Video: Col. Hunt Slams Hillary - “I Was There In Charge Of Security”
Hunt says Hillary’s lies are a “Slap in the face” to all who worked hard to provide security that day in Bosnia. Lanny Davis’ newspaper quote does not contradict what Hunt said. Just watch this, I have ZERO respect for Davis. In fact, he has now managed to gain my permanent contempt. Something of mine that, Hillary has had for years.
Nice pink tie asshole
March 25th, 2008 at 7:38 pmLannie Davis has always been a douche bag. Col Hunt’s a cut WAY above Lnnie Davis. And Hilda didn’t just embellish or make an honest (pardon the pun…after all we’re talking about a Klinton here)…she fucking lied through her teeth!!
Lanny Davis can play the apologist all he wants to. Of course he has to change the subject…Typical lib dodge.
BTW, she lied on at least three occasions.
Cheap shot? Fuck you Davis? You’re the cheap shot artist.
And like the Col said “HE WAS THERE”. So he knows and Davis knows diddly. So STFU Davis. Go on back to your Daily Kos buddies at the Dhimoid house of cards.
On the other hand, Barak Bin Lying might say “It’s just words”. Well, Bararck, I guess that would depend on what your definition of IS…is.
How about the willing suspension of disbelief? Yeah that’s the ticket.
March 25th, 2008 at 7:39 pmJust more proof that Clinton’s and their lackeys have no respect what so ever for the honorable brave men and women of our military.
She lied!! Not mis-spoke but straight up LIED.
March 25th, 2008 at 7:52 pmLanny Davis is an absolute scumbag!!!
March 25th, 2008 at 7:53 pmTeacher, “So Lanny, What do you want to be when you grow up?”
March 25th, 2008 at 8:09 pmTen-year-old Lanny, “Well I would like to be the minion of some slime-ball people and try to defend them where-ever and when-ever I can.”
Teacher, “Don’t you think that this will be beneath any dignity or morals that you have?”
T-Y-O- Lanny, “No, ’cause I don’t ever expect to have any, and besides, it is fun being a suck-monkey for unscrupulous
slime-ball politicians. I like it.”
Forty-Years-Later. It all comes true on national TV.
What a piece of work this Davis is. :roll:
I need a beer.
Guys …
Anyone remember (Retired) U.S. Army Major General Paul Vallely who used to be a military analyst to FNC back at the beginning of the A-stan and Iraq Wars?
I haven’t seen him on there for at least a year or more.
I do know one of his sons was serving in Iraq (I believe) and was KIA during the time the General was with Fox News. Broke my heart when it came across the FNC bottom scroll … and then the next time I did see the Maj. Gen. appear on FNC. Gosh!
Anybody else recall him?
March 25th, 2008 at 8:35 pmI don’t know why O’Reilly couldn’t figure out that the Colonel was justifiably upset by Hillary’s implication that they had failed in their security mission. If what she said was true, she was effectively accusing the soldiers protecting her of being incompetent. Sounds like an insult to me.
March 25th, 2008 at 9:07 pmIt was so bad we were low crawling off the plane.
March 25th, 2008 at 10:06 pm[…] Video: Col. Hunt Slams Hillary - “I Was There In Charge Of Security” […]
March 25th, 2008 at 11:05 pmLone Wolf, O’Reilly is also a puffed up wind bag. He said later in the show isn’t it interesting how he came off as the civil one, or words to that effect. Totally oblivious to the Colonel’s justified annoyance.
March 26th, 2008 at 1:57 amHildabeast is a fucking lier, lier lier…
March 26th, 2008 at 3:25 amObama’s crazy I hate America Paster and Hillary sniper fire in Bosnia?!! How PATHETIC the Democrats have become and how sad they have stooped….
March 26th, 2008 at 4:25 amplease note the classic Democrat defense tactics…
1. uhhh shit… quick, bring up republican example as if they are 100% comparable…
McCain? Reagan?
(when little Tommy is pulled into the principle’s office for punching Billy in the face, he should argue that Mohamed Ali punched someone in the face once… so, case closed)
2. uhh shit… quick, turn the argument into a defense of perceived personal attacks… then snidely make a personal counter attack
attacking Hiliary? attacking Davis? now counter attack Hunt (now the discussion has been sufficiently jumbled and derailed off of topic, mission accomplished)
turd politician rules: everyone is allowed their time to say whatever rediculous shit they want
military man rules: everyone is allowed their time so long as you don’t lie… if you do, then you get punched in the f’ing face
March 26th, 2008 at 7:04 amCheers to Col. David Hunt!
Even in the “CBS News” story (gotta wonder if they aren’t Obamaniacs?) the reporter said “Problem is that’s not what happened, and we should know, CBS News accompanied the 1st lady and daughter Chelsea on that Bosnia trip…”
I like the way Anne Coulter put it “Hillary is being swiftboated”! LOL!
March 26th, 2008 at 6:55 pm