Saudi Prince Building Mile-High Skyscraper

March 31st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The Dubai Tower and Prince al-Walid bin Talal, who is behind the scheme.

On a clear day, the view from the top will take in the Middle East, North Africa and the Indian Ocean - providing you’ve a head for heights.

Plans for a mile-high tower in the Saudi Arabian desert have been unveiled by the billionaire owner of London’s Savoy Hotel.

At 5,250ft, the £5billion project, masterminded by two British engineering consultancies, will be twice as high as its nearest rivals, skyscrapers under construction in Dubai and Kuwait, and almost seven times as high as the Canary Wharf tower in London’s Docklands.

It is being planned for a new city near the Red Sea port of Jeddah. Behind the scheme is 51-year-old Prince al-Walid bin Talal, who bought the Savoy for £1.25billion in 2005.

The plan gives the Middle East a clear lead over Asian countries and the U.S., who have vied in the past to construct the world’s tallest buildings.

None of the other skyscrapers under construction, including New York’s Freedom Tower on the World Trade Centre site, will exceed 2,296ft.


The prince’s company, Riyadh-based Kingdom Holdings, has set up a joint venture with the London firms Hyder Consulting and Arup.

Experts say the technical challenges are enormous. Much of the lifting will be carried out by helicopters, which will also be used as commuter transport for builders.

The tower will have to be capable of withstanding a wide range of temperatures, with its top baking in the desert sun by day but dropping to well below freezing at night.

To resist the strong winds prevalent in the area and stop it swaying, giving its occupants a form of high-rise seasickness, it will be fitted with a giant computer-operated damper.

Two “mini-towers” - both taller than Canary Wharf - will be built on either side of the main tower.

Linked to it by elevated walkways, they will anchor it and act as stabilisers.

Until recently, the still-under-construction Dubai Tower was expected to be the world’s tallest building.

Plans have changed several times to make it higher, but the final version is expected to be 2,300ft with 160 storeys.

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8 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ah a modern Tower of Babel. Hey, you think, when he’s done building his tower, he’ll get out his bow and arrow and try to shoot it into heaven ala “Nimrod”??

    Pardon me, if I laugh. :lol: :mrgreen:

  2. Get Working You Bums

    The Saudi Prince should spend all that money to help his Palestinian brothers. I don’t mean buy arms either. Spend it on infrastructure, food, and build a dozen Walmarts and Famous Dave’s Barbeques. They can have jobs to keep themselves busy. You will find that hard work makes you tired. When the work day is done, they will just want to go home. They will be too exhausted for Jihad. And while you are at it beg forgiveness from your Jewish neighbors. Is that to much to ask? :razz:

  3. fmder


  4. fmder

    Is this a modern day version of measuring your d**k?

  5. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    we should fly a plane into it, a little pay back for 15 of the 19 on 9/11.

    oh and where i come from a mile is 5,280 feet.

  6. Maynard

    Wait til ya see the speakers that go on top of that minaret :razz:

  7. Dr. Lecter

    I hope when it collapses it gets onto YouTube.

    What are they naming it? Viagrallahuachoo?

  8. Kevin M

    Sorry for the Dr. Lecter thing. My damned inner chef keeps rearing his ugly head.

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