Chris Wallace Bitches Out Fox & Friends Anchors Over Hussein

March 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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17 Responses

  1. fmder

    Understand Chris being uncomfortable about 2 hours of Obama Bashing, but the Fox Friends person (dont know his name) is correct, had it been anyone else they would have been skewered…

  2. drillanwr

    Chris … You mean B-HO’s been “taken out of context” … ???

    I can see your point completely …

    Had someone, perhaps even a conservative/republican, said 20 paragraphs before saying , “a typical [black] person”, and 20 paragraphs after I am certain nobody in the MSM, or in the politically opposing swamp, would have made ANY mention of it … nah!

  3. Caligula

    chris wallace is a bitch!!

    black culture has a view of “typical white people” that’s vile and exploitative of blacks, like the marxist views of the bourgeois and proletariat classes, and possibly even one that deals with black culture from a stance of ignorance. so when obama says “typical white person” he means it in a derogatory way… he’s commenting on race in america by using derogatory remarks and then saying “oh, you wouldn’t understand, it means something different in black culture”

    and if said “obama’s just a typical N—–” that would be the most horrific racist thing i could possibly say, but if i said “you wouldn’t understand, in white culture nowadays it means something else” i would be tarred and feathered like michael richards.

    the point isn’t what slanderous hateful remarks mean IN YOUR culture, it matters how they are interpreted.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    shut up Chris.
    Who the hell is he? a guest on there show and then starts telling them how to run things. I know he works for Fox but that wasnt his show.

  5. drillanwr

    :arrow: Caligula

    Geez! Ya mean to tell us it’s … ‘one-sided’ …? :shock:

  6. dad3-7

    this is typical of “fox and friends”,, i watch them every day and they beat a thing to death,,,niccol smith is another example…i agree with chris..he is a good interviewer and he is right on this one…

  7. drillanwr

    Here we go:

    March 21, 2008

    Obama campaign praises Wallace, says Fox has been “deeply irresponsible”

    From the campaign’s blog:

    We appreciate Chris Wallace for doing his job as a tough but fair journalist on a network that has been deeply irresponsible over the last week in its unrelenting and sensationalistic coverage of Sen. Obama.

    Sen. Obama gave the speech he did on Tuesday because he believes that Americans are ready for a thoughtful, mature discussion about race, and are hungry to move past media-generated controversies that distract from the struggles they face in their everyday lives.

    If Fox News wants to play clips of the same offensive sound bites every day from now until November, that’s their right, but that type of coverage does a disservice to their viewers and to a nation that is facing serious challenges that merit thoughtful and honest reporting.

    By Ben Smith 01:33 PM

  8. Irish Gal

    Gee, and 7 years of Bush bashing is okay though right Chris. Fox & Friends is not a news show. They are entertainment. Right now, unfortunately for BO, he’s the entertainment. I’m sure our troops know how it feels to have unflattering obsessive attention on any flaws real or perceived… Typical that Chris would perceive some stupid endorsement or some snooping CIA person would be news. I don’t. Give me BO 24/7. I want to know how it feels to be a liberal when I watch the news….

  9. KBoomr113

    Ok, Obama said it himself…from his grandmothers EXPERIENCE (in life), it would make sense to her to be afraid of a stranger from a different race that she didn’t know approach her. Obama said it was racist of her and all white people to feel like that. I’d say his grandmother is right on and he’s way off the mark. Our lives are built on our experiences!

    However, I sure as hell lock my car doors when I park in the ghetto…..experience tells me my shit will be gone if I don’t! I also feel fairly comfortable leaving my door unlocked at night sometimes if I forget to because my experience tells me I live in a relatively safe, suburban neighborhood. If that makes me a ‘typical white person’ in Obama’s eyes, so be it. He should tell his ‘typical black people’ to stop stealing shit and committing other various crimes and maybe people’s experiences will change….then later their opinions will change.

  10. Caligula

    leftist bastards!!!

    may the place in hell they eke out for them selves be a hot one!!

  11. Boombop

    In this day and time I’m very cautious whenever someone approaches me. I don’t care if they are black, white, Asian, Hispanic, or senior citizen. I bet there’s some dead people that wish that they had been a little cautious.

  12. John Cunningham

    I can only speak for myself and others like myself. We are retired and have the luxury of being able to sit through three hours of Fox&Friends. The show isn’t designed exclusively for us. Most people have to get up to go to work and they’re lucky if they get a whole half hour of the show. Chris Wallace along with whatever preparation for his day he can do from his house makes it possible to sit longer than the average person. So, over a period of three hours you’re going to see a recycling of the news. Chris Wallace should be more aware of this than I.

  13. Mike F

    He really is just like his O’l Man, LIBERAL!

  14. TO

    Chris Wallace is tapping into his liberal roots with his myopic analysis. I think reading the entire quote is more damming. Explain the comment about views being “bread into” white people. “Breeding” white people seems to be a condescending comment. How about…. how Black people are bread? Chris Wallace liberal beliefs are still there and he is unaware of the non-sense of his complaint. His narrow minded thoughtlessness is apparent.

  15. Arthuraria

    Regardless of the rest of Obama’s statement, to say “Typical white person,” is stereotyping the entire white race to say that we all think the same way about race relations. It implies that black people have a more rational view of race relations. I am offended by it because if I went to KFC and saw a black family and said, “oh look, a black family at KFC, that’s so typical,” I would probably not live to see my order of chicken and cole slaw. Saying that a certain mentality is bred into our minds is basically saying we can’t think for ourselves - that we are simple products of our environment with no means to think outside our own situation.

    Obama is basically saying: “I’m not racist, I just believe in stereotypes.”

  16. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    :gun: :twisted:

    Ah, gee whiz!

    Fuck it, keep that racist story on the front burner.

    Now, where did I put my gun?

  17. Birdddog

    Wallace had to clip it out of the newspaper. He must not have listened to the audio. You can tell in Hussein’s voice. And then came back the “who..uh..uh..uh I need the fix this fast.” remark. Fuck OHB and CW. :evil:

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