Transference Video: Black Racist Accosts Crying White Girl

March 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This is what losers who fail at life have to do…blame ancestors and claim entitlements based on events that took place before his mama was even born. The only “Man” holding this guy down is himself. And I use the term “Man” lightly with this guy…

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27 Responses

  1. Moe

    BLACK POWER!! :lol: jk

  2. CBL

    WTF, walk away don’t give the prick the satisfaction.

  3. dtodeen

    Why would she stand there? I mean nutsack the jack ass and go about your night!

  4. John Cunningham

    Silly negro.

  5. jack douglas

    the guy behind him looks like he just smelled sh#t.

  6. Howie

    Where is that guy from Texas with his shotgun when you need him?

    I wonder if this asshole accosts other blacks for their tribal ancestors selling Africans into slavery?

  7. Arthuraria

    slide bolt back…load round….lock bolt forward…double check range…sight in….breathe in….exhale…hold… :gun:

  8. RWC

    Michelle Obama street testing her new speech?

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    may hell bring its wrath upon us evil ‘ambitious’ people. this guy is a turd. if he put half the effort into a JOB as he is that bullhorned hate speech he would have nothing to bitch about.

  10. intrepid

    asshole :gun: :gun:

  11. John Cunningham

    RWC, just thought of that myself. Lafayette Park will be filled with the likes of those like him feeling empowered if BO wins.

  12. Reign in Blood

    Dumb chick should have just walked on by and flipped him the bird. It’s never worth listening to such rantings.

  13. Lee__

    White liberal guilt…..they love it….Conservatism will save you(Crying white lady…..register republican)

  14. hegelbot

    Q: people who annoy you? A: Naggers.

  15. rightangle

    Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones are gonna work again, now hear the word of a lout. “my head bones connected to my tail bone, my hand bone connected to your wallet bone…

  16. LftBhndAgn

    Great Book - This asshole should read it.

  17. ssgduke54


  18. JonnyMordant

    The Native American part of me wants to scalp that stupid fucker, but the European part of me says I’ll have to shoot him, because there isn’t a tomahawk emoticon :gun:

  19. Paslode

    There are people, I don’t think of them by color, race, creed, wealth. They are respectful of others, considerate, compassionate, regular folks just living life, they are just people.

    Then there are those like this ass clown who re-awaken the nastiness of my Southern roots… word, derogatory ethnic references that is considered hateful and predjudice. I call it calling a spade a spade.

    I got one fucking word for him……..

  20. RENO

    I think Kurt(the infadel) nailed it.

  21. ticticboom

    I’ve run into his type before. One of the weirdest is this group that claims blacks are the real Jews, and Jews are impostors. Vicious bunch. They also think Jesus and the ancient Egyptians were black.

    I try not to deal with them, so I’m not sure if they think mohammed (piss be upon him) was black. If so, I’d love to introduce them to some wahabbis. I’m sure they’d find plenty to talk about. Anyone ever listen to an Arab talking about an African?

  22. Big

    Why the fuck did she stand there and why was she crying?

  23. drillanwr

    :arrow: JonnyMordant

    The Native American part of me wants to scalp that stupid fucker, but the European part of me says I’ll have to shoot him, because there isn’t a tomahawk emoticon

    :lol: :lol: :beer:

    Tears? Hun, get a fucking grip.

    You should have asked him where he STOLE the fucking sound system from …

    Then did what Reign in Blood and Lee said.

  24. Spencer

    why is he complaining?

    his whole race was given a month of celebration, aka Feb.

    if he worked harder he probably wouldnt have to complain.

    i feel sorry for the girl that she felt compelled to stand there and listen.

    im no racist, infact i have black family. but they succeed becuase they work hard, and dont complain about whitey enslaving them. and yes, the only reason why they were inslaved was beucase of their tribal backround in the “homeland”, “mother Africa”. yes… its true, they enslaved themselves, traders bought into the merchandise and slavery was a cheap way to farm land.

    but guess what… then whitey freed them. yes its true, “the man” freed them.

    now they and other liberals blame the white male for everything wrong.

    becuase the white male illegally migrates to different countries by the thousands, becuase the white male creates gangs based on robbing/killing innocents, becuase the white male doesnt work hard as a whole and rants about the past to his neighbors.

    yunno, in African countries they are actually trying to drive out the whites and/or kill them all. even though the whites there had working farms, even though oil wells and gold (and platnum) mines are controlled by the white population. the best part of it is that the black population isnt doing anything to fix the problems they have. the entire place is controlled by tribal leaders fighting each other. (sound familiar)

    the blacks that are here in America should even be thankful their ancestors were slaves, otherwise they wouldnt be living in such a great place right now.

    i wonder if the police were even called?

  25. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    This racist-black should go work for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. Maybe he does already. He was accosting a weak-pansy white girl. Try this with me Mo Fo. You will not get far.
    The richest black population in the world are American blacks.
    Blacks captured, tortured then sold other blacks to whites in the slave trade era. They were the first to do it in the North American slave trade, not whites.
    600,000 whites died to free the blacks of America and one was my great-great uncle who died at Antietam, Maryland; the biggest loss of life in one day in U.S. military history. He died to free blacks. Are American blacks proud of the Northern troops that freed their ass? You never hear any of them express gratitude for their sacrifice.
    Today institutionalized slavery only exists outright in black-African nations.
    So to that big, bad boogy-man black STFU!
    You want social ill facts? That is another story for another day when I am good and pissed off. ‘Cause I got ‘em. I can real ‘em off to the black racist any time.
    And by the way, I love and respect my black co-worker Christian friends. They are just people to me just like everybody else. To be regarded by the content of your character, not your skin, eye, hair or any other color.
    Thank you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And this black-racist spoils the memory and work of Dr. King.

  26. Paslode

    I gotta tell you, people these days have no fucking clue how good they got it. The use of the N-Word for most is considered racism, these days it is more of a insult in my opinion.Most people (maybe most of you) have never set across the table from a real racist. You ever get you ass chewed for calling a black person Mam or Sir. The contempt these people had for blacks is beyond words. And the acts they committed were nothing short of terrorism.

    Things are so much better than they were 30-40 years ago and people like this asshole try dragging us back every chance they get.

  27. Gary in Midwest

    Crying was not the correct approach. Laughing uncontrollably in his face would have brought a much needed smile to the gathering crowd.
    “Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone”
    -Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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