“Stop-Loss” Stops And Loses At Box Office

March 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


As it should be.

This puke flick grossed about a million dollars last night (won’t pay Ryan Phillipe’s make-up bill) and so heads down the same fucking road all the other anti-war films that have come out in the last couple of years have gone down…

…the road of losers.

You know why? Because America doesn’t want another whiney-assed, lets-relive-the-60’s-movement group of pseudo-hippies that haven’t the foggiest idea of what is really going on in Iraq & Afghanistan is the most important battle of all-time, and whose outcome will determine the state of the world for decades to come.

So, once again…Fuck you Hollywood.

You are a dying dinosaur.

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14 Responses

  1. Crap Film For Losers

    I second that:Fuck you Hollywood. Ha Ha! Lost money. Bunch of lefty losers.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Yet another reason why I stopped watching MTV religiously in the Fall of 2001. Plus, the music sucks ass.

    Another anti-war movie bites the dust, yet hollyweird won’t learn its lesson.

  3. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    screw hollywood!

    lets make another fucking film that no one is going to watch. damn thats smart.
    Wasnt it Einsteins definition of insanity to keep doing something the same way and expecting a different result each time? just more proof that the looney left are clueless.

    and hiring someone like Ryan Phillipe to play a soldier. ha! but their losses wont teach them anything. another director with yet another similar plot will try again months down the road. insanity

  4. John Goodrow

    Saw this coming a mile away.

    Get fucked hollywood. You are America’s asshole.

  5. shotty628

    Unfortunately MTV is between Fox news and the Global warming.. er I mean weather channel and they run the tv trailer/ad nonstop for this p.o.s. propaganda detritis. Could not be happier that they are gonna take a nonstop loss on this film.

    I might be wrong but was this film actually encouraging desertion or some crap?? I doubt it would influence many of the 12 people who bothered to go see it but that really seems irresponsible.. but wait.. when was the unhinged blame America crowd ever responsible anyway.

  6. EDinTampa





  7. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    here read this, its a summary of the movie.

    As director and co-writer, she tells the story of Sgt. Brandon King (Ryan Phillippe), who returns to his small Texas town with a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, a welcome-home parade - and orders to return to Iraq. Instead, he flips out and goes AWOL, taking a road trip with Michele (Abbie Cornish), the girlfriend of his childhood best friend and fellow soldier, Steve (Channing Tatum). Steve is also home on leave but he’s a shaken shell of his old self. Michele is like a sister to Brandon, and Peirce wisely doesn’t force a romance.

    She also shows great sensitivity to the trauma these men endure as they struggle to resume their former lives.

    But Peirce also vacillates between earnestness and superficiality, making “Stop-Loss” too often feel like eye candy with a message.

    The movie is an MTV Films production, and clearly the aim of its marketing and youthful cast is to draw a young audience to the subject matter.

    in short, yes they are encouraging going AWOL

  8. Rogue @ TJ's Anti-contrarian Blog

    I’d like to take Ryan Phillipe out on a little dismounted LRRP in Iraq and let him talk to a few of my former troops.

    If he could keep up, he might understand why he’s now branded a insipid, champagne sipping, Leftist assclown. Should have turned down that role, dipshit.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Isn’t insanity doing the same shit over and over again and expecting a different result each time? Do we need more proof that Hollyweird is out of its collective, bleeping mind?

  10. PhilNBlanx

    “I can’t stand that I live in a culture, especially in Hollywood, where measure of man is self-indulgence.” — Pat Dollard

  11. Leatherneck

    “This puke flick grossed about a million dollars”

    1 million divided by a $10.00 ticket = 100,000 people.

    That doesn’t equal the population of a very small town. That’s not even a fly-speck on a map of America!

    HYSTERICAL! :mrgreen:

  12. Brian H

    Heh. If I’m a movie-house owner, do I want this on my screen? Lessee now, …. :lol:

  13. Jason's dad

    Damn, I’m way too slow. You guys wrote everything I was thinking before I could get over here! Only you did a better job. :beer:

    :arrow: Rogue

    He wouldn’t even have a clue what reconnaissance meant, much less be able to keep up with you. Hooah

  14. KBar

    Dear Hollywood,


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