Iran Would Stone Her, We Make Her A Millionaire Overnight

March 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Think about it…in Iran, Spitzer’s hoe would be stoned to death in public, suffering a horrific death. But not here in America…no, here, we turn her into an instant celebrity, and make her a millionaire overnight. She’s about to make a million dollars just off downloads of her music. I hear she’s also “shopping” her story, and no doubt the obligatory million dollar Playboy offer is in the mail.

Only in America, baby.

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11 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Shes going to need that million for attorney fees for her prostitution case.

  2. ticticboom

    All that money’s going up her nose. Most call girls are an OD waiting to happen.

    It’s FARC and Chavez who’ll get it in the end.

    Dumb but (relatively) hot chicks become strippers and hookers.

    The smart ones become High Maintenance Girlfriends until they find the right sugar daddy and graduate into Trophy Wives.

  3. Iran Would Stone Her, We Make Her A Millionaire Overnight « The Avid Editor’s Insights

    […] on March 13, 2008. Iran Would Stone Her, We Make Her A Millionaire Overnight: […]

  4. LftBhndAgn

    Wait a minute:

    :arrow: ticticboom

    The smart ones become High Maintenance Girlfriends until they find the right sugar daddy and graduate into Trophy Wives.

    I’m considered very intelligent. I feel I am somewhat attractive (I’m old now but in my day I knocked um out), my husband is in NO WAY a sugar daddy and if I am a trophy wife, I would have to say the trophy plate is engraved with the saying “Honorable Mention.” :razz:

  5. Steve in NC

    My definition for such eye candy:

    “Yea, she’s hot, until you meet her.”

    Say it with me, SKANK.

    I do find it interesting how the MSM sets her up as the one who took down spitzer, his punk ass did it to him self.

  6. PhilNBlanx

    As usual…good stuff tic and Steve.

  7. chay

    I have a few thousand in the bank and, as far as I’m concerned, its hers.

    But seriously, all women in America, especially all those who are still crying “Bush Lied…” should be screaming at the government to bring equal rights to all women in the Middle East. Where are the feminists? Where is Code Pink on this issue. Where is NOW? Where are the Liberal female pundits and columnists so busily protecting Roe v. Wade and advocating imprisonment for military recruiters? Why are they not spokespersons for the brutally oppressed women in the middle east?

    The hoe who brought down Spitzer is a hero. One less liberal using the law to bring down good people, like Nifong in the Duke LaCrosse case. They both got what they deserved.

  8. drillanwr

    You know what … She made the choice to sell her body for money.

    What I cannot handle now is her “victimization card” that’s being played …

    Oh … struggling singer … drug addict … now how is she supposed to pay her rent (down-scale your damn digs! Get off the coke. Stop shopping for high-end things. and sign a book/movie deal! Move out of NYCity …) Just STFU and don’t try to suck sympathy from the MSM and the stupid-assed public …

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Hey Hoe, STFU. :mad: :beer:

  10. Zeke Eagle

    That poor woman, Ms. Lewinski……..

  11. ticticboom


    I was refering to women of a, shall we say, mercenary nature.

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