rabid left. Did he have any say so when Clinton went to the right and signed welfare reform (Conservtive Republicans forced him). No he did not! Did Gore have any power to try and stop Clinton from doing everythi8ng he could to destroy his presidency and Gore’s chances to be president?! NO!!

    So now we come to Bush 43. Cheney is certainly more conservative than Bush (not much) and does he have any say so when Bush said he would ban guns??! Did he stop Bush from spending like a drunk on Friday night?!! NO! Bush cost us the Republican controlled Congress did Cheney have any power to stop that??! NO!!!

    McCain ain’t no Reagan and we are not ever going to get another Reagan because so called conservatives that should have strong convictions hold there nose and vote liberal Republican. Wake up!!

  11. Dave M.

    yeah! stay home and let Hussein win.

  12. BILL

    Danielle - Romney true to his conservative principles?! Give me a break! He ran as a liberal Republican in MA to get elected there. Now he wants us to believe that was all a lie he is not liberal at all and trust him when he says he is conservative! What a joke!!

  13. BILL

    DAVE M. - At least I have principles and convictions unlike you. If Reagan’s own words can’t convince you than no one will!! Thats is right I hope he does win. Then maybe then the Republican Leadership will wake up! Oh, never mind as long as there are lap dogs like you to vote for liberal Republicans nothing is going to change!!

  14. BILL

    OH YEAH I FORGOT!! Ford another Liberal Republican that a lot of conservative Republicans stayed home and we got the communist Carter (Jew hater) for president. Worthless… kinda like Obamama. What happened after that smart ones?!! Do I need to tell you?? Well Iam not going to figure it out!

  15. steve m

    Geez Bill, tell us what you really think. So, by sitting this one out we will accomplish?……..what? You can sit at home, feeling all smug with your principled integrity to keep you company, while yet another lefty takes the reins..especially with the high probability that another vacancy will be made at SCOTUS…..sounds like a brilliant strategy.

  16. BILL

    Steve, that is what I do best… Yeah sitting this one out will in fact be better than putting McCain in who is even more liberal than Bush. He has said that he is liberal himself. Secondly, as far as judges he will not do us any good either! He was the leader of the gang of 14 that shut Frist down in the Senate. Do you want him in there screwing this country as a Republican??! Not me, I would rather have a Liberal Dem do it!! If he gets in there we conservatives are done for. The Reagan conservative movement is dying and it began with Bush 41 and McCain will finish it off.

  17. steve m

    Then, sit it out you must. The rest of us will work w/what we have been given.

    In the end, McCain will be strong on National Defense. He won’t take any crap. I doubt either of the other two choices have his intestinal fortitude or critical, snap judgement. If they get in, I’ll warrant, the enemy will be emboldened - and then what?
    T’is a nasty place out there full of Islamic nut-jobs, Chavez’s, Putin’s, and God only knows what else is coming over the horizon. If some human excrement decides and figures out a way to introduce the American public to suicide bombings, biological agents, or a dirty bomb, the gang of 14 will be the least of our concerns.

  18. CJW

    Even though I was for Romney until he dropped out, I think McCain needs a candidate who will help him win the south. Romney has no major appeal in the south, especially with his Mormonism that shouldn’t be an issue but is with many southerners anyway.

  19. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: BILL

    So, what about Condi? This is a post about Condi if I’m not mistaken?

    As for your comment; “Ford another Liberal Republican that a lot of conservative Republicans stayed home and we got the communist Carter (Jew hater) for president. Worthless… kinda like Obamama. What happened after that smart ones?!!”

    I’ll refer you here, I think the Carter scenario was covered pretty well and shows what we are still dealing with today thanks to Carters election.

    Thanks a lot Bill! I’m sure Carter, Obama and Clinton all appreciate your voting for them!

    This should be McCains campaign slogan as often as it gets used when discussing this issue:
    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke

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