Scooter Libby Disbarred

March 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


From an article by Mark Silva in The Swamp:

Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the former assistant to the president and chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney, today lost his license to practice law over his conviction for obstruction of justice in the federal investigation of the leak of a CIA agent’s identity.

Libby had been found guilty a year ago of obstruction of justice and lying to federal authoriities probing who revealed the name of Valerie Plame, the CIA officer whose husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, had traveled to Africa and debunked the Bush administration’s argument that Niger was providing uranium to the regime of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Wilson publicly accused the administration of promoting flawed intelligence to promote its case for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

The District of Columbia Court of Appeals, which previously had suspended Libby from the practice of law, ruled that this his crimes are considered “moral turpitude” which under the law require disbarment. Libby also has faced stiffed fines in his conviction, but President Bush has commuted the 30-month prison sentence that Libby was handed.

Libby had not been charged with leaking Plame’s identity to the news media, but rather impeding the investigation which never resulted in anyone’s conviction for revealing the agent’s name. Plame claimed the unmasking destroyed her career, a retaliation for her husband;s accusations that the White House manipulated intelligence to make a case for war.

The local Board on Professional Responsibility had recommended that Libby be disbarred, the court said, indicating that Libby had not opposed his disbarment.

Libby may be brushing off his novelist’s pen.

(The Swamp)

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5 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Make BIG bucks, Scooter … BIG BUCKS!

  2. chay

    Our criminal justice system has truly become criminal. Libby is another good man brought down on trumped up charges by leftist prosecutors like that damn Spitzer and Nifong. They both got what was coming to them, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg. None of us is safe as long as there are criminal prosecutors usurping the law to further their leftist agenda.

  3. B. Veener

    Who was the leftist prosecutor in the libby case?

  4. Lone Wolf

    Patrick Fitzgerald:

    Patrick may have had an axe to grind since Libby had previously helped Marc Rich:

  5. B. Veener

    That’s what I thought - Fitzgerald was appointed U.S. Attorney for the N. District of Illinois by President Bush - how does that make him a “lefty”?

    Are you (chay) implying that President Bush is a lefty? I’m not sure if I like that.

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