Michelle Obama Takes Another Dump On America

March 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


You know what? I am liking this lady less and less, in fact, she has now entered the “B” word category for me. In all seriousess, what’s getting worse is her anti-Americanism is becoming clear. She and Hussein are products of radical black anti-white, anti-Americanism, who essentially hate the core structure and principles of this country, and want to change them. They would make the poorest of stewards for this land at a time like this. After reading this article, I am further convinced that we cannot allow these people into the White House, I don’t care how much you may disagree with McCain.

From a Newsbusters article by Noel Sheppard:

Two weeks after making her disdain for the nation clear during a campaign speech for her husband in Wisconsin, Michelle further debased America by saying that we’re a country that is “just downright mean.”

Given how media made excuses for her comments in Wisconsin, it will be quite interesting to see just how much of her interview in the March 10th edition of The New Yorker will be reported in the next 24 hours:

Obama begins with a broad assessment of life in America in 2008, and life is not good: we’re a divided country, we’re a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. “Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I’m young. Forty-four!”

Oh, woe is her! Just listen to how deluded this person is:

“You’re looking at a young couple that’s just a few years out of debt,” Obama said. “See, because, we went to those good schools, and we didn’t have trust funds. I’m still waiting for Barack’s trust fund. Especially after I heard that Dick Cheney was s’posed to be a relative or something. Give us something here!”

Give us something here?

Can you believe this nonsense? You want to know how much this couple has been given lately?

The Obamas’ financial standing has risen sharply in the past three years, largely as a result of the money Barack earned from writing “The Audacity of Hope.” In 2005, their income was $1.67 million, which was more than they had earned in the previous seven years combined.


Just after Barack was elected to the United States Senate, Michelle received a large pay increase-from $121,910 in 2004 to $316,962 in 2005.

Still want someone to give you something, Michelle?

But that’s just the beginning of an hypocrisy an honest media would be all over if her husband was a Republican:

“The life that I’m talking about that most people are living has gotten progressively worse since I was a little girl. . . . So if you want to pretend like there was some point over the last couple of decades when your lives were easy, I want to meet you!”

Really, Michelle? Life has gotten worse for you since you were a little girl? Not according to The New Yorker:

Money was scarce but sufficient. Fraser [her father] took pride in providing for his family. “If the TV broke and we didn’t have any money to have it fixed, we could go out and buy another one on a charge card, as long as we paid the bills on time,” Marian [her mother] told me. Saturday nights were spent at home playing Chinese checkers, Monopoly, or a game called Hands Down (like spoons, with bluffing). It was a simple time. “I probably had two sleepovers my entire life,” Craig [her brother] said. “We were home folks.” Many years, the family drove to Dukes Happy Holiday Resort, in Michigan, for a week’s vacation.

Compare this to her life today:

The Obamas employ a full-time housekeeper, and Michelle tries to see a personal trainer four times a week.

Woe is you, Michelle.


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33 Responses

  1. Arc_Angel_Gabriel

    Yeah, and ah…nice pearl necklace.

  2. Caligula

    we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,”

    - who are they talking about?!?! oh yeah, the poor bastards who are to freakin too lazy to work and get a job. They want to keep the poor in a poverty stricken lifestyle so they become Dependant on the government like sheep to a shepherd. that way they will always bee needed giving them infinite power of the lives whom the hold under their thumbs

  3. Jewells

    Oh I ain’t just beginning to dislike this bitch, I fucking hate her fucking guts!!! Pandering, hypocritical, pampered, spoiled rotten lying c**t.

    How’s that for expressing me feelings?
    Did I mention I hate her??

  4. deathstar

    [[Just after Barack was elected to the United States Senate, Michelle received a large pay increase-from $121,910 in 2004 to $316,962 in 2005.]]

    Dumb bitch needs to move to Afghanistan or Kenya and see just how shit life an be. She could also move on over to socialist europe and watch 60% of her salary get taken by the government.

    [[Obama said. “See, because, we went to those good schools]]

    So shes saying fuck America and its good schools and great opurtunities. Funny thing is that some of the stupidest people I know are the most educated.

  5. Jewells

    That should be “my” feelings. Guess thats what happens when you type and you’re pissed off.

  6. Tom in CO

    Anti-Americanism is the new America. Fanfuckingtastic. Let’s just call ourselves EUROPE while we’re at it.

  7. Kevin M

    She’s 44 and makes a high 6-figure income. In 2005 they made 1.67 million?

    I’m in my very late 40s and I make less than 40K. Where are the real politicans and leaders like Teddy Roosevelt?! We either get a snivelling pack of MBAs from Harvard and Yale, or it’s some self-anointed poseur from the Hollywood crowd who sucks up to the UN and lectures the rest of us.

    I’m not even bothering to vote. There’s nobody worth voting for.

  8. steve m

    Poor Poor Mrs Obama mama. Actually got into a nice school, got the nice degree and the nice bill that went with it. Poor, Poor Mrs Obama mama. Actually had to pay the bill back - how unjust!.

    “…we’re a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” - Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Democrat constituency.

    Hard work is…well…hard. I shouldn’t have to. WTF? - how did we ever become a great nation without all this overwhelming sense of entitlement that pervades the liberal portion of our society. Screw learning how to fish, just give me the fish… wait, have one of the Obama household staff bring it.

  9. PhilNBlanx

    “…we’re a country that is “just downright mean.””

    From what I have observed Ms. X certainly appears to be well-versed in that subject. She wears her bitchiness on her sleeve. The useful idiot demedia should even pick up on that in 8 more months. To them it’s all about invites to the happening cocktail parties and who wants to party with a bitch. Little wonder Hillary is starting to look a little better (human?) to the demedia. Wll Ms. X become Hussein’s albatross?

  10. el Vaquero

    WTH, she went to YALE & HARVARD as an Affirmative Action candidate, did she pay the going rate or did she get the AA rate, mostly paid by others.

  11. Steve in NC

    She’s moved from the ‘B’ word to the ‘C’ word for me.

    Detached from reality stupid piece of liberal shit.

    A pox o’ your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog!

  12. LftBhndAgn

    I’m sorry, but the “Playing The Victim” card is getting tiresome with BOTH of the Democrats in the race.

  13. Kurt(the infidel)

    I sure as hell dont make 300,000 a year. but you will never hear me talk like this ‘woman’ does. and i use that word loosely here.

    what a hypocrite. give me something? how about fuck off!

  14. Boo Boo

    Until this campaign, she made over $300k a year working for an evil “corporation” that she warns other people not to work for. When she first came on the scene, I admired her based on nothing. As we get to know her, we don’t like her. She went to Ivy League schools and has a maid, private trainer, and her kids go to private school and get to take piano, etc. lessons that she complains about having to pay for. She’s absolutely diluded. This type of person could never be “first lady.” :mad:

  15. DC

    This dumbass bitch ain’t seen “mean” yet! If Barak gets into the prez slot, she’ll be lucky to get off with just a lynching.

    The only time she opens her pie-hole is to switch feet. She needs to sit down, and stay there….and STFU!

  16. JTS

    She looks like a mentally retarded sec of state rice! Not only is she an uppity b*tch, she fugly to boot, she makes hillbilly look elegant in comparison.

  17. mess

    She has an absolute distain for American. This alone makes her unfit to be first lady.

  18. Texas Mom

    Okay - Here is irony - She worked for a healthcare related company making those big bucks . . . but the basis for her husband’s campaign wants to shut down all healthcare profit = that is the only way “all Americans can be given healthcare” . . . They want to doctors to make government salaries . . . so doctors have to go fancy ass schools for twice as long as her and her husband . . . white doctors with no Affirmative Action discount or cut in line to get in . . . they have have to pay their medical school dollars back . . . and then work God knows how many hours for a government salary . . . while at risk of being sued by John Edwards, et al . . . what a bitch - what an ignorant bitch. What they hell to they teach them at Princeton? Clearly, nothing about business . . . and she was in the healthcare business.

  19. Ivan the Kafir

    @Kevin: You wish it were a pack of MBAs. They would have the sense to know what was in America’s and the people’s best interest. These aren’t businessmen. These are nothing more than lawyers. Project for anyone who would undertake it: tally up the number of politicians at the federal, state and local levels who currently are or have been lawyers.

    Lawyers benefit by how the laws work and politicians are in the business of changing the laws. If a lawyer can become a politician, he/she can change the laws to favor the lawyers. Thus, as lawyers, their business goes through the roof.

  20. Goodbye Natalie

    I’ll bet a sweet sum of money that if you were to talk to Michelle Obama’s subordinates at the hospital, you’d get an earful about what an ogre she is. Corporate America is full of Ms. Obama’s type - and invariably they’re awful. There’s nothing worse than some affirmative action hire telling you about how “unfair” America is while she’s got a pointy shoe stuck in your ass. Her salary jumped three times because of the old man’s political clout. And she thinks she’s got it rough? BARF!

    I also bet a sweet sum of money this is one overbearing bitch. Woe be to the whitehouse staff. I hope we don’t have to find that out the hard way that she’s not fit to be first lady.


  21. Marc

    This housekeeper she has, is it one of the downtrodden from Chicago’s South Side her & Obama have given a leg up or should someone call ICE? I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that they are here “undocumented”, what us evil Americans refer to as illegally.

  22. Hugh

    This couple is an American nightmare.

  23. drillanwr

    Ah … come on, Bash and guys …

    Let’s cut Michelle some slack … After all, must be damn hard playing second-bitch … er, second-fiddle to Oprah on the campaign trail …

    Say, maybe she can stop nagging Cheney, and hit up Oprah for some of her money? Yeah, and then she can send her girls off to Oprah’s school in Africa …

    Bill Clinton’s sitting back and watching this woman and doing that asshole chuckle of his while biting his bottom lip …

  24. Mike F.

    Are we a nation of cynics, sloths and complacents who aren’t making it and a nation of those who are struggling and barely making it? Is THAT who we are? A nation driven by fear and meanness? Which group do you fit in ‘chelle?

    Oh, I see. You on the other hand, are in the nation that IS making it, you are driven by strength, hope and kindness and you want all us meanies to change into you. And we can do this by simply electing your husband as President and lo, it will be so. Eli’s not comin’, CHANGE is? Tell us ‘chelle, is he embarrassed by your non-sensical diarrhea of the mouth?

  25. Laura

    She’s got a Grand Canyon-sized chip on her shoulder, I’m surprised she can stand straight. Her anger and bitterness, however (un)justified, is decidedly unappealing and is a stark contrast to the (empty) optimism her hubby spouts.

  26. JAWS

    It’ll be like Teresa Heinz-Kerry again. She opened her mouth and made a fool of herself and the campaign. Obama will be no different and screw this up. Thank God!

  27. Egfrow

    No No. Bash! Dude! We have to embrace her! We need more of this. This is good stuff. McCain needs all the help he can get.

  28. TJ (The kafir)

    the poor victicrats, lets pity them into the white house so they can further the moral bankrupcy of their constituencies redistrinbuting wealth to a lazy and corrupt, slothful society they helped create with welfare dependency, affirmative action and the like that treats minorities as idiots who cant get anywhere without a government handout. misery loves company, this woman is pure evil :gun: :evil:

  29. Brian H

    I repeat the question that needs to be directed at her: “Mrs. Junior Senator, if hubby loses, will you still be proud of your country? Or is it entirely contingent?”

  30. EDinTampa

    I do believe she is the boss in that family and she is a classic black racist.

  31. Pat Dollard

    Excellent question, Brian.

  32. KBar

    She looks like Granville from the “Longest Yard”.

  33. Mark Tanberg

    “The life that I’m talking about that most people are living has gotten progressively worse since I was a little girl. . . . So if you want to pretend like there was some point over the last couple of decades when your lives were easy, I want to meet you!”

    SO you want to meet us - - - I highly doubt that.

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