Video: “France Is The Incarnation Of Everything That Could Be Wrong With A Country”
Human Events writer Matt Sanchez giving some arrogant French hell on their own tv show. Let’s not forget, it’s not like Sarkozy has changed everything overnight, his party just lost elections, and there’s no telling where the winds will utimately blow. And some truths are simply universal and long-lasting and bear reminding and repeating:
Matt Sanchez put the little franchies in a tizzy, looked like they were about to pee-pee in their burkas as they squirmed in their chairs or were they getting a stiffy being that close to a real man?
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:05 am“I agree with those who cite the residual anti-French sentiment we retain from our British roots. It must have begun there. Oldfrog makes some very good points.
I’ve also always thought there was a rivalry between France and the US because France dominated the Western world in many ways for a long time, and has made a greater contribution to Western civilization than any other civilization since the ancient Greeks (if you ask me). But in the last century or so, it’s been America that is dominant on the world scene, and I think, on some level, America resents that the French ever held the position of dominance. America is jealous. It burns America’s ass that France continues to assert itself. America thinks France’s time has passed and that it should sit back and shut up.
The fact that the French frequently “dare” to stand up to the US annoys Americans, certainly (and thank god France does stand up to the US). The American ego is monstrous. The only thing that allows Americans to maintain the illusion that they are superior to every other people is their own ignorance. They know nothing about the French mentality or history and, thus, cannot analyze the behavior of the French. They have no grasp of the principles that French opposition and advice are based on (humanism, socialism, the républicain ideal). They simply see it as arbitrary opposition and they don’t bother to look any further. That’s the problem with Americans. The endemic laziness and lack of intellectual curiosity in that culture that will be its undoing.
I’m convinced that the entire surrender monkey thing is based on that Life magazine photo of the Frenchman crying as the Nazis entered Paris ( That’s about all Americans know of recent French history, and they are not in the least bit motivated to learn more. They are, as a culture, disinclined to question their own assumptions or to question what they are told. It is sad and scary; an ignorant superpower is a terrifying thing.
When France tries to reason with the US, when France tries to advise the US based on its significant wisdom and experience, America acts like a recalcitrant teenager who knows it all and refuses to listen. I had a teenager, I know what I’m talking about.”
uh ?
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:15 amel Vaqueiro, watch your back, the Aliens are fucking with it
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:26 amHey Franchie, ever hear the famous Shakespeare line “Me thinks thou do protest too much.”? It means when someone gives their guilt away by defending themselves too much,too strongly.
Sounds like Mr. Sanchez struck a nerve.
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:29 amNo, Alyssa, just saying that some of your countrymen don’t agree with his assertation
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:43 amFranchie
Yeah, they’re called Leftists. And if they had their way we’d also be a nearly-third world European country like…
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:58 amalyssa, then they represent 75 %, I am afraid
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:00 amThen I think there’s a 75% chance you require serious meds if you think that 75% of Americans agree with the opinions expressed in your post, regardless of the source.. It’s obvious in much of your other posts. You don’t think anymore, you just have a reflexive, thoughtless, anti-normalcy, anti-establishment, anti-American attitude like an old French lady pretending she’s a beret-wearing Marxist at a French cafe during the heydey of Dadasim and the rise of Marxism. Those dreams are dead, sweetheart, catch up with the times.
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:09 amAlso, I’m out the door, so you’re going to have to wait for any further responses…
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:13 amIf France is the “incarnation of everything that could be wrong with a country,” what is Saudi Arabia? Pakistan? North Korea?
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:18 am@ Kevin M:
The incarnation of everything that is wrong a country that isn’t France.
I get your point, but it’s arguably a bit on the parsing, nitpicking side, at least in terms of Matt’s statement on the show.
However, in the bigger picture, outside of Matt trying to think on his feet and address issues on a French show, you are absolutley right.
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:28 amSarkozy or no Sarkozy. It will take several millennia for the French to catch up. Too little too late.
And yes…it’s true. Every french-influenced art-fag that I run across is just as snotty, snooty, & toffee-nosed as one could possibly imagine.
So bite me and lick me froggies….
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:29 amAlyssa, you just proved the point : you don’t know nothing about France, except your filtered clichés
as far as the percentages, the people there know when I am exagerating, it’s to push the button further… I suspect that Pat forecasred the reactions
I do remember what the Bush administration (which doesn’t represent the whole conservative party, but the neocon branch ; how many ?) said about us : “punish the Frenchs”, while in the backyards they were negociating a help in diplomacy and renseignements ; though it” burnt their ass” that France is the unavoidable player to win the challenge : we are better introduced in the arab world than you can ever dream to be ; we figure their psychology, how they react…
Don’t forget, more than a millenarium that we are playing on the same yards.
anyway, who is that Sanchez ?
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:15 amGotta love Matt Sanchez. There are however, many countries in the world worse than France. Sudan. Somalia, Pakistan, Iran…all POS’s far worse than France.
I think Matt Sanchez was addressing the arrogance of the idiots on the set…and doing it in French… to boot…
From that aspect of his comments, I’d agree with him.
As to who is worse France or Iran or the Sudan…well that’s pretty obvious.
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:34 amFranchie, “that Sanchez?”, he’s a Marine.
You tell them Matt.
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:36 amjohn, then he isn’t a political actor
Dan, the both countries share the same level of “arrogance”, the fact is you are more numerous, therefore the major player
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:40 amFranchie
I haven’t deleted one reaction to this post, nor have I encouraged anyone to respond to it or you. If you’ve got a fight with this chick, you and she both are on your own. May the better chick win. Or the hotter chick. In which case, I want a picture.
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:44 amgood on you matt!
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:14 amanybobdy know where to find the full vid of that interview?
Pat, I surrender, of course
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:14 amDon’t disappoint me, Franchie, keep fighting her. She said she’s coming back
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:17 am
do I get a point with my new out-fit ?
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:20 amFranchie
Lookin’ like a winner, but I’ve yet to see Alyssa.
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:25 amOMG!!
And here I thought Matt Sanchez was ALREADY HOT!
Three languages!!??!! (English, and I assume Spanish … and now French!)
An American named “Sanchez” smacks down France … in French!
That is, perhaps, one of the MOST PRICELESS things I have ever seen …
I think I’m in love …
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:38 amdrill - And I think I’m in love with Alyssa.
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:46 amPerish the thought that I should presume to stick my nose into a perfectly good cat fight, but my previous remark re how the French managed to achieve such opprobrious status among nations remains. Perhaps my memory is addled by age and too much Chateau-neuf du Pape, but who was it that gave us the Statue of Liberty?
I’ve no doubt the French are resplendent with character flaws (armpit hair, crusty cheese and Édith Piaf come to mind). However, in a world with Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan still operational, having a go at the French is rather like beating up on a litterbug while Chernobyl is melting down in the background.
PS: I rooted for the Jackal. How a marksman could possibly miss a target like DeGaulle’s nose beggars the imagination.
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:46 amFranchie
“The only thing that allows Americans to maintain the illusion that they are superior to every other people is their own ignorance.”
Clearly, you’ve never met an Englishman.
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:50 amPhilNBlanx -
Yeah, ya sleep in Easter a.m. and ya miss the cat fight. Wondered what all that floating fur was when I first came onto the site this a.m. …
It is funny that France and America think pretty much the same about each other.
I’m STILL “in love with” Matt … NO MATTER “WHAT”.
Matt X X
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:58 amKevin M
“The only thing that allows Americans to maintain the illusion that they are superior to every other people is their own ignorance.”
Clearly, you’ve never met an Englishman.
Kevin M, it’s not a week that I meet english people ; the “educated” ones live in France now
Though, I know how their “popular” papers like us, but I think the Germans are worst in their mind
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:02 am“Never trust the French or the Baptist” Mark Twain
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:14 amfranchie
You’re more than likely spot-on about the Gerries …
Afterall, they DID start those two butt-fugly wars that we had to come over and help you out with …
Oh, and as “food” goes … Yours IS above German and English cuisine … as long as you stay away from the frogs and snails …
But I DO like German wine much mo’ better than French wine …
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:17 amdrillanwr & franchie
While working in Saudi Arabia, I came to know numerous English people. Here is what they taught me.
The English: A group of people who are taught from birth that their cultural heritage lays rightful claim to all inventions of human civilization, including bipedalism and the opposable thumb. The English have no use for encyclopedias, as all knowledge may be conveniently obtained by tuning into the BBC (Burning Bush Channel). Thanks to the English, the world was changed from flat to round. The female breast was invented by an Englishman. Seafaring ships existed long before the English, but it was the English who came up with the idea of floatation, which revolutionized international transport. Ask any Englishman what Shakespeare’s greatest achievement was, and he’ll tell you it was the man’s brilliant decision to be born in England. It is no coincidence that the Queen of England elected to rule England rather than any other country. The Irish parked their nation as close to England as possible so they could savor the English scent blowing in the wind. The national motto of Scotland is “We Border England!” Before the English consented to participate in athletics, all soccer balls were cubic in shape and made of wood. The English invention of guile and deception is at the foundation of the world’s present misconception that the United States landed on the moon (Pink Floyd was there first). Prior to English decree, water was not fit for human consumption. There is more oxygen in England than anywhere else. The English language is the only language in the world that contains the word “wonky.” And you may rest assured that it was the English who taught the world to despise the French. If you doubt it, watch any episode of “Yes, Minister.”
Sadly, English rule of Planet Earth came to an end with the advent of The Spice Girls. They are now the favored housepets of Americans, with hedgehogs running a close second.
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:18 amFranchie, been to France,people in small towns are very nice, cities, they are very rude. My wife speaks french and tried to be very polite and nice and was treated very badly.
Some guy was complaing that Americans don’t speak french to another guy. Sorry dude why would I want to learn french? Too many Hispanic and Mexicans where I live,they don’t speak French either.
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:28 amHey Franchie,
I think Pat wanted a real picture of you. not just one stolen from a website somewhere
I just think its funny to hear a French person say something to someone else about arrogance.
I definitely agree that french food is better than German or English. but that wouldnt take much really. unless you like Sauerkraut and sausage. or blood pudding
I like Italian food myself. thats my weakness. lasagna
As far as an overall opinion of France. I dont really have one either way. my life has never been impacted by it either way. I do like the fighting style of Savate though. being into martial arts i do look that
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:29 amdrillanwr
“Yours [French] IS above German and English cuisine.”
I hate to sound like the village grammarian, but employing “German” and “English” in the same sentence with “cuisine” grates on my nerves. It’s like saying “Arab Humanities” or “Saudi Justice.” My bald spot is big enough without me having to scratch my head at the concept of sitting at a 5-star restaurant, trying to choose between the “bangers and mash” or the “knockwurst surprise.”
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:33 amFrenchie:
As usual you are full of yourself.
My money is on Alyssa. Like that weirdo pic is a real pic of Frenchie? LOL. I doubt it. That’s not to say Marshall Petan (aka Frenchie) is no weirdo. Any pinhead that comes in here claiming that 75% of Americans side with her is smoking something besides cigarettes.
The vast majority of us in “Dollard Nation” think the bitch Frenchie is an idiot. We laugh at her retarded comments.
But in all seriousness, I’m all for a chick fight. Let’s all place our bets. I got 500.00 bucks on alyssa. Any takers?
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:33 am@Frenchie:
As usual you are full of yourself.
My money is on Alyssa. Like that weirdo pic is a real pic of Frenchie? LOL. I doubt it. That’s not to say Marshall Petan (aka Frenchie) is no weirdo. Any pinhead that comes in here claiming that 75% of Americans side with her is smoking something besides cigarettes.
The vast majority of us in “Dollard Nation” think the bitch Frenchie is an idiot. We laugh at her retarded comments.
But in all seriousness, I’m all for a chick fight. Let’s all place our bets. I got 500.00 bucks on alyssa. Any takers?
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:35 amKevin M
I hate to sound like the village grammarian, but employing “German” and “English” in the same sentence with “cuisine” grates on my nerves. It’s like saying “Arab Humanities” or “Saudi Justice.”
ME: Kev, I live to learn …
Kurt -
YES! The Italians pretty much rule the food world.
There are so many different styles of Italian.
I never was big on lasagna (although I do make it for my oldest daughter and the son-in-law) … and my sauce is the best. That comes from having worked in a couple of private/family-owned Italian rests. … What I learned there was how NOT to make sauce. As my 1/2 Italian s-i-l puts it “Italians don’t know how to make sauce … Takes a Hunkie.”
Anyhow, my favorite Italian style is Tuscany … As a matter of fact, were I to visit Italy, you can keep the rocky ruins of Rome … I’ll take the Tuscan country-side …
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:46 amDrill
I have always wanted to go to Tuscany too. looks awesome
As for the food. could you imagine sitting there in Tuscany and eating the genuine food. I would come back home weighing more than Tony Soprano haha
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:52 amSpeaking as someone with a French background, personally, I prefer being an American. The French culture and their attitude just plain sucks. I grew up in French culture and rejected it wholeheartedly.
The wine was good, so was the food. But I’m partial to German cuisine. Faced with a European trip to England France or Germany…I’d pick Germany in a heartbeat.
Faced with the choice of being French first or American first. I chose America first. I’d rather be the “bad ass” that everyone loves to hate…than the wimpy country that can’t even conduct a proper Anphib landing on a beach.
The point of French fighting-style is well taken Kurt my brother infidel. I like the Israeli and Russian styles. But I do a mixed style myself…
Other than that, France is good for nothing…Although, I like Sarko. At least he has some good sense….The reduction of French nukes wasn’t a smart idea, however…especially considering the Chinese build-up of nukes and the Russian arsenal that remains huge.
That was no pic of Frenchie. She’s probably some fat old hack sitting at her apartment in Belgum with a cigarette in one hand, a bottle of cheap wine in the other, doing everything in her power to make her lazy fat-ass wider than it already is. LOL
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:55 amKurt(the infidel)
I hear ya! We should plan a trip … Do a food tour video of Tuscany … Weigh in “Before” and “After” …
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:57 amDrill
I would do it in a heartbeat. Hey maybe if i start looking like Tony Soprano ill just decide to stay there and form my own mafia branch lol either way it would be a fun trip.
The great weight challenge
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:02 amAmericans see France as ‘Hallowed’ ground.
What pisses us off is when the French “asserts its(arrogant)self” with all “its significant wisdom and experience”, and then the Americans have to pay for it with our own blood once again.
We’re in trouble if its the same wisdom and experience that brought about the fall and rise of the “Vichy Regime”.
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:02 amKurt(the infidel)
We’ll find ya a nice Italian girl to bring back and cook for ya …
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:06 am“France dominated the Western world in many ways for a long time, and has made a greater contribution to Western civilization than any other civilization since the ancient Greeks”
Are you on crazy French goof balls?
1) Government: Anglo-American democracies and the common law system are model systems of government. THe US constitution over 200 years old and going strong. What are you on france, your fifth republic which was crippled in 1968 by kids, kids!!! England mean while has had some 350 years on uninterrupted governance.
2) Empire: Britain at its height in 1897, comprised some 372 million people in 11 million square miles. France at its height. France? what was the height of Non-Carolingian French empire, 1918, 1945, sixteen hundred and stupid? By comparison former British nations are in better condition than former-French.
3)Philosophy: I can’t say that any one nation has been more important in western history. Your enlightenment philosophers have really only shaped French society and your brain dead Russian counterparts who seem incapable of original thought outside of writing massive novels. However modern and post-modern thought has been shaped by German thinkers, yeah i know my name gives away my bias but give me Aristotle and Hegel and i am good to go. I will say kudos to Durkheim, Derrida, and Foucault though, well done. But most of your aimless, cowardly, post-modern thought speaks volumes about what is wrong with France.
I could go on but i won’t. I will just say this, the height of French society was under Louis the XIV, and that doesn’t say much. As far as super powers go, too little, too late, and totally unimpressive. (i have not included the Carolingian Empire in your history, just as i would not include the Roman Empire in a history of modern Italy)
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:07 amCheers to that!
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:08 amDave, there are assholes in France too, the same percentage as in all ethnies :lol:, being rude is the other face of the coin, but rudness with coloration ;
I just think its funny to hear a French person say something to someone else about arrogance.
Kurt, just try to learn french, then it will be obvious that isn’t “only” arrogance, this is the polite face of the coin
As far as America and France are concerned, we never went at war against each others ; bickerings, teasings… yes, so do brothers and sisters in a family ;
we were at war against the Brits since ages, though since Napoleon, it’sbeen quiet, but they are long to forget ; the Germans have forgotten (well I hope so)
Yeah, Italian cooking is good, except for pizza and lazagnes In Europe we share the rank, but I think as far sauces are concerned, we have the prestigious 1rst place : it is why the Saucer-Master get the highest wages in the cooking profession
the Chinese cooking is also great
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:12 amAmericans think of France as hallowed ground.
What pisses us off is when the French start to “assert its (arrogant) self” with all its “its significant wisdom and experience” and then we end up having to pay for it with more Americans blood.
We’re screwed, if its the same “wisdom and experience” that brought about the fall and rise of the “Vichy Regime”.
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:32 am@Frenchie
you: “john, then he isn’t a political actor.”
Me WTF are you talking about? Matt Sanchez is a commentator on the GWOT. His bonifides on all things political are already well established.
you: “Dan, the both countries share the same level of “arrogance”, the fact is you are more numerous, therefore the major player ”
me: Another equivilence argument? You and your libistan idiot, fucktard buddies in Europe are the arrogant ones. Get off your high-horse chicky…you’re riding a dead horse anyways. Only leftists agree with you. The rest of us think for ourselves. You, like they are in the minority…especially in Dollard Nation.
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:44 amDan, your only the epitome of your paradigme ;
do I look to you arrogant so ?
well, in the Dollard Nation there are different persons, more or less like you, but fortunately different ; apparently they don’t all share exactly your beliefs
March 23rd, 2008 at 9:00 amI want Alyssa to come back & debate Franchie… real pictures please!
March 23rd, 2008 at 9:32 amI’ll take German food over French any day. Give me Bratwurst, Brown Bread, hot mustard and a good German brew anyday. Yeah and I like Schnitzel too. Yager Schnitzel is the bomb. I’ll do a prost with a German long before I’d have one with a Frenchie.
Zum Wohl!
March 23rd, 2008 at 10:06 amI”m with ya man, German food is amazing. I was there for a week in February and the jager schnitzel with about 5 or 6 Erdingers is the way to go!
March 23rd, 2008 at 10:19 amWHERE IS THE REST OF THE INTERVIEW !!!!
I need more of this.
March 23rd, 2008 at 10:32 amThis little piece is very nice but come on where is the REST!
Italians rule when it comes to food, aracnino sold by a street vendor, is out this world.
March 23rd, 2008 at 10:37 amNow, Now, children, let’s keep the debate civil. There’s too much name-calling, etc. Having said that, I’ve been to France more than once. I never had any negative interaction with any of the natives. I attempted to use my less-than-stellar high school French to communicate and managed to get along. There are arrogant people on both sides of the pond. Sanchez might have been over the top a bit but I think his point is that the leftist-socialist form of democracy practiced by much of Europe and lusted after by the democRats in our Congress, has failed the people miserably. They have become so blindingly PC that they are letting the muslim vermin start to dictate policy based on the “I’m insultated so you must change” mindset. Inane, insane and unacceptable to us “arrogant Yanks”.
Europe, grow a pair for crying out loud.
March 23rd, 2008 at 10:41 amI like steak. I can cook some killer deer steaks. A little bit of this and that, bloody rare and I am set. Thanks Jarhead for the inspiration!
March 23rd, 2008 at 11:51 amGrom: “Where is the rest…”
Check it out here:
Unfortunately it’s in French.
March 23rd, 2008 at 12:31 pmptaing
March 23rd, 2008 at 12:36 pmseems I am moderated
hey the freedom of speech ?
March 23rd, 2008 at 12:38 pmFrance is a prime example of the mess that the cancer of liberalism leaves when allowed to expand it’s treacherous influence. We mustn’t allow Amewrica to become such an effeminate bunch of liberal pansies.
March 23rd, 2008 at 12:49 pmhegelbot,
seems your braindidn’t absord the wiseness of your quoted master
as far as what is is said in the example of an american opinion that I put on board, I didn’t say I appoved the whole, just find it amusing and warmful to my “arrogant” soul
It seems though that you forgot that the Frenchs brought you a lot of vocabulary that your expressing in english
your historical resumé got to be digged a little bit, escuse me if it doesn’t fit the spirit of Hegel
March 23rd, 2008 at 1:29 pmWe can’t forget if it were not for the French we may not have been successful in becoming an independent nation. I also think that other countries miss read Americans attitude as arrogant. I think America’s attitude comes from being a purely free nation with very few barriers except the ones we put up our self. Unfortunately there are fewer people willing to defend these liberties. The recent attack on the second amendment is a prime example.
March 23rd, 2008 at 2:30 pmThey did look a little shocked by the response they got from Matt… LOL! Definitely a “You can’t handle the truth!!!” moment!
March 23rd, 2008 at 2:50 pmFrenchie:
Dan, your only the epitome of your paradigme ;
do I look to you arrogant so ?
Me: Still having problems with the language eh Frenchie?
“epitome of your paradigme”? LOL. And you are a parody of every bad French joke that I’ve ever heard.
“well, in the Dollard Nation there are different persons, more or less like you, but fortunately different ; apparently they don’t all share exactly your beliefs”
Judging by the comments, yours is still the minority view. I don’t see a whole lot of libshits like you in here.
If 10% of Dollard Nation agreed with your libistan Orientalist, world views, I’d be surprised. But I doubt it.
We’ve chased out 99% of the libshits. The only one left is you. But we keep you around for laughs and to be reminded of just how stupid you libshits really are.
And now you brag on being arrogant? LOL. At least you acknowledge it.. chu-chu. ROFLOL
March 23rd, 2008 at 2:54 pmFrenchie:
“hey the freedom of speech ?” Read the fine print “It ain’t about free speech you’re in a private domain”. Pat’s website. Pat’s perogative.
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:12 pmForgot to add…And Matt Sanchez rocks. So does Pat Dollard.
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:23 pmGee, seems like a don’t have to respond to that French putin. Seems like everyone else has done my job quite nicely for me.
Happy Easter, Dollardians.
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:30 pmalyssa
Yeah, it’s been one of those fruit, nut and nougat egg days … LMFAO!!!
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:40 pmDan, are you paid to patrol this “private” place ?
or is it your evangelical creationist institution that gave you the autorisation ?
you don’t like me, and I don’t like you, so we are quite !
there are people who come here that appreciate my “alternative” voice
my hat down, your classy
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:47 pmWow, Matt Sanchez rocks.
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:07 pmTo Franchie: Thank God for English common law. We are innocent until proven guilty. In Napoleonic law, guilty until proven innocent, that is hard to do when you are behind bars for three months.
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:12 pmThe English gave us the Magna Carta, a prelude to the greatest document in the world; The U.S. Contitution.
Remember you did help us during our War of Independence, but you did it not because you loved the idea of our U.S.freedom and liberty, but your own self-interest is the reason; plus to get back at England for the loss of Canada.
Remember to take good care of those American military graves in France. That is the least or perhaps the only thing that we expect of you.
I need a beer.
Marc Stockwell-Moniz
Remember you did help us during our War of Independence, but you did it not because you loved the idea of our U.S.freedom and liberty, but your own self-interest is the reason
he, you did the same for us in 1844, same spirit involved
I know about the Magna Carta too
I was fooling with that witness, cause of the sequence that chose purposely M.S. ; it was for fitting his agenda. I am not sure that in the whole report, we would get the same impression
anyway, that post had a succes ; seem that France is still your major nightmare/dream, depends on the agendas
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:35 pm@Frenchie:
“Dan, are you paid to patrol this “private” place ?”
me: No chu-chu. If that were true you’d be gone.
“or is it your evangelical creationist institution that gave you the autorisation ?”
me: LOL. You can’t spell either huh?
“you don’t like me, and I don’t like you, so we are quite !”
me: Quite what? You’re right, I dislike you like a bad tooth. I could care less what your opinion is of me.
“there are people who come here that appreciate my “alternative” voice”
me: Bullshit quisling. You’re only here because the boss-man still tolerates you. But that’s the only reason you’re still here. So don’t flatter yourself chickey.
March 23rd, 2008 at 4:58 pmFrenchie:
Marc is correct about the US Revolution being a war where France you did helped us “not because you loved the idea of our U.S.freedom and liberty, but your own self-interest is the reason”. The war was a way for France to strike back at Britain.
“he, you did the same for us in 1844, same spirit involved”
Bullshit Frenchie.
You got your years messed up again. 1839 was the French-Mexican “Pastry War” The war of 1844 was the US-Mexican War against Santa Anna. It had nothing to do with the French. It had everything to do with the westward expansion to the Pacific and Santa Anna’s war in Texas.
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:21 pmI haven’t deleted any of Franchie’s comments. Two things to remember:
1. The spam catcher often gets aggessive, so if you post a comment and it seems to simply disappear when you hit the “submit comment” button, it just means it’s sitting in the belly of the Spam Beast and will be rescued.
2. A wide variety of volunteers and paid contributers moderate the site’s comments. If they don’t like a comment, which mostly happens when people get into harsher arguments like the one here, and start lying or saying other stupid shit to back themselves up when losing that argument, they’ll often delete the comment. Free speech exists in this country - it’s just not free to say whatever you want on a media outlet. Try calling CNN and asking for a half hour of their time to say whatever you want.
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:37 pmThanks
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:47 pm@Pat
Thank you for that explanation. Many of us wondered what happens to our comments and we end up hitting the submit button more than once. Well, now we know. Thanks.
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:54 pmThere was a time France no doubt great. But then I could say the same about Egypt.
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:51 pmFranchie does one excellent job in holding her own with a foreign language. And those of you, like jarhead58 who remind all of us of the presence of the French in the Revolutionary war, hear! hear! While the government of France may have had ulterior motivations in supporting the fledging Revolutionary Army, many of their military experts and citizens who joined our forces were here because they believed in our cause.
A reminder is that the motto of their 1799 Revotution was Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood. The end result differed because, unfortunately, there are too many who find hatred and vengefulness intoxicating and powerful.
The reader who wrote that the true villian is liberalism/socialism that has infected France is correct. It has also infected the Germans who had a strong reputation of being efficient and dedicated fighters. It has neutered the British - who would have thought that British Marines/sailors would have surrendered their boat to the Iranians?
Let’s save our energy to batter the Saudis, PLO, that Islamofacist Obama, and that Socialist Clinton. Not Franchie, who is, after all, a Sarko supporter and therefore, one of us through and through!
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:33 pmI measure the progresses that happened since I came on that site ; Im no more the weird french paria ; may-be I helped a few persons to understand better our “oddy” difference.
thank you people
happy easter fest
March 24th, 2008 at 4:03 amQ. Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees?
A. Because the Germans like to march in the shade!
March 24th, 2008 at 10:03 amLondon Calling makes a funny
and whats with the penis size chart on your blog Franchie? must look funny with that big weiner and no balls lol
March 24th, 2008 at 10:37 amlondon calling ,I have seen your pseudo on “”, get the fuck out there, I bet simplefrench still makes some pâté out of you
March 24th, 2008 at 10:38 amIrs:
There are two enemies. The far enemy and the near. The near enemy: Code Fink, Libs and all who would surrender to the Islamics.
The far enemy: Saudi, Iran and every jihadi group on the planet.
And Frenchie ain’t one of as you put it “us”. She’s the near enemy.
March 24th, 2008 at 11:01 amWho did the site? Now that’s riot.
March 24th, 2008 at 11:02 amLondon Calling
Q. Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees?
A. Because the Germans like to march in the shade!
Eh! One of my favorite limies!!!
March 24th, 2008 at 11:16 amfranchie
” … I have seen your pseudo on “” … ”
Sorry to disappoint you, old fruit, but I’ve never been on that site.
March 24th, 2008 at 11:32 amLondon Calling
But you will now …
March 24th, 2008 at 11:38 amlondon calling, then you don’t know what your missing
Dan, I am pleased to be repertoried in your crusade office files, get it
drill, then your sense of humor isn’t so flavored !
March 24th, 2008 at 11:47 amfranchie
drill, then your sense of humor isn’t so flavored !
Gotta be more clear on that translation, franchie.
You mean my “taste” in humor? As In “classy” or “classless”?
If so, no … I’m not too prudish when it comes to humor.
Hell, I’m too “thoughtful” and “realistic” in everything else … My humor release is a bit more slap-stick, ridiculous and vulgar more times than not …
March 24th, 2008 at 12:13 pmDrill
nothing to be relied with classy or not classy with LC’s joke, but more with its “easyness” for not saying “laziness”, but Im supposing that the english humor isn’t anymore what it used to be
I was told that this “penis chart size” would hurt
March 24th, 2008 at 12:31 pmfranchie, those of us actual “thinking” Yanks have a saying … Humor and most stereotypes have an amount of truth/history behind them …
Well, the Brits are trying to replenish the losses of Benny Hill and some of the Monty Python mates …
Me, I’m waiting for more “Red Dwarf” and “Hyacinth Bucket”, eh, London Calling?
March 24th, 2008 at 12:49 pmFrenchie:
“Dan, I am pleased to be repertoried in your crusade office files, get it ”
You mean like file 13? Yep that’s where you belong alright. Get it? LOL
And a gun in the hand of a useless lib like you is such a waste of icons; much like your grey matter is just so much fecal matter. Get it?
You might want to leave the firearms quips up to those of us that are good with them….like me.
Go on back to your wine and cheese quisling.
March 24th, 2008 at 12:55 pmDrill
Hyacinth Bucket. you mean ‘bouquet’ from the show keeping up appearances? funny how she pronounced it lol i love british tv shows. always so damn funny. Benny Hill was one of my favorites, i used to watch it with my dad when i was a kid
March 24th, 2008 at 1:16 pmDan, nothing new under the sky, oops, hell
Drill, you might not consider that’s a BS propaganda for frustrateds instead of behind’s truth, uh, that’s says it
March 24th, 2008 at 1:20 pmKurt -
That’d be the lady … yep!
You MUST look into Red Dwarf.
Go to youtube for clips.
Was talk a few years back about an actual movie for Red Dwarf … Not sure if it ever panned out. But I was absolutely addicted to the TV show. PBS played it for years back in the 90s.
March 24th, 2008 at 1:25 pmdrillanwr, Kurt
My all time favorite has to be Fawlty Towers. Perfect.
You guys are pretty damn good at it too. I can’t get enough of Scrubs at the moment.
March 24th, 2008 at 1:30 pmJust checked it out. and thats really funny. ill be watching clips of that all day now reminds me of kids in the hall or human giant. just watched the one about them finding wilma flintstone sexy lol
March 24th, 2008 at 1:37 pmKurt
If you’re talking about Red Dwarf …
A little background on the story/plot
The young black guy was some glorified janitor-type on some space station. He illegally brought on a cat and sent the station system into some sort of tizzy (London, if you’re in on this show, correct me if I’m wrong please) …
Anyhow, The kid goes into hyper-sleep (can’t recall what happens to the rest of the crew of the station but I think they all die) … He comes out of deep sleep centuries later to find the cat he brought aboard had been pregnant and over the generations had “evolved” into the [other] black guy dressed like Little Richard (he has this little spray bottle he goes around spraying everything, as if ‘marking his territory’ like a male cat … ).
It’s been awhile since I saw the show … I think the pompus guy is actually a hologram from the ship’s past that knew the kid … and then there’s the robot guy … It’s pretty cool.
Hey, after you’ve watched enough, Kurt, we’ll start using “SMEG” on the site as a cuss word … heh!
March 24th, 2008 at 1:52 pmFrenchie:
“Dan, nothing new under the sky, oops, hell”
Your English still sucks and you shouldn’t go around playing with cap pistols little girl. Guns are for men and woman who know how to use them and aren’t afraid to pull the trigger; not little wimps like you.
What we really need for you chu-chu is a new icon. I suggest that famous French salute of yours. You know the one where you people put both hands high up in the air and shout: “Don’t shoot, I surrender.”
I’m also partial to the joke about trees in Paris. LOL. That was damn good.
Or the one Gen Patton use to say: “I’d rather have the Germans in front of me than the French behind me.”
Go on back to your wine and cheese and smelly cigarettes chu-chu…you’re out of your league here.
March 24th, 2008 at 2:33 pmLondon Calling
Im gonna have to check fawlty towers out
Scrubs is one of my favorite shows. just ended not too long ago but reruns will be around for a long time i hope.
March 24th, 2008 at 2:48 pmDanny, I know how to play with a riffle, get it
I was sure that you would have appreciated the kind of Dumheit, though your right in that : better have a german in front of you than a french behind, I can assure you that would hurt you
hey, do you feel bored chouchou ?
March 24th, 2008 at 2:56 pmLC
Cant believe i let that little gem pass me by. thats a funny ass show. just watched about 5 clips on youtube. John Cleese has been pretty big over here for a long time. he was funny in rat race. and who could forget monty python, genius!
March 24th, 2008 at 2:58 pmFrenchie:
“Danny, I know how to play with a riffle, get it.”
LOL. What’s a riffle chu-chu? Having problems with the language are you? Get it? I guess a riffle must be a cap riffle huh? LOL
“I was sure that you would have appreciated the kind of Dumheit, though your right in that : better have a german in front of you than a french behind, I can assure you that would hurt you ”
Dumheit? LOL
A little, fat stinky fucktard like you hurt me? Not lately, chu-chu. The only time I’d be worried about you Frenchies, is if I had a large Army to move forward and I had to wait for your sorry asses to catch up….like Patton did.
I never met a French soldier that could keep up with me or my men…not in NATO anyways. Americans move fast, like to fight at night, and don’t like waiting until so-called allies such as the French grow a pair.
And why is it that French soldiers don’t bathe in the field, smell like garlic and can’t hang when it comes to moving fast…they’re always lagging behind.
So pardon me if I’m not impressed with your “riffle” skills. ROFLOL.
“hey, do you feel bored chouchou ?”
Nah. I just like fucking with you chou-chou. Can’t give you the last word.
March 24th, 2008 at 4:32 pm
yeah, I (we are) am scared… in the lavatories, my (our) ears are hurting
I see , you learnt history in the booklet of the survivor : ” how to make my dreams come true”
“George Patton dissimulait une grande sensibilité, sous des dehors bourrus et un langage de charretier. Il était très soucieux du sort de ses hommes et justifiait sa façon de faire la guerre, qui privilégiait le choc et la vitesse, en disant qu’elle permettait d’économiser le sang. Un de ses hobbies était d’écrire des poèmes. Il croyait en la réincarnation et était persuadé d’avoir été au cours d’une de ses vies antérieures un général de Napoléon.”
I am sure that man never said such a rude sentence, that has been lauched on the net by frustrated ignorants to bash the Frenchs
He was Eisenhower’s friend, who said that he received a great help from our Resistance
March 24th, 2008 at 5:44 pmFrenchie:
You didn’t understand my previous reply did you. Rifle is spelled R-I_F_L-E not Riffle. Dipshit.
“yeah, I (we are) am scared… in the lavatories, my (our) ears are hurting ”
Yeah you’re scared alright. Now that I believe. What are you doing in the lavatory with your ears? Oh I know. LOL
“I see , you learnt history in the booklet of the survivor : ” how to make my dreams come true”
No shitbird. I actually studied history. Unlike you who like to make it up all the time.
You are a fucking moron. Patton hated the French and he said what I said about them. Patton’s Army kicked ass and was ready to take Paris, while the French were still fighting their way to Paris. Patton fought the same Germans and managed to kick their ass and was poised to take Paris. Eisenhower held him up while the French caught up.
The exact quote is “I’d rather have a German division infront of me, than a French one behind.” From George S Patton’s As I knew it (1947) That would be his son chou-chou.
Try a different subject. Like wine and cheese. Oh and I saw your new boyfriend begging for money in NY? What’s he going to do with $4300? Buy a new girfriend??? LOL
March 24th, 2008 at 6:27 pmLet me bring this comment section back to the original topic. Matt Sanchez you rock dude. I expect a Marine to stand up to ignorant assholes like those French so-called talking heads.
That you served your country and are still serving the brothers in arms is a stellar achievement.
Keep up the good work. I read your stuff on WND. Can’t get enough of your great reports since I pay no attention anymore to the slimeballs in the LLMSM. When I want reporting on the GWOT, I go to my own sources, “Dollard Nation” WND or some of the other great alternative media sites.
Semper Fi bro.
March 24th, 2008 at 6:48 pmWOW. Took some time to go thru all of this. Franchie!, much time has passed since I’ve sparred w/you. Seems you’ve got your knickers in a knot again. God bless the French, he created them for our sport, thought the Germans took it to new heights. But I just can’t resist letting another opportunity pass…
…anywhere is better than Paris. Paris the cold, Paris the drizzly, Paris the rainy, Paris the damnable. More than a hundred years ago somebody asked Quin, “Did you ever see such a winter in all your life before?” “Yes,” said he, “Last summer.” I judge he spent his summer in Paris. Let us change the proverb; Let us say all bad Americans go to Paris when they die. No, let us not say it for this adds a new horror to Immortality.
- Twain in a letter to Lucius Fairchild, 28 April 1880.
“In certain public indecencies the difference between a dog & a Frenchman is not perceptible”
Still thinkin’ of Provence…
March 24th, 2008 at 6:53 pmSteve m:
That’s too funny. I love sparring with Frenchie. She takes every comment on France personal. What a dope. The argument always seems to be about her and her poor dainty Marshal Petan French sensibilities.
On the lighter side I do the same thing with my own French relatives. I love fucking with them too. Only at least with them I get to duke it out once in awhile. Shit, that’s half the fun!!!! Fuck the French.
March 24th, 2008 at 7:05 pmsteve m and Dan (The Infidel)
You guys make the ugly American look pretty … ROFLMFAO!!!
I’m STILL in love with Matt Sanchez! “TISH! That’s French!”
March 24th, 2008 at 7:15 pmdrillanwr:
Glad you think so.
March 24th, 2008 at 7:28 pmYou gotta hand it to Franchie, she keeps coming back for more abuse…but it must be ingrained in French Society, after all the Germans live next door.
drillanwr (typical white female) Gomez!…how the trains runnin’?
How many Frenchmen does it take to change a light bulb? One. He holds the bulb and all of Europe revolves around him.
Sanchez is great. Offering a point of view that not even those “enlightened” froggies ever considered would even exist.
March 24th, 2008 at 7:36 pmSteve m:
Frenchie must of had her wine and cheese and is all snuggled up in her bed while men and women of valor protect her right to be an ass.
Good joke BTW. I’m going to have to borrow that one from ya.
March 24th, 2008 at 7:48 pmDan (The Infidel)
That’s the tough part to swallow. Even self important, uniformed, fools can enjoy the right to be as they are due to the efforts of the bold and brave who understand what’s truly at stake and make the necessary sacrifices.
March 24th, 2008 at 8:00 pmDan, Steve, Drill,
one thing that I am sure is that if your military heads read your comments, they’ll feel very sorry, cause that’s not the image they want to show of America.
That’s not the spirit they have.
And in the perspective to ask more soldiers from our country that should help you, I am afraid, if Sarko read what your writing, I bet he ‘ll think about it twice
Your the shame of your country. Fortunately, I met people here that helps me hoping that America’s dream is not quit over
March 25th, 2008 at 2:54 amSteve m,
ya , ya, du bist gut in philosophical statments,
Dan, redived in his favorite spiritus shits, he’ll never get to sully ; poor man, a frog that wants to look like an ox
Drill, in her favorie shrug outfit, he, where is your hubby ?
March 25th, 2008 at 3:36 amHere’s my take.
The whole English/French thing is the remnant of a family feud.
If you go back in history to 1066 and the battle of Hastings you’ll realize that William the Conqueror ( from what is now modern day France ) took over England. After he did that he surveyed everything, and i mean everything, that the forerunners of modern day England owned and put it in a book. He considered all that stuff, down to a farmers fence etc, his property. I assume he did so in order to raise money through taxes.
William the Conqueror also set up an administration system that included judges and civil administrators. It was the first time that the rule of law was established anywhere in the world, and my guess is that he did it so that he didn’t have to spend time handling affairs directly in his new possessions. This system evolved in to the British administartive system which in no small way led to the development of the British empire, and as a result, the Magna Carta, and arguably, even the American system of democracy had it roots in the chain of events started by William the Conqueror.
A few hundred year later, at the Battle of Agincourt, the “English” came back across the channel and handed the “French” their butts. I think we’re still feuding today.
At 53 years old I’m learning to speak French. I travel to France a fair amount as a pilot for FEDEX. I’d have to guess that 1/3 of our words in English have french roots, and that might be conservative.
I like the French people. Yes, they’re aloof and sometimes quite arrogant. Ever been to New York? Same thing. They’ve got no monoploy in the arrogant department.
However, I’ve found the French quick to smile and easy to get along with if you just don’t cop an attitude.
Matt probably needed to say what he said, but it also could have been better handled.
Just my opinion, for whatever it’s worth.
Keith Knoblauch
March 25th, 2008 at 4:15 amfranchie
“shrug outfit”? A sweater? I dunno, hun, lost in translation.
Hubby on midnights this week … Says, “Hi”!
March 25th, 2008 at 5:40 amdrill,
uh, are you so provincial ? in CA, they know the signification
March 25th, 2008 at 5:50 amKnobs,
thanks for your input
The problem is that most of the Americans think that Paris is France, that the main papers they read in french are of “parisian type”, though there are good provincial medias.
Everyone here knows that Parisians are feeling superior to the province villans… idem for the Londoners, the Berliners, the Roma’s, the Madrilenes… New York.
It is also because the Travel agencies that propose a tour into EU, only organise the capitals trip ; when Americans happen to visit our provinces, they make it as individuals ; generally they are “educated” persons or former soldiers that had been there post WWII.
March 25th, 2008 at 6:33 amFranchie
“Your the shame of your country. Fortunately, I met people here that helps me hoping that America’s dream is not quit over”
Maybe you ought to also visit the American Cemeteries in Normandy. My family came to this country in 1883 and, with the exception of the Spanish-American War, has fought in EVERY war, including this one, since including the two to save the sorry, inept, assess of your “noble” ancestors. I can’t speak for Dan but would bet a similar service to country in his family tree exists as well.
So the French have an “insight” into the Muslim world that we could only dream of?..I think it’s more like not being able to see the forest for the trees. Your country is being eaten away from the inside. When the next muslim riots occur in Paris let’s see the force that’s used to quell them, the hunting down those responsible, and actually some concrete action taken by your Gov’t. France loves to talk, but doesn’t walk the walk. We can see it from across the Atlantic, you can’t because you wallow in it.
I am blessed to live in a country that in 230+- years has so convincingly surpassed anything Europe has ever put forward in its long history. A country of people that actually work hard, out perform, and out produce all of Europe combined.
You have no idea of what the American dream is or how it’s attained. It in no way resembles the French Socialist model.
And who can resist yet one more……..
“It appears that at last census that every man in France over 16 years of age & under 116, has at least 1 wife to whom he has never been married. French novels, talk, drama &