MSNBC’s Abrams: Rush Limbaugh Is Un-American

March 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This is from a Newsbusters article by Tim Graham. I think what cracked me up the most is this:

What’s really amazing in these transcripts is that Dan Abrams considers Keith Olbermann a model TV anchorman, but Rush Limbaugh is the “radical right.”

You know, half of me at times just wants to see these left wing lunatics just crash and burn and self-implode, and the other half keeps saying “No, no, it is hilarious material!”

Here’s the article:

On Wednesday’s episode of Live With Dan Abrams on MSNBC, Abrams lit into Rush Limbaugh as “un-American” for encouraging Republican voters to cross over and vote for Hillary Clinton on Tuesday. In his “Beat the Press” segment, Abrams attacked Limbaugh mocking him for a segment on Monday night’s Abrams show attacking Limbaugh’s “Far Right Dirty Tricks.” On Wednesday, Abrams associated Rush with the “radical right” and attempted to describe a Limbaugh radio show snippet:

He was upset that I said he was perverting the process by encouraging Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton in open primaries in an effort to quote, “bloody up” Obama….When you encourage someone to vote for a candidate that they don’t want as president, I believe it is actually un-American, and they are willing to increase the chances of what they consider to be a bad candidate winning in the hope they may slightly increase their candidate’s chances? It is shameful.

From Rush’s website, here’s how Limbaugh addressed Abrams:

ABRAMS (clip from Monday): Rush Limbaugh and others on the far right, now trying to pervert tomorrow’s results, calling on Republicans in Ohio and Texas to vote in the Democratic primary for Hillary Clinton — not because they like Clinton, but because they want to keep the Democrats in disarray.
RUSH: Perverting the Democrat process? What did you guys do to our process? All you Democrats and independents crossing over, not only in 2000, but here in 2008, nominating and voting for Senator McCain. What, you guys are going to vote for McCain in November? You think we don’t understand what you were doing here? You’re trying to choose our nominee, why can’t we try to choose yours?

Limbaugh’s clip was a promo for the Monday segment. Abrams began the actual segment by suggesting conservatives were out to damage the democratic process:

The right-wing media’s hatched a new plan to damage not just the Democratic party but perhaps the democratic process. Conservatives like Rush Limbaugh now urging Republicans in the open primary states of Ohio and Texas tomorrow to cross party lines and vote for Hillary Clinton. Rush and his cohorts want to keep the Democratic primary going as long as possible so Obama will be quote, bloodied up politically, and presumably Clinton as well.

The Abrams guests were Democratic strategist Laura Schwartz and conservative talker Lars Larson, who quickly took issue with Abrams putting conservatives on the extremes:

LARS LARSON: Why is it that Rush and I end up being the far right? Does that make Obama the far left?

ABRAMS. No. Because — I’m not going to debate with you that now. For you to question whether Rush Limbaugh is on the far right is laughable.

LARSON: Rush and I are reasonable Republicans.

ABRAMS, with a sneer: Oh yeah. All right. Okay.

LARSON: We are reasonably conservative.

What’s really amazing in these transcripts is that Dan Abrams considers Keith Olbermann a model TV anchorman, but Rush Limbaugh is the “radical right.”

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26 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    wow Dan Abrams, i forgot this little shit even existed. Havent heard anything out of him in so long. guess thats because hes on a network thats pretty much in the toilet

  2. Tom in CO

    So doing what democrats do is unamerican? I’ll keep that in mind! :mrgreen:

  3. Max

    It’s ok for the dems to vote for the Republican of their choice, but it’s not ok for Republicans to do the same? Hmmmm. Funny how they conveniently forget their own behavior when it suits their purposes.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yes guys its called Hypocrisy. the Dems own that word :lol:

  5. ticticboom

    I suspect more people visit this blog than watch Abrams.

  6. lwssdd

    The problem with lib’s is they can’t admit to what they are (Dictator loving communists) but conservatives know exactly who they are, freedom loving Americans. And conservatives are not trying to change America we love it exactly the way it was founded. As a GOD fearing Christian Nation with LIBERTIES defined in the CONSTITUTION.
    Someone asked me once, what’s the difference between a brown noser and a shit head.
    Depth Perception.

  7. drillanwr

    :arrow: ABRAMS (clip from Monday): Rush Limbaugh and others on the far right, now trying to pervert tomorrow’s results, calling on Republicans in Ohio and Texas to vote in the Democratic primary for Hillary Clinton — not because they like Clinton, ***[[[but because they want to keep the Democrats in disarray.]]]***

    Dan, the first step in curing a problem is admitting you actually have one … good for you, ass-clown.

    Sometimes Sigmund Freud got it right …

  8. Gary in Midwest

    Conservative crossover voting during the primaries pales in comparison to the massive liberal vote fraud in the general election.

  9. drillanwr

    Highly doubtful that Dan Abrams and the rest who are bitching up a shit-storm about this would do so come November, should republicans “cross-over” to vote dem …

  10. captain crunch

    Why do you people hate America? Is it our freedoms that you hate? The fact that you still support war profiteer George Bush/Dick Cheney really says it all.

    The troops want to kick your ass-I’d love to say more, but cannot…

  11. Hugh

    Who the fuck is Dan Abrams? Wasn’t he some fucking OJ chasing clown that they kept on?

  12. TJ (The kafir)

    hey captain crunch, are you talking about the troops who fled to canada? all 12 of them can try to kick our asses, but they abhor violence just like you. :lol:

  13. KBar

    :arrow: captain crunch, please elaborate.

  14. drillanwr


    captain crunch, please elaborate.

    Yeah, really … Names … Dates … Locations …

    BTW -

    Some lefty key words:

    war profiteer


    George Bush/Dick Cheney

    When combined … a dead give-away.

  15. deathstar

    Het Capn gueer, why do you love osama dick in your mouth you un-American fag?

  16. KBar

    :arrow: captain crunch,

    What “troops”? The Marines and soldiers I know are all for GWB. We all served in Iraq and/or ATO at one time or another. Some of my buddies are still in, and going on a third or fourth tour. And yet they all still believe in what we are doing over there. The few dissenters I’ve met always struck me as exactly the same: They enlisted only to get the GI Bill $$, got called up, extended, etc. Are these the “troops” you refer to?

    President Bush a “war profiteer”? How?! The war in both theaters probably caused him to age twenty years. What would he, or Vice-President Cheney, have to gain? Explain this to me as if I were a ten-year-old.

    I thank God I have a president like George W. Bush that has the guts to see this war through, without worrying what the MSM, and the latest polls had to say about it. History WILL justify our being there.

  17. drillanwr



  18. Lock and Load

    Has anyone clicked on captain crunch’s name and checked out the link?
    Look at the articles/context of the website - I think it speaks for itself…..

    Another wackjob has landed at :roll:

  19. Gary in Midwest

    Captain Crunch has been challenged on the field of ideas. Obviously out of her element.

  20. drillanwr

    :arrow: Lock and Load

    Traveling at a high rate of speed, with precision accuracy, you occassionally get a bug {splat} on the windshield … :roll:

  21. azbastard

    captain crunch you’ve said enough..the lines are being drawn
    and the water is starting to boil

  22. Steve in NC

    captian crunch, another drive by commentator, one stupid puke of a comment and then never heard from again, unable to elaborate or defend.

  23. Jewells

    MSNBC is a joke. Abrams is a joke, Matthews is a joke and Olberman… words can’t describe how much I loathe that idiot.

  24. Zeke Eagle

    Capt. Cuntch, wants to kick ass? Lick is a more appropriate term for what the Cuntch is capable of.

  25. Kurt(the infidel)

    Hey Capt. Assmunch how about you STFU!

  26. drillanwr

    Just another example of the lib/left hijacking more of the American “lexicon” …

    gay, used to mean happy

    queer, used to mean strange/odd (yeah, I know … same diff.)

    rainbows, used to be a treat after a storm

    red ribbons, used to be for Christmas

    Cpt. Crunch, used to be a guilty snack pleasure for so many adults at 2 a.m.

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