RAF Personnel Ordered Not To Wear Uniforms In Public

March 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


They are afraid they will be targeted by Jihadis.

You know what? I think it is tooo late for the UK. They have allowed their turf to become islamisized to the point where their military can’t wear their uniforms in public for fear of being attacked.

Fuck that…not here. Never.

Before you read the story, read this quote by Winston Churchill, and ask wtf happend?

“Never has so much been owed by so many to so few.”

What would Churchill say today?

RAF personnel have been ordered not to wear their uniforms in public after incidents of verbal abuse on the streets.

Troops have been told to keep a low profile in Peterborough after taking advice from RAF police.

The move - which has come to light after a Birmingham man was jailed for planning to kidnap and behead a British Army soldier - was described as a “sad day for the city” by mayor Marion Todd.

She said: “I honestly think it’s despicable.”

“It’s a sad day for the city and for the country when the RAF can’t wear their uniforms, particularly when they hold the Freedom of the City honour.

“A small minority of people shouldn’t be able to dictate to us, particularly at the moment when we are so proud of what they (the forces) are doing, serving queen and country.”

Cllr Todd, whose great-nephew, James Goldthorpe, is currently serving in Afghanistan with the army, added: “The vast majority of people are right behind them and know that they are just doing their jobs.

“This is a slight against them and the many families with young people out there.”

RAF Wittering, near Stamford, has imposed the uniform ban in the city after incidents stretching back over about seven months.

Base spokesman Squadron Leader Tony Walsh said a number of personnel who lived in the city and its outskirts had suffered abuse when openly wearing their uniforms.

The verbal attacks had come from a “cross-section” of the community, he added, and were believed to be linked to the RAF’s current operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He stressed that the decision to prohibit uniforms in the city was a local one made by Station Commander Group Captain Atherton after she took advice from RAF police.

It ran counter to the general policy of allowing uniforms to be worn more widely, which followed the easing of tensions in Northern Ireland.

Sqn Leader Walsh said: “We have tried to encourage it more since the ending of the terrorist campaign, and want the local population to see us in our uniforms, as many people don’t know what they look like.”

Leader of the city council councillor John Peach, said: “It’s a sad development.

“We have always had a good relationship with RAF Wittering.”

The uniform ban has emerged after Parviz Khan, from Birmingham, was jailed after he was recorded planning to kidnap and kill a British Army soldier.

Currently, 150 men from RAF Wittering are serving in the conflict in Afghanistan.

(Daily Mail)

Nods to Striker_One.

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10 Responses

  1. Reign in Blood

    Good lord. The ones who should be hailed and exalted for their selfless actions in serving their country are being told to hide their service like it is something to be ashamed of. The peaceniks of the 60’s and jihadis are really brothers in arms aren’t they.

    Instead of ordering them not to wear the uniforms I think they should pass a law allowing those who wear the uniform to kick the asses, with impunity, anyone who verbally assaults them/etc.

    Get some balls England!

  2. John Cunningham

    Instead of being ordered to not wear their uniforms they should be ordered to each carry a weapon and travel in groups of at least three.

  3. J.

    What, thefuck. This is insane. Do the English have it in themselves to get angry anymore? About anything? One more day closer to the inevitable. And with that, I mean the purge.

  4. ArleighB

    Bash,in answer to your question on the Churchill quote: “Never have so few instilled such fear in so many.” Where is the Britain I was so proud of ?

  5. steve m

    Are we now to remove the “Great” from Great Britain? If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything. Is there no sense in England anymore? All you folks across the pond there, what have you to say about this downward trend your once mighty nation is following?

    If the Falklands happended today, and the islamopigs we the invaders, they’d probably just hand them over.

  6. intrepid

    :twisted: see no evil,hear no evil,speak no evil.wake the fuck up, mate. :evil: :evil: :evil:

  7. rightangle

    Baahaa Britannia! Next cricket match will have more civi streakers than M/W in uniform. God save the cladded.

  8. Donnie B

    Hey Bash, It was somewhat that way here just before President Reagan. Our USAF base recommended we not wear uniforms into the college town nearby or go to their bars. Most didn’t, we were very welcome at the local VFW by the retirees that worked on-base.

  9. Jerusalem

    we are all discouraged from wearing our uniforms in public but sometimes on the way home you stop by the store(that’s obviously fine). It’s opsec for the entire air force(a suggestion not an order). I’m in california at the moment and holy shit some of the people here can’t stand the military, we’ll go on trail runs sometimes in a group and people look at us like we’re dicks, I just don’t get it. Also sometimes the hippies sit outside our base and protest torture and weird shit like that, I’m just like do you understand what we do here? but yeah it’s good opsec to not draw attention to yourself, but I miss the days of being home or at certain bases in the US where you can wear your uniform (or they just know by the haircut and talk among other things) and people shake your hand or offer to buy you a drink. Out here in California there’s no love people look down on the military and if i didn’t have such good B&D i might give a fuck ;). One time an out of towner gave me and my 2 friends 60 bucks at a bar for drinks (coolest dude ever). As far as the other side we’ve also had people spit in our face once and people have often tried to start fights. I like this website most people seem to care bout their airmen, soldiers, sailors, and marines. If you ever see a military member tell them thanks or buy them a drink, we don’t need it or care we do our jobs for ourselves and our country as well as all of you. But sometimes it’s nice to be reminded the people appreciate you cuz a lot of assholes don’t(kick their asses cuz we get in trouble for fighting:P). :beer: :beer: :razz:

  10. Brian H

    Shared purpose works better than gratitude; after a time people get to feeling resentful of the “burden” of gratitude. But working together for a goal evens the playing field somewhat.

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