Pelosi Slams The Troops On PBS

March 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


A different flavor, she says.

My ass. She is so full of shit…

God bless the troops – those wife abusers? That was the conflicted message emanating from Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Charlie Rose on PBS stations last Thursday night. Rose ran Pelosi through the usual list of anti-war talking points, and the Speaker suggested our troops are riddled with “mental challenges” and domestic violence, just seconds after blessing the troops:

CHARLIE ROSE: Some argue that the sacrifice had been primarily by the men and women in the armed services and their families. And part of the reason that we ought not go to war, in which the American people are not asked to sacrifice behind the military.

NANCY PELOSI : Well, the one percent of our population is feeling this in a very personal way. And that`s just not fair. The shared sacrifice — what did we do? We went to war, and the president gave a tax cut to the wealthiest people in America instead of saying we’re going to have a shared sacrifice here so everyone knows what the cost of this war is.

But we have — the long-term costs of this war in Iraq are tremendous. You can`t even quantify them when you talk about the breakup of marriages, the mental challenges that many of our troops are coming home with, the domestic violence that is occurring, the divorce rates in the military. This is — this is a different flavor than we have seen before.


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16 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I want to piss on her corpse.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    This lady and her ideology shouldnt be tolerated. How on G-ds earth did she become speaker of the house? She may even be too radical for San Francisco

  3. LftBhndAgn

    Two words for Nancy:


  4. Pelosi Slams The Troops On PBS · The Spin Doctor

    […] â��7.62mm Justiceâ�� â�¢ wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt A different flavor, she says. My ass. She is so full of shit… God bless the troops – those wife abusers? That was the conflicted message emanating from Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Charlie Rose on PBS stations last Thursday night. Rose ran Pelosi through the usual list of anti-war talking points, and the Speaker suggested our troops are riddled with “mental challenges” and domestic violence, just seconds after blessing the troops: CHARLIE ROSE: Some argue that the sacrifice had been primarily […]

  5. mindy abraham

    How can she say anything? How did she get elected?


    like npr, reviewing a book that an active duty marine wrote with his father “marines, haha, smart enough to write a book, hahahahaha”

    those dirty, filthy, code pinko, communist f()cks

    just remember, when you get to the pearly gates, the streets are guarded By United States Marines

  7. Bob USMC

    Let’s get this civil war going dammit! Fuck her and all those other useful idiots! We don’t like them, they don’t like us, fuck it, let’s get it on, and then see if they’ll bomb any more recruiting offices after that, which BTW, I’ve yet to hear her denounce that act. WTF? :beer: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  8. Monkey3531

    @ Steve in NC
    “I want to piss on her corpse.”

    Cool, cause I want to take a runny dump on her face while she’s alive.

  9. Ang

    Her ignorance amazes me. I didn’t think one person could that possess much stupid.

  10. drillanwr


  11. Jarhead68

    To: Monkey3531

    “@ Steve in NC
    “I want to piss on her corpse.”

    Cool, cause I want to take a runny dump on her face while she’s alive.”

    You HAVE to know that poopy-boarding is torture and that’s…just…wrong.
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  12. CBL

    Divorce Rates in the military have always been high…..where have you been Nancy?

  13. drillanwr

    :arrow: CBL

    Divorce Rates in the military have always been high…..where have you been Nancy?


    I know a Marine whose wife took his pay, while he was in A-stan, and instead of making the [new] house payments and bills for the months he was away, put it up her nose and down her gullet.

    Came home to possible foreclosure and bankruptcy …


    So, Nancy, WHOSE fault was that? Surely NOT his. He was doing HIS job. The wife F***ed up …

  14. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :twisted: Hey Nancy the only thing you are good for is making plans for your grand-children to go see the depraved parade that takes place in your degenerate district that you represent.
    Granny Polosi, “Come on now children, lets go down to the Folsom Street parade and there we can see our culture at work. If we are lucky, we can see the gays whip each other and do perverted things that we all want you youngins to know about.”
    Grand-Children, “But Granny Polosi we saw them doing this at the parade for the past several years. We want to go to the play ground instead.”
    Granny Polosi, ” No you are not going to play. You will tolerate the perverts just like I say for you to do.”
    That is all this woman is good for. She is a disgrace to The United States.

  15. denghis (ibm al himar)

    Remember the deck of cards after Iraqi Freedom? We need another deck for American Freedom and she’s an Ace…

  16. denghis (ibm al himar)

    Remember the deck of cards from the end of Iraqi Freedom? We need another deck for American Freedom…she’s an Ace.

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