New Segment! Hillary’s Girl Toy- Huma Alert!

March 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Gotta give a shout out to Huma and Hillary, required shout out for Dollard readers!

Okay folks, I told you before that I always pay attention to the people “around” the candidates in all their clips.

It’s an old writer’s habit.

Started to notice this babe in all of Hillary’s clips a couple of months ago, check out the write-up I did on it here.

Well, I’ve decided to have some fun with Hillary. Everytime Huma Abedin, that’s her name, Huma…Huuuuuu-mah!

…heh heh…every time we see her with Hillary we’ll post it…and when we post it, you have to leave a comment for Hillary and Huma.

Whenever we see the little carpet muncher we’ll just give a shout out Huma Alert! If I miss one, lemme know.

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27 Responses

  1. Bash

    Yo Huma, baby!

    What’s that in between yer teeth?

    heh heh :shock:

    :beer: :gun:

  2. Zeke Eagle

    Huma, you have a stronger stomach than I do, or you’ve lost your sense of smell.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Hummana, hummana….Geez, you’d think she could at least pick someome better looking than the old witch Hilda to fuck. Who’s the he and who’s the her? Yeck…Makes me want to barf…. :mrgreen:

  4. KC

    I’d hit it, hit it pretty hard. Huma I mean not that dude Hillary.

  5. Birdddog

    Did you find the snuke Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuma? :shock:

  6. PhilNBlanx

    Hillary’s politically correct name - Vagitarian.

    Hillary and Huma’s favorite humour - Tongue in cheek.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)


    a fellow south park viewer i see. that was a funny episode. Miss Clinton it appears you have a snuke in your snizz :lol:

    As for Huma, Come on over here. ill give you the ole’ in and out real proper like

  8. ticticboom

    Huma has no taste.

    Or sight.

    Or hearing.

    Or smell.

    It’s the only rational explanation.

  9. IP727

  10. 0311inOHio

    :lol: :arrow: IP727.. A belly laugher. :beer: :beer:

  11. GregGS

    Maybe it’s a “Crying Game” thang going on, she’s not security she packs meat not heat.

  12. dave

    Huma this, from the Planet Lesbos.

  13. drillanwr

    hmmmm … Seems the Hilldabeast likes `em dark and ME-looking …

    Actually {silently thinking for a second} she kinda looks like … noooo … Monica?

    Could we have been all wrong?

    Perhaps Bill took the “fall” for Hillary’s Tit Offensive with Monica?

    But WHAT would then explain the stains on the blue dress …

    Putting on my thinking cap, boys … :cool:

  14. Tom in CO

    I do believe her name says it all as to what she likes! :wink:

  15. Ivan the Kafir

    Who could’ve imagined money would taste like….tuna? :shock:
    So how much does Huma get paid to be Hillary’s hot little help and official carpet cleaner?

  16. Maynard

    You know why women have pubic hair?
    To hide the hook!

  17. Kevin M

    Thank you, Bash, for removing the “Carpet Muncher” metaphor. I have only just now stopped projectile vomitting on my keyboard. :shock:

  18. EDinTampa

    Well Hillary sure has good taste in women… unlike her choice in pear shaped men.

  19. drillanwr

    :arrow: Huma…Huuuuuu-mah

    As in “humidor” … You know, where cigars are kept … ?

  20. deathstar

    If Huma was a dinosaur she would be a Lickalodapus.

  21. Texas Mom

    drill - “tit offensive”, humidor - LMFAO

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  22. POD1

    Humma has the answer to the question everybody’s asking.

    Humma: “Yes, it tastes like chicken.”

  23. Birdddog

    Huumahriod :lol:

  24. TJ (The kafir)

    the homo’s must be happy: the lesbo feminazis get hillary and the pipe smoking homos for obama.

    now i can see what Bill in hillary have in common: young babes. :lol:

  25. cllucas

    Hmmm…I might describe a “Hum-illiating” encounter as…

    1. equitable of crawling through slop to suck the cherry out of a fat guy’s larded belly during a Shellback initiation.


    2. Having your entire head and upper shoulders smashed between two giant blocks of softened, rancid, mozzarella which have been slathered in mayonnaise and sun-cured…oh GOD my mouth was open.

    BTW–rumor from the Normandy celebrations back when they were thefting robes and towels from one of the CVN’s…she used to bump donuts with Dee Dee Meyers.

  26. franchie

    “You know why women have pubic hair?
    To hide the hook! ”

    yeah it’s our mamalian burka
    while you got it on the chest

  27. Steve in NC

    HEY HILLARY!, tell me, how do I taste? :twisted:

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