Olbermann Demands Clinton Apologize

March 13th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Related: Apology

The Swamp:

That much-promoted Keith Olbermannic attack on Sen. Hillary Clinton arrived on schedule last night with a 10-minute “Special Comment” from the MSNBC regular commentator warning that he is not endorsing Sen. Barack Obama but had to speak out about Clinton’s race-tactics.

It was Clinton’s “tepid response” to the Gerald Ferraro “because he is black” analysis of Obama’s success in the campaign that got Olbermann going. Having already labeled the erstwhile Democratic vice presidential’s remarks as “clearly racist” — Ferraro, in quitting the Clinton campaign’s finance team last night, insisted it was camp Obama that was trying to make a racist of her — the MSNBC commentator said last night that Clinton had “missed a critical opportunity to do what was right.”

He went on to indict the “tone deaf” and “arrogant” advisers of the Clinton campaign: “They are killing your chances of becoming president… (while) slowly killing the chances for any Democrat to become president…. Do you not see, senator?” Olbermann asked. “Sen. Clinton, this is not a campaign strategy. This is a suicide pact.”

Invoking a perceived (by him) pattern in the campaign — reaching back to Bill Clinton likening Obama’s success in South Carolina to the 1988 campaign of the Rev. Jesse Jackson — the commentator called on Clinton to “reject and denounce Geraldine Ferraro.” And he closed with a sardonic signoff, a riff on the icon of all broadcast commentators: “Good night and good luck.”

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11 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    This prick actually thinks his voice makes a fucking difference …

    Keeffie! Limbaugh, you ain’t!

    This is “payback” for these MSNBC sphincter(s) to throw at the Clinton camp for having to suck themselves off on air in apologies and suspensions after the two anti-Clinton fuck-ups on air …

    What a four-day-old-stomach-flu-shit-stain this guy is.

    The libs/dems are now dealing with the leftist/lib MSM Big Brother they have created.

    Welcome to the fucking PRAVDA “suck”, Comrade!

  2. KBar

    Just goes to show, libs are THE GREATEST enemies of free speech. Whether what Bubba said could be considered “racist” is beside the point. In this country, you are allowed to say things like that. I hope Hillary has Olberman killed like she did Vince Foster.

    Let the Liberal Apologist Suck-Fest Train keep on rollin’!!

    :arrow: drillanwr, “What a four-day-old-stomach-flu-shit-stain this guy is”. Hemingway could not have said it better. :beer:
    :arrow: Great pic of Olberman.

  3. el Vaquero

    Wasn’t this OLBER-prick a victim of a Spitzer like affair. Olbermann is such a little girl, I am surprised he did not cry on air last night….’you must REJECT & DENY GF!’

  4. blastdad

    This is what Ferraro gets for screwing up and speaking the truth! LMAO!!!

    The Dems are so bound by political correctness that the moment someone accidentally say what everyone knows ,it’s Katie bar the door!! This election cycle is going to be fun to watch, the true racist reside on the left. I’m going to enjoy watching them self destruct. The Clinton’s ( and the white dem elite ) will not allow Barack Hussien Obama at the top of the ticket, but the Jackson/Sharpton loons are going to be appoplectic if it’s not thier guy.

    Buy extra popcron for this one :beer: :beer:

  5. drillanwr

    :arrow: blastdad

    Popcorn? Heh!

    The general presidential election is gonna be pizza and wings caliber … “Superbowl Party” level!

    Can’t wait to hear McCain call Hussein on his anti-military strength and defeatist policies … and then watch the Hussein tent and the MSM all gasp, “HAAAA! THAT was SOOOO racist!”

    Exactly how long do you think the voting public (those with actual “grey matter”) will accept that shit-spin before it starts calling “bullshit” on the B-HO camp and the MSM? If they haven’t started already …

  6. JonnyMordant

    Couldn’t sit through nearly 10 min. of Oldboreman, but if you hit the fast forward button repeatedly he does a pretty good Max Headroom impersonation at the end!

    Hillary will have more stupid shit in store for us down the road, but I’ll bet she’s really relieved that she wasn’t the one that said what she was thinking…

  7. Boo Boo

    If anyone listened to Geraldine, they would know she did not make a racist comment. They took what she said out of context, she was explaining how race and gender play into politics. Of course, that is a politically incorrect thing to talk about…At any rate, Olbermann is just livid because of the Spitzer thing reminding everyone of Bill Clinton’s antics and the dems tearing at eachothers’ throats over the Billary stealing the nomination thing. I remember only a month or two ago, he was making fun of the republicans for “being in disarray” for not knowing who their nominee was yet. Ha ha ha ha ha ha…

  8. JadedSage

    What is interesting is Hillary is the Republican of the Democratic Party. If you look at the breakdown of each state’s primaries she wins all the country bumpkins and Obama wins all the city slickers. She claims she wins all the “important” states but the flip side is she wins all the areas within the states that tend to go Republican.

  9. steve m

    Free speech, ay Keithy Boy?…of course when you don’t like it you want it stopped. Well, here’s my free speech - You dumb-ass, fucking moron. Shut your festering pie hole you crying sack of useless liberal clap-trap. You and your type would sooner wipe their ass w/the consitution then tolerate someone who excersises their rights guaranteed by it. You are the one who ought to apologize to the American public for your complete and utter ignorance of that document or the deliberate attempt to subvert it - which is it? It’s one or the other. Another glittering jewel of colossal ignorance on display for all to marvel at. But you gotta love America, even an intellectual midget such as yourself can still succeed and have his little TV show that has less audience share than re-run game shows and 50 year old Christmas specials.

  10. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    I can’t take it anymore!!!!! I could only take about a minute and a half of this shithead. Pure torture!!!! :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  11. 007

    The best part of him ran down his Daddy’s Leg!

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