Not Kidding: Bimbo Tips For 9 Year-Olds

March 26th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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2 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Just a personal observation. When I started driving the cab in ‘75 you learned where the prostitutes were because of the way they dressed. If my taxi had doubled as a time machine and I set it for 2008 the first thing I would have said when getting there would be, “the prostitutes are everywhere”. What used to be the domain of Hollywood is now the domain of blondes on news channels and the domain of the psycho soccer moms to the prostitots. I’m not a prude and I certainly am not one that thinks that females should be in berkas, that would be one extreme. Perhaps the acceptable extreme femininity displays itself could find a happy medium. It puts men in an awkward situation where he has to ignore his natural reaction to not react. It’s interesting that he has to go to work with a tie on and she goes to work, well, I think you get the point.

  2. JonnyMordant (Typical NASCAR Fan)

    :arrow: John Cunningham

    Excellent observations… I have been in that world and seen what the underlying reasons for women prostituting themselves is, and can see how this manipulative bullshit feeds into it… We do not live in a time where women are becoming prostitutes to feed their children (The Gov’t has taken car of that)… We live in a time where women who were victimized as children use prostitution as a means to supply the drugs that relieve the deep emotional pain caused by that victimization… (This is all about child molestation, which is one of Islams greatest secrets as well)…

    What I have found by experience is that people are generally willing to help, but often do not know how to help… Once upon a time it was the role of “the church” to provide for widows and orphans… The Gov’t has taken charge of this role with welfare and totally destroyed lives in the process by opening them up to all sorts of crap that was never intended… There is no accountability… They become numbers rather than human beings that are a part of the community… A community meaning a place where the people helping them can see their faces and commune with them more than once a week/month… I believe this is where Separation of Church and State has seen it’s greatest failures, because the State has taken over many of the roles that were intended for the Church…

    I could go on and on with this subject, but I think the direction has been locked in and that the question remaining is… What is the next step, where is the momentum to blindside these motherfuckers for this shit? But mostly, What is the next step in the process to take this shit out?

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