Opinion Poll: Did Hussein’s Speech Affect His Campaign? How?

March 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


So let’s hear from you…how do you think his speech affected his campaign today?

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29 Responses

  1. CPLViper

    Didn’t affect me in the least, of course, I wasn’t going to vote for that moron anyway.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    OMG yeah it affected his campaign a great deal today. Before when all the accusations were flying about his views via his pastor they were just putting the 2 nuts in the same basket. but when he came out and didnt distance himself and instead pulled himself closer to him, started with the slavery thing and everything else he confirmed our beliefs about him

  3. LftBhndAgn

    It affected a lot of conservatives I’m sure. More so in the way of why not to vote for this Bozo.

  4. drillanwr

    Hussein “came out” today …

    He finally admitted to being “white” … “racist white” … but white.

    We po’ white folks can only imagine the conflict raging inside him …

  5. Irish Gal

    Reaffirms he’s an idiot with a degree like most liberals…

  6. Max

    I think what will happen is that conservatives will rally around McCain, and Liberals and many in the middle will say “Sounds good! Onward to the White House!”, because while Obama may be a rascal, he is their rascal, and will defend him at any cost. If Hillary wins the nomination, then she will be much easier to defeat in November. If Obama wins, the Left and mushy Middle will quickly forgive and forget. They aren’t nearly as vindictive towards their own as conservatives.

  7. Texas Mom

    I feel sorry for his white granny who he just threw under the bus . . . I HOPE it affected his campaign, but I doubt it - most blacks will not stop hating whites and will not stop running their mouths long enought to listen to the truth . . . and young white koolaid drinkers who think it is kool to support obama will continue to drink stupid juice . . .

  8. drillanwr

    newsbusters’ Mark Finkelstein has dug up something quite delicious:

    “I can no more disown [Rev. Wright] than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.” B-Hussein-O today.

    “There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” — the Reverend Jesse Jackson, as quoted in US News, 3/10/96


    HEH!!! :gun: :beer:

  9. cb10

    After 20 yrs. in his own “Temple of Anger” (madrassa) this POS thinks he can walk on water, and his followers will follow him into hell.
    Speech won’t change jack, although it might roll a few of those suckered into the “white guilt” trip.

  10. Mike Mose

    This is a young man in over his head, he will not be able to fix anything in govt. He could make it worst. His support for the pastor allows me believe that he thinks this church is main stream.

  11. CJW

    He dug a deeper hole for himself, IMO.

  12. bill-tb

    He made race the issue. I wouldn’t vote for the empty suit if paid, he is just fun to watch.

  13. Max

    I just heard a report by Barbara Bradley Haggerty on NPR (I don’t know why liberal women have this compulsion to tell everyone their middle name) on the Obama speech, and it confirmed just what I wrote previously. It finessed the racism of Wright and the Liberation Theology, and basically sounded like a “there, there, Obama’s really a good guy; it’s ok to vote for him” piece. I predict that most will buy it and forgive and forget. I hope I’m wrong.

  14. ticticboom

    I sure as shit wasn’t going to vote for him in the first place, but I think he just ended any hope of winning in November. This was candy for the Kossacks and DUmmies, but now the Right and most of the middle will flock to McCain’s banner.

    The small, white states might still vote for him because they haven’t seen first hand the disasterous effects the kinds of policies it’s now obvious He Who Must Not Be Middle-Named will impose.

    But the bigger states with substantial minority populations are already polarized between him and Hillary. That was based more on the assumption that he would turn out to be another grievance monger than anything else. Now that there’s no doubt that’s the case, the racial polarization in mixed areas will only increase.

    He can win small blue-leaning states without minorities, where white guilt hasn’t come face to face with the inevitable consequences of affirmitive action, and he can win large states with enough blacks (and maybe hispanics) to outweigh the conservative and moderate white vote.

    But that’s not enough to put him over the top. Once his mask is pulled away, He Who Must Not Be Middle-Named is less appealing to moderates than the ‘Maverick’ McCain. And now that they’re getting a good long look, angry conservatives will quickly start realizing that staying home on election day is a very bad idea. It might feel good to crap on the boss’s desk, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

    If He Who Must Not Be Middle-Named wins the primary, the only way he’ll win the general is if McCain is found with a dead girl or a live boy.

    Period fucking dot.

  15. dad3-7

    he admitted to lieing when he said the other day that he had never heard such rhetoric out of his ‘good pastor’..now we know where his bride got the ‘never before been a proud american’..odumba called for imus to be terminatted for much less. the guy is a lawyer and a trained liar.. he uses the the english language to snow common folks and i think he has done just that.. but i live in wisc. and we shovel snow into the streets to be run over by the traffic..

  16. PhilNBlanx

    Speaking only for myself I must admit that before this Wright brouhaha broke I was worried that Hussein’s Muslim side of the family might have led Hussein to exibit some latent Anti-Americanism, Antisemitism, religious-politicism, and racism.

    Now I’m ashamed to admit how narrow-minded I was to hold such beliefs.

    Wasn’t I surprised to find out all the while it was his “Christian” pastor’s influence that led Hussein to exibit latent Anti-Americanism, Antisemitism, religious-politicism, and racism.

    Although admittedly out of touch with the “angry black church thingy”, if Hussein had added just one more American flag on the stage behind him he was real close to winning me over to the messiah change machine. And then he had to go and throw his own granny under the racist bus.

    A swing and a miss…

  17. Mike F.

    Speech given in Pa. Remind me, where’s the next primary? This was an effort to get everyone to stop talking about his racist “former Pastor” as he called him, for political reasons. This was nothing more than a campaign speech from start to finish. He COMPLETELY failed to distance himself from this racist, hate-filled old “uncle”, he trashed his grandmother the white racist (to what end I don’t know), he blamed the media, HE ADMITTED HE’D HEARD THIS GUY SAY THESE KINDS OF THINGS, tried to say everyone’s preacher has said things we don’t agree with (but, of course, not like Wright did), , made RACE a key issue in this campaign, played the SLAVERY card, tried to say there are still legally segregated schools in the USA (but didn’t say where any were) all to try to justify the Rev.’s anger. Partisans either way won’t be swayed, but objective independents should be able to see this for what it was, pandering for votes, trying to switch the conversation from his Pastor’s racism and anti-American hate speech to high-minded “hope” and “change” again. He does NOT have to abandon the black race to cut himself off from this hate-filled “Reverend”, which he refused to do. From my perspective, this speech SHOULD be a disaster for him in terms of his campaign. Depends on how the media and the talking heads play it. If they let him get away with it, he’ll skate by.

  18. drillanwr

    :arrow: dad3-7

    the guy is a lawyer and a trained liar.. he uses the the english language to snow common folks and i think he has done just that.

    :!: :!: WARNING - “Mars Attacks” Movie Analogy for Obama’s speech on “race” today:

    OBAMA (Martian Ambassador): Ack! Ack! Ack!

    OBAMA Translation (Martian Translator Device): All green of skin… 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest.

    Thinking American Voters (General Decker): What the hell does that mean?

    MSM (WH Press Sec. Jerry Ross): He said that WELL!

  19. Kermit

    :arrow: ticticboom
    Sounds like you are quoting Edwin Edwards past governor of Louisiana now residing in the Federal Pen.

    I agree. McCain may have to have a massive coronary to lose in November.

  20. drillanwr

    :arrow: Kermit

    McCain may have to have a massive coronary to lose in November.

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  21. ticticboom


    Is that who that quote’s from? I’ve heard it a bunch of times from different people, but I have no idea who first said it.

  22. the_right_reverend

    bury the bitch

  23. azbastard

    im sorry i wasnt listening :beer:

  24. POD1

    I was never going to vote for him.
    Now, lots of fence-sitting centrist Republicans won’t either. :cool:
    That means Obama’s speech was good for America. :beer:

  25. danielle

    Didn’t fall for that speech.

  26. Dannyboy

    Thought that his campaign was about change, but really it’s more of the same. Thought race wasn’t going to be an issue, but here it is. Has there ever been a less substantive and hollow presidential candidate EVER? Seriously. Can you think of a less-qualified candidate in the history of this country? This is a man that many Democrats want to become the most powerful man in the world, making decisions daily that affect our lives and nobody knows a damn thing about him!

    I don’t think this speech helped among intelligent, thinking people who can put two and two together. I think this whole episode has hurt him tremendously. At this point, it clearly gives the edge to the GOP and I’m going to enjoy watching Hillary and Obama chewing away at each other for the next few months. At this point in the game, people are sick of politics, and the candidate that sees less of the spotlight (McCain), fares the best come November.

  27. EDinTampa

    I am MORE convinced Obama is a fraud especially after hearing him throw his Grandmother under the bus.

    By the way, where is Grandma?

  28. jam

    A free infomercial. Does McCain get equal time?

  29. Brian H

    Kiss of Death.

    A Waffle Too Far.

    The Curtain Rips Wide Open.

    Bye-bye, ‘Bama!

    Bend over and kiss your ass good-bye.

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