O’Reilly’s Violent Menage a Trois With Two Wright/Obama Supporters

March 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Get out the popcorn…oh, one observation. That broad on the right? One dumb fucking cunt.

Pardon my Esperanto.

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18 Responses

  1. pete

    So there it is in a nutshell. These African American women do not think the USA is their country. They are not proud of it. They blame slavery, etc. and yet do you see African Americans like these boarding ships and planes to return to their homeland? No you don’t. Quit blaming the white man for all of your problems. It disgusts me.

  2. ticticboom

    Please, tell me how you could possibly find a context where saying “God DAMN America” isn’t anti-American. If this was the country these fools thought it was, the closest they’d come to being on TV would be cleaning the set at night.

  3. Jarhead68

    I saw this live and in color (no pun intended). Those two broads were hysterically stupid. The one in the middle was trying to play the “you took it out of context” card and the one on the right was playing the “I’m dead but too dumb to lay down” card. What a couple of morons. They insinuated that white people are too stupid to form an opinion because they don’t go to black churches. O’Reilly committed to going to a church service with the one in the middle. Problem is the “pastor” resigned from the church AND the Obamanation campaign. DUH!!!!

  4. JonnyMordant

    So, much for an intelligent debate… I love the way the dumb bitches kept talking over one another…LOL!

  5. ssgduke54

    :mad: “You have taken this out of context…” It is idiots like Hermene Hartman has made up my mind and I will not vote for Obama. If the roles were reverse and this was a white Anglo church paster saying this the two idiots above would ASK for his resignation. HATRED and RACISM KNOWS NO COLOR!

  6. ssgduke54

    Just one more thing. At the end of the video the two idiots started to blame white America for slavery and they have every right to say that. But just to let them know it took White America to Free the Slaves . For their are many of us WHITE Americans who HATED SLAVERY and RACISM and FOUGHT the South to end it. And it took many WHITE Americans to help bring in Civil Rights for ALL. So just to let you know where I stand is: I hate two kinds of people, one: Those who are Racists and two: Those who use the Race Card. For if you use the Race Card you are just as bad or even worse then a RACIST. PERIOD!

  7. Indy

    They ignore one glaring fact. White America ended slavery.

  8. Clutch250f

    Is it just me for do the black people pull the race card far more then any other races? I’ve also seem to notice that black comedians are far more racist then any white guy i’ve ever met. How come they never talk about that? But i love the context whining. It really doesn’t matter how long you listen to what he said, he still said Anti-American things and thus be dubbed a traitor to our country and tried and punished as one.

  9. T Double Dash

    You just can’t talk to them.

  10. The Sage

    Does anyone find irony in all this? We are about to elect a Black man as President, and I am pretty sure this is going to happen and these women still see themselves as victims. They are soon to be voices of the past; annoying voices at that.

  11. Leatherneck

    From the mouth of the nitwit with the glasses & braids: “You’re country is the same country that brought over African slaves…”

    You are absolutely correct. You’d have been better off living in Rwanda during the First & Second Congo Wars.

  12. John Cunningham

    Pure, unadulterated negro feces. I’ve been listening to this since ‘75. Hopefully this will be the beginning of normal people calling them on that.

  13. azbastard

    nearly everytime we hear about a murder, rape, robbery, etc. whose face do we see? a black face..whats up with that?
    they want to blame white america for all their problems. how about we blame blacks for all of our problems. we’re all human beings but they keep throwing the race card in our face, and its gonna bite ‘em in the ass. we just need to keep moving forward not backward

  14. Kurt(the infidel)

    two racists. thats what i see. I will call them as i see them all day long and anyone who will defend and even agree with Wright are both anti-American and racist. simple as that

  15. Max

    No one should be surprised at the anti-Americanism of the religious Left in this country. The “Reverend” Wright is typical of many, many Liberals ensconced in pulpits all across America who reject the Bible as their final authority, but are more than willing to misquote the Bible to support their Socialist ideology. These “religionists” reject the blood of Christ and laugh at the Word of God, and at the same time, embrace people like Fidel Castro (e.g. Jesse Jackson). These people are Socialists and agree with much of what Karl Marx had to say. This is why you find them supporting Democrats rather than Republicans in general, and also why they say such hateful things about the United States of America.

  16. Mike F

    Thank You Bill O’Reilly for putting these two ignorant, brain-dead, racist, liberal democratic bitches on the air. Hopefully it was seen by all, and this MSM Obama love fest can come to an end!

  17. talitm

    Why does it ALWAYS come back to the “white man?” I’m not racist but with out the “white man” they would still be in Africa beating there drums.

  18. el Vaquero

    Put a FORK in Obama and his co-bigots from that Marxist/Black Muslim church…anyone that votes for these freaks should never be allowed to vote again!

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