Sure! That Guy Can Restrain A Lion With A Chain You’re Perfectly Safe

March 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Lion Attacks Woman - Watch more free videos

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16 Responses

  1. lobogris

    Maybe she should drink more milk.

  2. mike3481

    They were shooting still photos…Photoshop anyone.

  3. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Idiots. A lion is not a fucking pet or prop.

    It really seemed to go after her. Maybe she was on the rag. That sets some animals off.

  4. GF

    So, your going to do martial arts based on wild animal moves in front of a lion. :roll:

  5. eric in MD

    I liked when they put the coat over her so the lion could not see her. Sort of like when my two year old holds a blanket over her face and thinks we cant see her. It probably works as well with the lion. It would have been much cooler if the lion ripped off her arm. :lol:

  6. Kurt(Typical white devil)

    How on G-ds earth could anyone think thats a good idea?

    remember what happened to that gay dude, sigfried or roy. not sure who is who.

  7. Buck Hoff

    Maybe acting like a flamingo on the Serengeti wasn’t such a bright idea.

  8. TBinSTL (just typical)

    “Using that oriental martial bullshit on me is gonna get real expensive”- Sailor (Uncommon Valor)


  9. mike3481


    So, your going to do martial arts based on wild animal moves in front of a lion. :roll:

    mike3481- LOL, I would’ve never thought of that, thanks :beer:

  10. Brian H

    Maybe she was wearing that new man-grabber pheromone-laced perfume, “Eau de biftek”. ;)


    omg this was so fuckin funny! lol its a wild beast no matter how captive it was! i find it funny that even after she was attacked they didnt bother to remove the lion from the area or even move the victim! haahahah shes doing all these weird movements with her back turned to this beast and expect good to come out of it? if i were i lion i woulda ate her or killed her for being annoying, she almost gets killed and her voice is monotone no emotion at all ahahahahah good job retard

  12. Mike Swann

    I have had cats all my life.

    The lion was in a playful, happy mood.

    The oblivious martial arts routine by the girl looks like like a game to the lion and got plafully taken down.

    Lucky for all that all of those people didnt startle or cause aprehension . . . . .

  13. One Shot

    Lions are better subdued with a 416 Remington. You won’t believe that shit that you can make them do with a real stopper.

  14. Mark

    I filmed a lion outside of any cage at Animal Actors (Thousand Oaks, CA)It was terrifying and I did not take my eye off of this beast till I was safely separated. The idea of doing quick movement around this natural hunter and giant putty cat is absolutely insane. Very funny video

  15. Professor Bill

    I laughed out loud, probably inapropriate but I could’nt help but laugh when seeing the stupidity of that woman. That lion is a natural preditor, thats what he was designed to be and that idiot thought she would do some demonstration near the lion to look tough, she got owned.

  16. hegelbot

    :arrow: ticticboom, I thought that only attracted bears.

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