Think “Fitna” Stirred It Up? Get Ready For “Pedophile”

March 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The truth needs to be told to the people of the world who don’t know the truth about this disgusting false prophet.

THE HAGUE, 28/03/08 - While the cabinet is losing sleep over MP Geert Wilders’ unpublished Koran film, a second film is due out on 20 April. Ehsan Jami plans to launch a cartoon film featuring the Prophet Mohammed as a paedophile.

Jami, born in Iran, announced that his film, The Life of Mohammed, is due for release on 20 April. On TV programme Netwerk, the young politician (22) showed a screen-shot in which the Prophet, with a visible erection, takes a child to a mosque to have sex. On the mosque is a swastika.

The fragment is a reference to the relationship between the prophet and the 9 year old Aisha as described in the Koran, according to Jami. His cartoon portrays all kinds of other perverse and violent verses, he added.

Jami set up a committee last September that aims to encourage leaving Islam and protect apostate Muslims. Shortly before the launch, he was attacked by Muslims in his home town of Leidschendam, where he was a local councillor for the Labour (PvdA) party. In October, PvdA terminated his party membership because his opinions were too radical for it.

The Muslims and Government Contact Body (CMO) has immediately announced it wants to bar the cartoon film via the courts. CMO is the government’s official consultation partner on integration policy. CMO board member Ayhan Tonca, said on Netwerk that Jami’s film will undoubtedly spark furious reactions in the Muslim world.

Tonca is a member of the Christian democratic (CDA) party. He was nominated to be a CDA MP in 2006 but resigned as a candidate because he refused to recognise the 1915-1917 genocide of Armenians by Turkey.


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6 Responses

  1. Tom

    Free speech in Europe lives or dies on whether it stands up to Islam’s thugs. You cannot split this baby, it is either or.

    Once you give in, you have signed your own death cert.

    I consider Islam to be the Global Klan/Death Cult.

    We have the specter of our officials in all our countries saying we need to respect the words of a murdering, pedophile warlord who lived 14 centuries ago.

    Why should we respect him? Because if we don’t his deluded followers in the present will get angry and kill in his name.

    Which is the exact reason he and they deserve zero respect.

  2. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    “Ehsan Jami plans to launch a cartoon film featuring the Prophet Mohammed as a pedophile”

    this is kind of an odd statement considering its a fact that he WAS one. thats common knowledge. cant wait until the movie comes out. let the riots start

  3. Hugh

    We as adults, men and women, CANNOT leave this fucking mess to our children. We MUST rise up and put an end to this stinking sewage called islam once and for all.

  4. Jason's dad

    Wow, I can’t wait to see what the “Religion Of Peace” followers will do when this comes out. Probably nothing too severe…unless of course you think rioting, looting, setting fires, and assorted violent acts are severe.

  5. Brian H

    But Mo waited so long! He married her at 6, and held off 3 long years. Marvelous self-control, wouldn’t you say?

  6. ArleighB

    :arrow: Brian H, Mo just waited until she began menstration,so his sperm wouldn’t be wasted…

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