Palestinians Teach Kids That Holocaust Jews Burned Babies in Ovens

March 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I’ve talked about this so many times, but I will keep talking about it until it ends.

These people indoctrinate their children with lies and hatred from the moment they are born. Years of this hatred and indoctrination and the teaching that to die as a martyr in jihad means instant access to eternal Paradise with 72 virgins. Couple that with the miserable lives they lead because all they can focus on is hatred of the Jews and trying to please their false god, and the result is poverty, unemployment and apathy…

Mix them all together, and they arrive at the conclusion that its time to either start attacking Israel, or travel off to Iraq or Afghanistan to join their “brothers” in the fight, or even off to Europe or America to begin plotting and scheming in cells designed for waging terror in the Free World.

Fuck ‘em.

This from Palestinian Watch:

Palestinian children in Gaza were gathered for an exhibition (pictured) that depicts Israel burning children in a crematorium. Young children are seen standing beside dolls being placed into a model of a cremation oven.

According to the article in Al Ayyam, “The National Committee for defense of Children from the Holocaust opened its activities with a Holocaust exhibit. The Exhibit include a large oven and inside it small children are being burned, the picture speaks for itself.” [Al Ayyam, March 20, 2008]

Another part of the exhibit was a black platform with the words, “Stop the Israel’s Holocausts.” [Al Hayat Al Jadida, March 20, 2008]

Palestinian Authority (Fatah) TV already already taught children in the past that Israel burned children in the Holocaust. With ovens pictured in the background and actors playing dead children as part of a musical play, an actor in a video declared:

“They [Israel] are the ones who did the Holocaust … They opened the ovens for us to bake human beings… and when one oven stopped burning they lit a hundred more ovens.”

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7 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    If you want to conquer the world kill the truth first …

  2. Caligula

    the holocaust didn’t happen? or the jews were the ones exterminating themselves?

    make up your minds!!! the a-rabs are worse than truthers with their tin-foil hats!!!!!

  3. John Cunningham

    We’ve found over the past week that there those here in the US that indoctrinate their children in a toned down version of hate in those mosks disguised as churches.

  4. DC

    What kind of dumbass thinks this shit up?

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    To hell with these punk palli-arabs. Why in the freaking world do we give them any aid at all?
    This is an outrageous statement. No; beyond outrageous.
    I need a beer. :beer: :beer:

  6. Kevin M

    Perhaps a tad off-topic, but if indoctrinating (read: brainwashing) children from Day One can produce mindless hate-mongering zombies (read: Muslims), then we should be very careful when we send our own kids to school to get brainwashed into believing that Daddy’s F-150 is causing the planet to overheat, that Hussein is the new Messiah and that our own government blew up NYC on 9/11.

    “Give me the boy until the age of five and I’ll give you the man.” That’s an old Jesuit saying that seems to prove very true.

  7. ticticboom

    I’m going to say something that will shock most people.

    There is no worse sin than killing a child, but I would have no problem killing these future jihadis. They will inevitably grow up wanting to kill our children. They are infected with a disease.

    Ask a WWII vet about the Hitler Youth. Killing kids didn’t feel right to GIs. They got over it. Or they died at the hands of the little Nazi bastards.

    The default setting for humans is barbarism. It is never more than a generation away. It is possible to raise a people out of the cesspools of such a backward mindset, but that requires effort on their part, some desire to live a better life.

    Instead, Palestinians assault anyone who genuinely tries to help them, and murder any of their own who look like they might overcome this disease.

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