Shocking: Study Says MSM Overwhelmingly Liberal Lefties

March 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


A survey conducted late last year and released Monday, by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, confirmed the obvious — that compared to the views of the public, conservatives are under-represented in national journalism while liberals are over-represented. Jennifer Harper of the Washington Times discovered the nugget buried deep in the annual “State of the Media” report from Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism and FNC’s Brit Hume on Tuesday night highlighted the findings from the survey of 222 journalists and news executives at national outlets:

Only six percent said they considered themselves conservatives and only two percent said they were very conservative. This compares with 36 percent of the overall population that describes itself as conservative. Most journalists, 53 percent, said they’re moderate. 24 percent said they were liberal and eight percent very liberal.

Only 19 percent of the public consider themselves liberal. And it’s not much of a leap to presume many of the 53 percent who describe themselves as “moderate” are really quite liberal.

For national broadcast journalists (97 polled), zero percent call themselves “very conservative” while 6 percent said they are “very liberal.”

Overall, only 8 percent of those at national outlets attend church or synagogue weekly.


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7 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Not shocking at all. See thats what impedes most news stations from bringing us truth. lets face it Republicans and Democrats look at the world in two completely different ways. example: if you’re anti-war then how the hell will you ever be able to bring accurate information about the war without skewing it with your own beliefs. Its not fair to the people who watch for information.

    Fox has its very conservative moments but i at least think they are fair

  2. Molly

    The statistics they garnered were interesting, but it doesn’t take away from the obvious. Liberals love to bash Fox News as a conservative conspiracy because they have an intolerant mentality that if you don’t share the same views as they do, you are an idiot.

    :gun: Keith “I am an asshole” Olberman.

  3. IP727

    well duh~~~~ :roll:

  4. Bob USMC

    :gun: There have been other studies that have also come to the obvious conclusion:

    Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist:

    Seattle Times Editor Admits Majority of Newsroom Votes ‘Blue,’ Driven by ‘Activism’:

    Video: Boos in MSNBC newsroom during Bush’s 2003 SOTU, recalls Scarborough:

    Obama, Huckabee Fare Best;
    FOX Is Most Balanced (not a typo):

    MSNBC Confirms Liberal Media Bias:

    6th Poll in a Year Finds Public Recognizes
    Liberal Tilt to Media:


    What Media Bias:

  5. ticticboom

    In other news, water is wet, night is dark, and hippies are unhygenic.

  6. TJ (The kafir)

    And the 53% who call themselves moderates are what we like to call LIARS. :oops:

  7. Bob USMC

    The outrageously corrupt liberal mainstream media needs to be destroyed. :mrgreen: :gun: :beer: More conservatives need to get into that field somehow. We need 5 more TV networks to get even. Just watch them try to pass the Fairness Doctrine should they get total power.

    Thank God for the internet!!! :beer: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

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