Superdelegate: Don’t Discount A Gore-Led Ticket

March 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Da Goracle! Gore/Clinton or Gore/Obama?

Rep. Tim Mahoney, whose district includes much of Martin and St. Lucie counties, is hoping he won’t have to attend the Democratic Party national convention in Denver in August.

If he does go, that will mean the Democrats still haven’t decided a nominee for the presidential election. And if neither Sen. Hillary Clinton nor Sen. Barack Obama has clinched the nomination by August, Mahoney says we may see a brokered convention, meaning the nominee could emerge from a negotiated settlement.

“If it (the nomination process) goes into the convention, don’t be surprised if someone different is at the top of the ticket,” Mahoney said.

A compromise candidate could be someone such as former vice president Al Gore, Mahoney said last week during a meeting with this news organization’s editorial board.

If either Clinton or Obama suggested to a deadlocked convention a ticket of Gore-Clinton or Gore-Obama, the Democratic Party would accept it, Mahoney said.

Mahoney, who is one of the superdelegates who gets to cast a vote at the convention, hasn’t endorsed a candidate. He said he doesn’t intend to endorse anyone because “I don’t see it as my job as a district representative” to endorse a nominee for the presidential race.

If neither Clinton nor Obama has enough delegates to secure the nomination by the time the convention starts Aug. 25, Mahoney will have to cast a superdelegate vote for someone.


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4 Responses

  1. Mike in CA

    He says he doesn’t want it but you deep down in his bowels that he does :evil: . Every night he goes to bed, some nights he puts it to Tipper and all the time he whispers “it should’ve been me, it should’ve been me” :mad: .

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Manbearpig. Yeah put that idiot on the ticket. Then we could all be entertained by the brain-lessness of two Dhimoid Potus and VPOTUS candidates with severe Cranian Rectal Inversion problems. I’d laugh my ass off. And McCain would kick both their asses. Love to see those idiotic pics of little Al in VN vs McCain’s in the seat of his A-4.

    Or listening to manbearpig’s stupersillious rantings on global warming while many real scientists are now talking about Global cooling…Oh please make it happen Al. I do so enjoy laughing at your dumb ass self… :mrgreen:

  3. Kurt(Typical white devil)


    This picture just keeps ‘evolving’. now its a flame with words coming out lol

    As for this story. I dont believe Gore will jump in, just dont see it as a possibility. Gore got smacked down in 00′ and i think think it destroyed his appeal with the long drawn out fight and then ultimate defeat. Some might still see him as a viable option but its hard to believe that too many feel that way.

  4. One Shot

    There has been talk of this. Gore would be a tough cookie compared to the other two wankers.

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