Hannity Fights Shabazz, Shabazz Tells Kirsten Powers She Needs A Psychiatrist

March 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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27 Responses

  1. Paslode

    Everytime I see this guy I always ask myself, what the hell kind of name is SHABAZZ. Sounds like a clown or something.

  2. TBinSTL

    Malik is a variation on the Arabic word for “king”. Shabazz? I got nothin’…

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Too much intolerance. I wish the panthers and other people could understand their actions and rhetoric do a hell of alot more to keep the racial issue going than anything else.

    Im not going to sit around and let someone blame me for slavery or oppression against anyone because im a white guy.

    Fuck you!

    I wont take it and if i keep getting that shit thrown in my face or keep seeing others who i know had nothing to do with that get the same treatment its only going to work the opposite way.

  4. Razor

    Malik Shavemyballs is a very hateful person.

  5. John Cunningham

    “Cannot take the troof.

    Clowns passing for “scholars”.

  6. Bob P

    Kurt took the words right out of my mouth. :cool:

  7. LftBhndAgn

    I think he is under the impression that he is the next Captain Marvel.

  8. Phil

    Whew !!!

    Just when we thought is was going away, overt racism is coming back with a veneance.

    Food for thought: I was on my way to a Dunkin Donuts for my morning Joe, and a man approached the entrance at the same time I did. I opened the door for him, and said “good morning”.

    I tell you, he looked like he was going to burst into tears and give me a hug! As a Christian, I simply treated him as I would have wanted to be treated.

    I am here to tell you that the heart of most White Americans is fundamentally good. Barak, Jesse, or Al do not need to lecture me that whites somehow “owe” blacks, or that some “evil” lurks indelibly in the hearts of those with a European background.

    Isaiah 5:20 states “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil …” If Blacks continue this attempt at “heaping guilt” on innocent people for racism, then “woe” will come upon us.

    I am Black, and first-generation American; a citizen of the finest country ever … all of my good days have far exceeded my bad days … May God continue to Bless America!

  9. mike3481

    Paslode :arrow: from Wikipedia;

    The Tribe of Shabazz refers to an ancient Black nation in Africa, according to the oral history of some enslaved Africans in America. It is found primarily in the writings of Wallace Fard Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad, and the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X adopted Shabazz as his surname to honor his membership in the tribe.

    According to the legend, the Tribe of Shabazz was a technologically advanced society of kings and queens. All other human tribes developed out of the Tribe of Shabazz, which was the original tribe of humankind. A scientist named Yakub was a member of the tribe and, according to Fard, was the creator of the Caucasian race. The Tribe of Shabazz is said to have reached its peak in the year 4084 BC.

    Ya, whatever, huh?

  10. Arnelle

    A moment of silence please, for a quick reflection on the fact that he just told someone else without a hint of humility that they need a psychiatrist.

  11. Goose

    The Rasicisms from there victim status, they believe that somthing that happened hundreds of years ago to someone they dont know means they deserve more rights then white people…and free money for the trouble.

    Like muslims and the Crusades.

  12. Paslode

    :arrow: mike3481

    Thank you for the insight.

  13. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    What would Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or the Black Panthers or Reverend Wright or Senator Meeks or Barack Obama be without their percieved racism?
    They would be special only on their own merit. That wouldn’t help guys like, say, Al Sharpton or Shabazz, who I believe have no particular redeeming social value.
    These fellows propagate bigotry for personal or political reasons. This will continue until we, the people, call a halt to it.
    No white racist guilt means no special or undeserving benefits purely based on race.

  14. Paslode

    I won’t vote for Obama no way, no how. But there was always a little part of me that hoped all those Obama Zombies were right and there would be a real ‘Change’.

    Any chance they had disappeared with the immergence of the prophets of Black Biggotry…Rev. Wright, Farrakuhn, Shabazz, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

    Without people like them we’d all just be people and Americans. :sad:

  15. azbastard


  16. azbastard

    I am a white American. I have never owned any slaves and I am not a raciist. I do not like being called a racist. The real black Americans need to stand up a shutup these bigots. Someone here asked the question “how many white people died freeing the slaves”. A very simple and deep question.
    Phil. you are a true brother. May peace be upon you and your family

  17. azbastard

    i give up..cant seem to post

  18. azbastard

    except for one liners

  19. Indy

    People like Shabass , Sharpton and Jackson do nothing to help heal the racial divide. They spend most of their time rubbing salt in the wounds.

  20. steve m

    WOW..another race hustling bigoted-pimp. Too blinded by hatred, arrogance, and his own delusional self-importance.

    :arrow: phil - amen bro’ - Mr “Shabang” can bitch and moan for all eternity w/Satan welcomes him to his realm

    Go ahead, throw more gasoline on the fire. Join up w/obamas spiritual nut-job Wright. And jesse, and al, and all the rest who benefit from sowing hatred and division. You shall reap a bitter harvest.

  21. John Cunningham

    Let’s agree that whitey did invent AIDS to kill blacks. So, one would think, since we know how to prevent it, they would wholeheartedly embrace those safe sex practices and monogomous relations. We have the ability to prevent whitey from killing us. AIDS is disproportionately higher in the black culture. It’s a cultural thing that they use as an excuse to not use prophylactics because it’s another white trick to keep blacks from having little blacks. Looks to me, since actions speak louder than words, being the crotch grabbing baby daddy trumps exercising responsible bahavior.

  22. Goodbye Natalie

    Hey, I agree with Malik “Shazam!”

    No doubt, like Babylon we have been punished by the divine. Shazam! just misundestands how the punish is manifested. His worthless presence and using our oxygen in our beautiful country is enough proof of that.

  23. steve m

    :arrow: John Cunningham
    Hey, whitey’s got ‘em in a catch 22…

  24. el Vaquero

    Looks like we may need General Petraeus to stay stateside and began another surge against the Hate America Black Chuch and their allies in the Islamic Mosques. I see CW 2 coming…

  25. ticticboom

    If ‘white people’ (as if we were one monolithic group :roll: ) really were the hypercompetent evil geniuses (genii?) out to eliminate the ‘black race’ (again, as if they were all identical) this nut thinks, he would be dead by now. The very fact that he can go on national TV and spew these insane paranoid fantasies is proof they are just that, fantasies.

  26. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Phil
    God bless you!

    I feel as if we have almost been brought back to the 50’s.

    I DON’T want to go back in time! I don’t want to relive it. There are moments in our history that we (ALL AMERICANS) NEED to just keep walking FORWARD in the progress we have made, look back and say phew we made it, but not stop in that moment and stay there.

  27. fmder


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