Obama Girl Could Be Secret GOP Weapon - With Video

March 29th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Swamp:

by Frank James

The reaction to the latest Obama Girl video, “Hillary! Stop the Attacks” may indicate that she could be used as a secret Republican weapon against Sen. Barack Obama since her presence on a screen appears to really turn people against the Democratic presidential candidate from Illinois.

HCD Research Inc., which employs its MediaCurves technology to focus-group media content, found that many of the 440 participants in its survey conducted via Internet were left feeling less warm about the senator because of the young model, her message, or both.


What’s more, when they asked the participants to pick a word that described their emotional response to the new video, many chose “irritated” and “embarrassed” to characterize their reactions.

Amber Lee Ettinger, the curvy young woman who plays Obama Girl, became a big Internet deal with last year’s “I’ve Got a Crush on Obama” video. Apparently, she’s now soooo 2007.

Still, it’s noteworthy that even though men and women seemed to indicate they had negative feelings towards Obama based on the video, women appeared more turned off by the video than men (duh.)

Anyway, based on the response, if Obama eventually wins his party’s presidential nomination, Republicans might want to pay Ettinger a king’s ransom to keep turning out the Obamaphiliac videos. Just a thought.


This is from the HCD press release:

Among the study findings:
Among political parties, the emotions most felt by Democrats while watching the video were “irritated” (51%), followed by “embarrassed” (41%), compared to Republicans, who reported “irritated” (52%) and “skeptical” (35%) as the emotions most felt, and independents who reported “irritated” (42%) and “embarrassed” (36%) as the emotions most felt.

A majority of all respondents (71%) reported that if they saw the video online, they would not forward it to family or friends.

There was little change regarding which candidate respondents would vote for after viewing the video.

Half of all respondents (50%) reported that the video was produced by “a separate organization unrelated to any campaign” and 34% thought it was sponsored by the Obama campaign.


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25 Responses

  1. BradW (the Infidel)

    When it comes to curves like that, she could be my girl for a few hours…minutes… :shock:

  2. Steve in NC

    thats how he got his campaign started…he put his name on two great big old tits!

    -pastor manning


  3. One Shot

    Red is my favorite flavor…

    She can’t sing worth shit, but I’d certainly drape a flag over her head and do her for Old Glory :)

  4. jgee

    “obama is a MACK DADDY!!”

    “She’s like 34 D or double D!”

  5. Armand

    I feel funny - hey whats wrong with my peter?

  6. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    she is definitely hot :smile:

    I wonder why people feel less warm after seeing her video

  7. deathstar

    The Obama girl needs to do full nude.

  8. BradW (the Infidel)

    :arrow: deathstar,

    No, Obama girl needs to do me! :beer: :beer: :beer:
    It doesn’t need to be a full nudal, she can keep the boots on… :twisted:

  9. tedders

    Yeah she’s pretty, until she opens her mouth and talks, then you see what a dipshit she is. I’ve dated those types in the past, they’re a dime a dozen, no one stays with them long.

  10. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    All the oxygen that should be fueling her brain is going to her DDs.

    Any guy who dates her might want to invest in earplugs, or maybe a gag.

  11. A. S. Wise- VA

    How the male reaction isn’t the polar opposite of the female, is beyond me! Politics aside, she is a babe, and from what I understand, she didn’t vote in the primaries.

    Maybe the testosterone has truly left the Democratic base…
    That or you have a focus group of extremist hajjis who hate seeing any sort of female sexuality.

  12. TedB

    I’m sorry, she actually has a message? I wasn’t listening… :wink:

  13. Clutch250f

    I personally like seeing all the attacks those two are throwing at each other. It makes McCains job a helluva lot easier. I’m still scared if Hussian gets in. But yea she is pretty hot. Stupid, but hot. I wonder if i could use duct tape then go in for ramming speed..

  14. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    I’ll let you young bucks handle this one, and you don’t even have to fill me in afterwards.
    I’m waiting for Teresa Heinz Kerry’s spread in the next issue of Modern Sperm Magazine.

  15. J.

    My pants just got tighter.

  16. deathstar

    [[It doesn’t need to be a full nudal, she can keep the boots on… ]]

    :beer: :beer:

  17. JewishOdysseus

    It’s now 2008, but she still looks DAMM good…Yaahaaahaaaahoooowwwzaaa.

  18. Pat in Michigan

    I’m about to say something that’s gonna make some people go :shock:

    10 minutes with me, and she’d be walking funny and have white stuff running out her nose! :lol:

    Oh man I’d hurt that bitch. WOW! :razz:

  19. Dan (The Infidel)

    And a fine looking thing she is. Too bad she lost her damn mind…Ok…so it doesn’t matter. She’s a babe…..Just turn down the sound and watch… I wonder what her “MacDaddy” thinks of her? Ah fuck it…who cares…

    Did I say she was hot yet? My bad… :mrgreen:

  20. A. S. Wise- VA

    Meh, to my dismay, I find most the women I come across in the 18-24 age group to be liberal–by 30 age many of them come to their senses. After that, the sane ones come out of it, and the others turn into the ugly witches from Code Pink (I dare you to argue with me on that). So what do I do? Simple, I just let it slide, but I’ll be damned if they try to get me to go along with one of their leftist activist causes. Seriously, I don’t force anything of my right-wing beliefs on them, so why should I be subject to theirs? I’ve only ended one relationship for that reason. Then there’s those who discover I own firearms, and instantly rant about how “evil” they are… And some that I’d really want to date, but are engaged, and I respect that; unlike some friends of mine who have no regard. Can’t a guy get a break?!

    This is how I feel, my fav song, by my fav band (never mind that it’s not the original line up, they still kick ass!):

    But back to the O Girl, I’d tap that, hell yeah! Can’t see why that Harlem pastor was so upset, nothing wrong with her bust, at all! The bikini shots are the best, but she looks great in the lingerie too. :beer:

  21. EDinTampa


  22. EDinTampa

    All ya’ll saying you’d tag the Ho, just make you contribution to Obama the pimp first.

  23. Paden Cash

    Dime a dozen you say. I’ll take a dollars worth.

  24. Infidel (A Typical Cracker)

    Aww shit, you guys totally disappoint me!!! Don’t you have any standards?????? There’s totally more hotness on the Right, and without all the skankiness.

    “Obama has superpowers…” that didn’t, uhhh, bring you back to *reality*?? :lol:

  25. radical conservative

    if the prophet jeremiah wright doesn’t torpedo the honorable barak hussein obama, i find it hard to believe the obama girl will. come on, will a freedom restricting, tax increasing, bomb first liberal republican like mccain defeat any dem - i doubt it

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