Ohio Prosecuting Voters Who Switched Party For Primary?

March 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Remember Rush Limbaugh’s plan to get people to crossover from Republican and vote for Hillary in the Ohio and Texas primaries so that she could pull out a win and drag the Dem nod on and on…

Great idea! May even have worked. But now, some authorities in Ohio seem to believe that constituted voter fraud.

From the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections has launched an investigation that could lead to criminal charges against voters who maliciously switched parties for the March 4 presidential primary.

Elections workers will look for evidence that voters lied when they signed affidavits pledging allegiance to their new party. And at least one board member, Sandy McNair, a Democrat, wants the county prosecutor to review the findings.

But it remained unclear Wednesday whether the four-member board will agree to pursue prosecution. A 2-2 vote would mean that Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, would have to break the tie.

The investigation comes 10 days after The Plain Dealer reported that more than 16,000 Cuyahoga County Republicans changed parties before voting March 4.

After the election, some local Republicans admitted they changed parties only to influence which Democrat would face presumed Republican nominee John McCain in November. One voter scribbled the following addendum to his pledge as a new Democrat: “For one day only.”

Such an admission amounts to voter fraud, said McNair, who pushed for the investigation.

“I’m looking for evidence,” McNair said. “I’m not interested in a witch hunt. But I am interested in holding people accountable, whether they’re Democrat or Republican.”

Lying on the signed statement is a fifth-degree felony, punishable by six to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.

Board members expect a report on the county’s crossover voters on March 31. The board has the power to issue subpoenas, forcing voters to testify about their intent on election day, McNair said.

Board Chairman Jeff Hastings said the board would have to vote on whether to issue subpoenas.

McNair and the board’s other Democrat, Inajo Davis Chappell, both favor issuing subpoenas. The board’s two Republicans, however, weren’t yet on board with the idea.

Board member Rob Frost, who also serves as the county GOP chairman, had urged Republicans not to change parties for malicious reasons. On Wednesday, he said he hopes the findings from an investigation will be used to prevent similar problems in future elections.

“I haven’t seen anything that gives rise, in my mind, to a criminal investigation,” Frost said.

Hastings said the investigation’s results on March 31 will determine his preferred course of action.

Patrick Gallaway, Brunner’s spokesman, said the board hasn’t contacted her about prosecuting crossover voters.

(Plain Dealer)

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29 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    Hmm, and I suppose the Dems that voted 4 times for Kerry, didn’t commit voter fraud? As far as I know, US citizens don’t take a pledge of allegiance to political parties.

  2. deathstar

    What the fuck about free speech? Voting is free speech and you can vote for who ever you want for what ever reason you want. Screw the Demofascists.

  3. LftBhndAgn

    Do I not now or have I ever had a right to change my mind?
    Proving malice in this case is going to be hard to do.

  4. momps

    ohio was an open primary

  5. Marcell

    To bad so sad. A voter has the right to confidentiality. It is none of the governments business to whom you vote for. An American can make and change there mind as many times as they want. Unless this is China. Give it up you damn Liberal pigs. I have a good idea. How about voter ID cards with pictures and finger prints, so no more voter fraud. Then the Liberals will never win.

  6. ECM

    Uh, a party loyalty oath?! What country is this again?!

  7. Jett

    If the Dems are so worried about voter fraud, why not investigate how many ILLEGAL ALIENS voted?

    In most states people can register to vote without showing ID or proof of citizenship. On the registration form one simply checks a box indicating the registrant is a citizen (without verification).

    Note to self, liberals will only cry ‘fraud’ if it involves a Republican :idea:

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    They are calling this a 5th degree felony. punishable by 6-12 months in prison. what about all the dead people who mysteriously vote for Democrats. this is bullcrap

  9. Militant Bibliophile

    Oh yeah, this’ll fly…

  10. Goodbye Natalie

    LOL! And when are we going to investigate those Dead Kennedy’s who have been voting in Mass for 100 years?

    Damn, Dimocrats are a pathetic group anymore.

  11. Denghis (ibm al himar)

    How can they say you are lying? How do they prove you are not a rehab’d Democrat?
    Then when you go vote Republican, how can they say you didn’t have a change of heart? And why not?
    This is just a bunch of petty-assed whiney losers pitching a fit.
    And I agree with LftBhndAgn…if changing your mind is illegal, why isn’t my wife doing 25 to life?

  12. Max

    Dems have been doing this for many many years. Only now is it a problem now that the shoe is on the other foot.

  13. RJI


  14. drillanwr

    So, if Ohio Republicans choose to vote for the democrat candidate come November … THAT’S okay?

    This is a leaky bucket of rotten bullshit … a waste of taxpayer dollars, and an insult to Ohioans … as usual … again …

    Since Hillary won the state, I’m betting these Ohio dem-ops are 1) Hussein supporters and 2) pissed off because Rush Limbaugh “called in the troops” on this one to win it for Clinton and fuck up the democrat party [unity].

    As momps pointed out … ohio was an open primary.

    So, have at it … and give Republicans running for political office in the state government something to make TV and radio political ads out of …

  15. Mark Tanberg

    If republicans had not done this hillary would be toast now,
    DUMB move on our part.

  16. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    So what? That is the law in that state and that’s the way they do it there. Get a grip, it’s a states right to hold this type of primary election if this is the law they want.

  17. Denghis (ibm al himar)

    Polls show that neither the twat nor the needle-dick can beat McCain.
    Here comes AlGore to save the world…

  18. Richard Quinn


    Beer all over my moniter because of you!

  19. Victoria Taft

    See? We knew thought crimes would be prosecuted eventually.

  20. Denghis (ibm al himar)

    Shit! Sorry, Quinn…

  21. Kufir Ken

    I never knew that the vote I earned by supporting and defending the Constitution was required to be cast for someone else’s choice?

    How is exercising my RIGHT to vote considered fraud?

    It is NONE of their damn business how and why people in Ohio voted for who they voted for…

  22. drillanwr

    I think this is the Obama supporting DNC’s way to scare Pa. and the other remaining states with “open primaries” …

  23. KBoomr113

    Ohio Is a Semi Open Primary, it doesn’t matter what happens. I graduated with a Political Science degree from THE Ohio State University. These people are idiots. I had my Mom, Dad, Brother, and Sister vote for Hillary to help stop Obama. I only didn’t because I filled out my absentee ballot a few weeks earlier because I was deployed overseas at the time.

    This is from Wikipedia…….
    Semi-open Primary - Each voter may vote in any single primary, but must publicly declare which primary she will vote in before entering the voting booth. Typically this declaration is accomplished by requesting a ballot. In many states with semi-open primaries, election officials record each voter’s choice of party and provide the parties access to this information.

    These people are full of shit, no Republican that crossed over for the primary did anything wrong.

  24. KBoomr113

    PS. My Mom and Dad are both retired Lt Colonels in the USAF and my brother is a SSgt. We’re all voting for McCain in November. Hopefully helping to kill some jihadi pukes in the meantime. :gun:

  25. drillanwr

    :arrow: KBoomr113

    Amen, you friggin’ Buckeye! :beer: :gun:

  26. Brian H

    Your tag suggests you might like:


  27. BradW (the Infidel)

    I voted Dem this time, I have no idea what they are crying about as far as being asked to sign an oath of loyalty card, all the lady did was ask which party I was voting and handed me the dem ticket. The only thing I signed was the registration log, same as the past ten years in this hole. The main reason was to try to help oust Kucinich, not for HRC or BHO.

    If they try to prosecute us, there will be one hell of an uprising. What happened to the ACORN pus bags that commited fraud the last election? Nothing. The Dems have set precedent, and the scum will have to live with it. Either voter ID cards fro everyone, or they can let us get on with the American way.

  28. hegelbot

    sounds like the problem is their open voting system, not the voters. damn republicans are so clever, we know how to register, change parties strategically, find and go to the polling place on our own initiative, punch the little hole with out candidates name next to it, gosh republicans are smart. its just not fair.

  29. Marcell

    EMC, you can always change your mind. LOL. :lol:

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