Jihadis Would Consider Hussein Win A Victory In GWOT

March 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


DES MOINES, Iowa— An Iowa Republican congressman said Friday that terrorists would be “dancing in the streets” if Democratic candidate Barack Obama were to win the presidency.

Rep. Steve King based his prediction on Obama’s pledge to pull troops out of Iraq, his Kenyan heritage and his middle name, Hussein.

“The radical Islamists, the al-Qaida … would be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they would declare victory in this war on terror,” King said in an interview with the Daily Reporter in Spencer.

King said his comments were not meant to demean Obama but to warn how an Obama presidency would look to the world.

“His middle name does matter,” King said. “It matters because they read a meaning into that.”

The Illinois senator, born in Hawaii to a white Kansas woman and a Kenyan man, is a Christian and has said he has little connection to the Islamic religion, though he acknowledges he spent part of his childhood in largely Muslim Indonesia.

In criticizing King, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said, “These comments have no place in our politics.” He called on John McCain, the apparent Republican nominee, to “repudiate them like he has previous offensive comments from his supporters.”

Last month, McCain denounced an introduction from Cincinnati talk-show host Bill Cunningham, who referred to Obama three times as “Barack Hussein Obama.”


Nods to LftBhndAgn.

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7 Responses

  1. EDinTampa

    This is what I’ve been saying all along. Barack Hussein Obama al-islam gives the terrorists name recognition if nothing else. He needs to be defeated by the Hilldabeast then she needs to be defeated by John Sidney McCain.

  2. Ivan the Kafir

    its worse than that. i’ve heard his name is actually barack hussein mohammad obama. complete blackout on that.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    See this proves to me how anti-American the Dems and of course including Obama really are. If i heard my name being mentioned by our enemies in a good way I would completely change how i ran my life. an Obama win would be good for the islamo-nazis because he would withdraw us from Iraq and eventually Afghanistan and then cut the balls off of our military thus giving free reign to the terrorists.

  4. DeportAllLeftists

    This is the wrong point.

    They would be rioting in the street if Barrack Hussein Obama won. He was born a muslim but converted to Christianity. For most of the muslim world, that’s punishable by death.

    Now, the American thing to do would be to say FUCK YOU to the middle east and elect him. But Obama wants us to understand other cultures, to negotiate with terrorists, to make them like us.

    So maybe we should ask why he isn’t volunteering for a beheading?

  5. Kevin M

    White mother, black father. :?: Roots in Kenya, but spent most of youth in Indonesia. :?: Has Hussein for middle name, but claims to be a lifelong Christian, never a Muslim. :?:

    This guy is an enigma, and I will never vote for an enigma.

  6. drillanwr

    Obama … what-the-fuck-ever …

    Common sense tells you that during WWII we WOULD NOT have elected someone with a thick German or Japanese name as president.

  7. denghis (ibm al himar)

    No shit?

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