MSNBC Idiots: Mika Accuses Matthews Of Endorsing Hussein

March 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Nothing like watching two left wing liberal nutjobs rip each other apart. Rush was right, we need to have the Clinton/Obama quest for the nod strung out as long as possible, by the time its over, all these idiots will be laughing stocks.

Chris Matthews might just as well come out and say he is completely hypnotized by Obamamania.

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8 Responses

  1. BradW (the Infidel)


    What do you mean by the time it is over they will be laughing stocks? By my book, that was a given a LOOOOONG time ago. And we all thought you were upt to date on everything :lol: Just kidding on that, you and Pat do a great job, and service to the country here.

    Semper Fi

  2. Kurt(Typical white devil)

    Chris Matthews has no integrity whatsoever. he looks and sounds like a dreamy eyed school girl when talking about Obama. makes me sick! Someone who is supposed to bring people the news shouldnt be outright endorsing a candidate. Thats why nobody actually watches this channel.

  3. Mike Mose

    The Clinton’s Have something on Matthews. When he said he wasn’t supporting Obama, the look on his face said it all.

  4. Bob USMC

    Chris Matthews Hardball? hehehe.

    He’s such a dork, the real reason it’s called hardball is because Matthews is a faggot libtard who takes it up the pooper.

  5. Buck Hoff

    I lost it when he started talking about people at McDonalds. MSNBwho?

  6. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Mika is a twit and a twat …

    Matthews is an ass-clown who comes off as either drunk, drugged or both anymore.

    These people are completely out of touch with reality … They are looking for the fucking Beatles and Elvis … NOT someone who knows this is a damn dirty job to run this country.

    I had a thought about the SNL 3 a.m. video/skit from a couple weeks ago (where B-HO calls Hillary in a panic). He states, “This is HARD!” …

    Yeah, try calling “Bush” and asking him how hard a job it is.

    He’ll tell you hoe much closer we, and the whole world, are to Armageddon than we are to Utopia … and it ain’t no fucking comet or asteroid about to hit us. It is a ‘force’ with a mind and money and technology and liberal/leftist appeasement and assistance to do their foundational dirty work.

  7. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Whoever loses, we win. :mrgreen:

  8. TJ (The kafir)

    actually matthews is partial to ‘Hard-on’ :lol:

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