Schedule: Hillary Was In White House On Blue Dress Stain Day

March 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Those thousands of pages of Hillary’s schedule as First Lady has revealed that she was indeed in the White House the day Monica Lewinsky’s infamous blue dress got…stained.

Hillary Clinton spent the night in the White House on the day her husband had oral sex with Monica Lewinsky, and may have actually been there when it happened, according to records of her schedule released today by the National Archives.

An initial review by ABC News of the 17,481 pages of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s schedule as first lady, released today by the National Archives, also finds significant gaps in time and many days containing only “private meetings” at the White House with unnamed individuals.

The public schedule for Sen. Clinton on Feb. 28, 1997, the day on which Lewinsky’s infamous blue dress would become stained by the president, shows the first lady spent the morning and the night in the White House.

The Feb. 28 schedule lists her as attending four “drop-by” events, closed to the press, between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. and then records her as staying in the White House overnight that fateful day.

The schedule lists three different events occurring that evening at Washington theaters and the Kennedy Center but does not indicate if she attended.

According to the Starr report, President Clinton took Lewinsky into an Oval Office bathroom in the early evening, after recording a radio address. Forensic tests later “conclusively” showed that the blue dress she was wearing “was stained with the President’s semen,” according to the Starr report.

(ABC News)

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7 Responses

  1. Jenn

    Well now that’s not exactly shocking considering that after Chelsea was conceived, they probably never got it on again.

  2. deathstar

    I bet she was smoking a cig and watching.

  3. PhilNBlanx

    Any word on where Huma Abedin was at the time?

  4. tom

    lol deathstar. noice.

    …..think i’m gonna vomit :oops:

  5. Dave

    Spunk on the blue dress while Hillary was upstairs watching the red phone I bet.

  6. ticticboom


    That’s what I was thinking. I was going to suggest she may have pulled a McGreevey, but Hillary doesn’t appear to be a chubby chaser, judging by Huma.

  7. ken holton

    She probably has it on tape (for sale if all else fails)

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