The Texas Update Page - Updated Regularly

March 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


7:11 P.M.

Hussein barely leads in texas, 50 to 40 percent, with 13% of votes counted.

7:19 P.M.

Oh yeah, Hussein took Vermont, Hillary won Rhode Island.

7:27 P.M.

Hussein’s lead just dropped to 1% with 15% of precincts counted.

7:28 P.M.

It’s like a downhill snowball. With every second, Hillary gets closer to overtaking him. Let’s see if it lasts.

7:47 P.M.

Okay, some mini-brouhaha/scandal is beginning to buzz out Texas about Caucus violations by Hussein’s people. Developing…

7:52 Pm

7:55 P.M.

Hillary has taken the lead in Texas 49.25 to 48.9 with 24 % of precincts reporting.

8:00 P.M.

Bill Kristol just now called both Ohio and Texas for Hillary. Although, he’s just one dude, not a new organziation. But he’s a pretty sober and measured dude.

I just realized what her bigger picture strategy change was this week. She went off the defensive, and on the offensive, and totally balls out. This crazy bitch actually sat there on 60 minutes and said, “He’s not a fuckin’ Muslim, as far as I fuckin’ know.” Now I don’t care how much of you want to look down on her for something that sleazy, it was a giant, steel-balled move that showed she could fight as tough and nasty as the rest of them. I can’t stand Hillary mostly for her policy reason, no fucking way I want to see this bitch President, but I will commend her on her fearless guerrlla war/cluster bomg,white phosphorous, kill civilians if you have to assault on Hussein for the last ten days. Respec to her, for a well fought fight. I mean come in, this bitch risked whatever credibility to do and say whatever she had to, and ulimately it was validated as brilliant, given her success. Of course, she hasn’t actually won yet, and I’ll have to eat some of more words if she loses. But not too much, cos she JUST WON OHIO.

8:04 P.M.

Okay, all those early vote counties Hussein won? He’s now losing them as the people who voted today mostly voted for Hillary and erased his wins in all those precincts.

Brit Hume just said he thinks they’ll be able to call this for Hillary as well.

LOL, Hussein refuses to admit he’s lost Ohio, and his people are yelling at the networks for calling it for her. You tell ‘em, Al Gore. I swear to God Hussein and that nasty America-hating skank he’s married to are the biggest, angriest babies I’ve seen in my life.

8:13 P.M.

If Florida had been allowed to happen, I think any of this Hussein-as-frontrunner stuff would even by happening by now, as Hillary would’ve taken Florida. And she would probably take Michigan, because it’s so union heavy. I’m not advocating the she be allowed to cheat and the rules be broken for her - although maybe there’s some fair argument for do-overs in each state, I don’t know because I haven’t really analyzed that, thought it through, I’m just saying that if two who normally really really should have their votes counted did have them counted, we wouldn’t be worried about a guy worse than her being president. Mark my words, the truth and the dirty details are coming out. Hussein is a bad, bad, sleazy, lying, principle-less old-school shitbag politician. He’s the exact, exact opposite of who all these poor, naive kids he has duped think he is. He just has a good front - but that’s the hallmark of a good psychopathic; they’re almost the most charming and charismatic guy in the room. You know, like Bill Cliton.

Just so you know, I’ve running and blogging and posting on this site for 22 and a half hours straight.

8:24 P.M.

Why are we always hearing about the single working mom with two kids and no heat in the house? Does this post-modern Dickensian chick really exist, and how come all the Dem candidates have just talked to her yesterday in whatever state their in?

And why do the always talk about her like they’ve got a magic wand that is going solve all her problems and pay all her bills?

8:28 P.M.

Maybe the Dems should try pass the Single Mom with multiple children’s Bill, where these women never have to pay a bill of their own again?

Hillary’s giving her victory speech in Ohio right now.

8:36 P.M.

Bash chiming in here…just did a little math and with 1.8 million Democrat votes counted in Texas (which is about half), Hillary leads by about 20,000 votes.

8:46 P.M.

Obama’s giving his “my turn in barrel” speech in Texas. He’s all “Si se Puede”; it’s a little late for that shit dude, those Mexicans are useless to you now.

And holy shit, he’s started and once again he has nothing to say about defining his campaign by his policy, but just more overheated vague rhetoric about standing up and writing chapters, etc. It’s empty hair, it’s cult-leader talk, “You are part of a movement”. Yeah, and just what the does movement do? I swear to God, he’s a political vampire with policy and real plans and specifics as the garlic, stakes and sunlight that kill him.

It’s just tedious now…not even kinda funny in it’s lameness, just tedious and frightening in a lot of ways. He really is a fucking two-bit hustler.


9:50 P.M.

I’ve been out for a half hour, sorry for the delays.

Hillary just won. Fuck you, Hussein, you communist sack of shit.

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12 Responses

  1. Texas Mom

    That picture behind them is irritating as HELL!

  2. voice of reason

    any word on Kucinich? I would love to see him lose his seat.

  3. Kermit

    Just heard Nightline mention the two heavyweights slugging it out. I have to disagree, these are two lightweights and neither had a knockout punch.

  4. Kermit

    @VOR as of 10:45 CST there are no results at all for that district at Sec of State Brunner’s website. I wonder if a UFO stole the ballots?

  5. Pat Dollard

    The UFO ballots landed and were counted a week ago.

  6. ( CAPT-DAX )

    I’m heading for the Bunker! . with Guns Ammo, and Beer !

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  7. drillanwr

    :arrow: Texas Mom

    That picture behind them is irritating as HELL!


    As well it should be.

  8. Jerusalem

    I quite enjoy this, trust me every morning at the DFAC all we can do is watch the news and pray to g-d obama or hillary are not elected, it’s quite a consensus which is hard to find between military people sometimes. This is a joint base we have army, navy, marines, air force (like myself) and even coast guard and foreign military, seems like no one likes these crazy democrats this year, ‘cept my afghani teacher azami sahib but he barely speaks english and he’s like 80 years old, so i guess that shows you who is voting in the United States these days….
    love your site pat gonna start frequenting it more, ill bring some friends…

  9. drillanwr

    :arrow: Jerusalem

    Thanks for your service.

    Welcome to Dollard Nation …

    More Dollardites means more :beer: :beer:

  10. Pat Dollard

    Welcome, Jerusalem, glad you enjoy our little hang-out. We do our best. It’s a pretty funky place, hope the vibe is right for you.

    One thing we’re on point on, is winning the GWOT, and at the homefront as much as your front.

  11. Texas Mom

    TEXAS - Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama in the urban areas (my locale) . . . The illegal immigrants brought it home for Hillary in the rural areas on the border . . . to register to vote in Texas all you have to do is fill out a form and check a box that asks if you are a citizen. You mail in your request to vote and you get this little card back and they put you on the voting list . . . then you go into the precinct - they have the list - you sign by your name - no proof of identification required - no proof of citizenship required . . . ALL INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH for your convenience.

  12. Jerusalem

    wow there’s so many things to post on every day, im gonna have to choose wisely. I quite like everything on here I’ve seen thus far excited to see the finished documentary. GWOT is important to me as it should be to everyone in the free world. In fact I have a ribbon for that specifically…

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