Saudis Say No Churches Until Christians Recognize Mohammed As Prophet

March 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Proof that Muslims have no understanding of Truth.

Riyadh: March 29, 2008.No churches should be permitted in Saudi Arabia, unless Pope Benedict XVI recognised the prophet Mohammed, according to a Middle East expert.

While Saudi mediators are working with the Vatican on negotiations to allow places of religious worship, some experts believe it will not occur without this recognition.

Anwar Ashiqi, president of the Saudi centre for Middle East strategic studies, endorsed this view in an interview on the site of Arab satellite TV network, al-Arabiya on Thursday.

“I haven taken part in several meetings related to Islamic-Christian dialogue and there have been negotiations on this issue,” he said.

“It would be possible to launch official negotiations to construct a church in Saudi Arabia only after the Pope and all the Christian churches recognise the prophet Mohammed.”

“If they don`t recognise him as a prophet, how can we have a church in the Saudi kingdom?”

Ashiqi`s comments came after a declaration launched by the papal nuncio of the Persian Gulf, the archbishop Mounged El-Hachem, at the opening of the first Catholic church in Qatar last week.

The prelate had announced the launch of “treaties to construct a church in Saudi Arabia where it is banned to practise whatever religion they want outside Islam”.

El-Hachem estimated three to four million Christians in the Saudi kingdom who want to have a church.

A member of Saudi Arabia`s Consultative Council, Abdelaziz al-Thinani, rejected the prelate`s claims saying that there were no Christians among the Saudis who were all Muslims.

“Those few Christians do not reside in the country permanently, they come and go,” he said.

He denied there were four million Christians in the kingdom and said the issue of human rights should not be used to call for the construction of a Christian church.

Most of Saudi Arabia`s Christians are foreign workers. There are 8.2 million foreign workers in a country of 25.6 million people according to a report by the Saudi Labour Ministry.

(Paki Christian Post)

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17 Responses

  1. Eddie in Cali

    Bunch of arrogant retards shove thier satan worshipping religion up thier collective asses :mad: sorry this really burns me, they call bloody murder if you even hint at screwing with thier pos cult, but they want us to bend over and take this….F that

  2. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    if we recognized mohammed as a prophet then we wouldnt be Christians. we would be some form of hybrid religion with the 2 combined. And im not having it. glad i dont live in Saudi Arabia for many reasons and religion is only a part of it.

    my god sent his son to die for me, your god asks you to die for him.

  3. Mike in CA

    But they don’t recognize Christian prophets. If the Muslim religion is truely compasionate and tolerant, they would be open to prophets other than Mohammed, c’mon.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    No problem camel-jockstrap. How about no more Mosques get built in America until you recognize the right of people to worship as they choose.There is no compulsion in religion in America, but in Saudi it is “If anyone leaves their religion(Islam) they should be killed.”

    Think Mecca vs Medina libtards. There are two juxtapositions of Islamic though and seperate so-called revelations that are abrogated by those Revelations in Medina from those in Mecca.

    I get your drift Saudi. You want the world to say there is no religion but Allah’s and that Muhammed the child-molestor is his prophet huh?

    So how about up yours pal.

    There is no God but God, and his Son Issa Bin Allah.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Here ya go Dollard Nation:

  6. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :evil: Islam is evil. It sucks. Mohammed was a pediphile.
    Islam is the curse of the world. God bless my nation’s military that keep us safe from retards like A.Q., the Taliband and the Saudis who are really are enemy. It is sad and screwed-up that we have to play pretend-friendship with the Saudis. Frig that. No towel-headed bed-sheeter can possibilly be our friend.


    this is fucking Bullshit!! :mad:

  8. JimC

    Prophet of the Deceiver, ok fine….Prophet of the The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob? Nah…

    John 14:6 (King James Version)
    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    Sorry Muhammed, don’t need ya….

  9. RankRabbit

    Islam is a joke. It’s for the less educated morons of this world. Allah does not exist. Maybe a supreme creator, but not any Allah. :gun: Allah

  10. LftBhndAgn

    Then a Catholic Church will NEVER be built in Saudi Arabia.. The day the Pope recognizes Mohamed as a Prophet, is the day I break away from the Catholic Church!

  11. Kufir Ken

    Always so freaking one sided… My way or the highway…

    Or as Trent Reznor might say…

    “Bow down before the ones you serve, you’re going to get what you deserve…”

  12. Mark in WA

    The adherents to Islam would never, and will never, recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

    If the Pope is even considering recognition of the pedophile, rapist, murdering “prophet”, there will be an uproar the likes of which have never been seen before.

    @Dan(The Infidel) … Thanks for the link

  13. rightangle

    “If they don’t recognize him as a prophet, how can we accept a church in the saudi kingdom?” The pope isn’t going to recognize Mohammed and the koran for anything other than blasphemey. They sell Christianity short by denying Christ is the son of God.

    Muslims(may the peace of Christ be upon them)need to ditch the Kaaba, that rock in Mecca and listen to those following in the original footsteps like Peter the disciple of the ‘Rock of Ages’. “And I say to thee, thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” -Matthew 16: 18.
    Also note that good Christians when they enter new territory, they bless it and declare it destined for the “Glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.” Something the pilgrims did in 1620 A.D. when signing the Mayflower Compact before stepping onto another great rock, Plymouth Rock(Christs peace be upon it too.)

  14. Kevin M

    You will be permitted to practice your religion only on the condition that you acknowledge your religion is false.

    Islam: What the West Needs to Know

    See it on Google video or buy the DVD on Amazon.

  15. Franchie

    yeah, you got to be strong behind your computers,

    which coutry is the biggest ally for rhe Bush administration ?

    Bomb SAUdI ARABIA :!:

  16. cclezel

    Forced conversions and beheading must first be renounced. Then we will turn you down again.

  17. TedB

    @ (out)house of saud:

    Fuck you, end message.

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