Off Duty Cop Whacks Man During Bar Fight

March 11th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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9 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Former “clients” of policemen have been known to attack off duty police and many carry their weapons just in case.

  2. RememberOurFathers

    Fuck him. This reminds me of the San Bernadino deputy who shot a drunk OIF vet for complying with orders. Cop told him to get up, the vet said ok im getting up, the deputy told him to get up again, and as the airman was standing up the pig shot him 3 times. Hang this little tyrant from a street light.

  3. POD1

    The MSM bias is painfully obvious.

    In the absence of the cop’s side of the story, the “journalist” just makes up a story.
    Then he backs up his story with interviews of the ”Victim’s” distraught family.

  4. LftBhndAgn

    Off duty Police officers normally carry their weapon here. Unless you are at the Del Mar fair. :roll:

  5. Boo Boo

    OK, once again the MSM is spinning the story. I happen to know the inside story, from someone involved. These 3 losers (dead one is a convicted felon) jumped the cop outside a bar and started beating the hell out of him. What was he supposed to do? It’s called self defense. If you had a gun on you and were getting the hell beat out of you in a parking lot after being jumped…would you just lie there and take it????? RememberourFathers–sucka.

  6. Boo Boo

    Oh, and every cop I have ever known carries his weapon off duty, even if it’s an ankle holster.

  7. Kufir Ken

    And how do we know he was drunk? “Presumedly partying”… How do we know that it wasn’t the guys who fought with him that were drunk? “In a drunken rage… out of the blue…” sounds like spin to me.

    I noticed that they interviewed the “victims” family and the “friend of the family” lady with the poodle who probably wasn’t there and has nothing to contribute but an opinion…

    When do we get to hear the Officer’s story? Any other witnesses besides the “Victim”?

  8. RememberOurFathers

    :arrow: BooBoo:I aint your sucker, faggot. I just dont jump on the “cop is always right” bandwagon. How do we know this drunk cop didn’t start this fight knowing he had a lethal equalizer?

  9. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: RememberOurFathers “I just don’t jump on the “cop is always right” bandwagon.

    I totally agree, there should be equal accountability for every citizen… No special rights.

    And “This reminds me of the San Bernardino deputy who shot a drunk OIF vet for complying with orders”.

    I lived in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties for a number of years and there is a history of highly questionable incidents, a completely different situation from anywhere else I’ve lived… Just based on where it is raises red flags for me.

    The fact that he was carrying a weapon off duty is a stupid argument to begin with… Every law abiding citizen has a legal right to carry a firearm so that argument is moot!

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