Hussein’s Pastor - Hillary’s Never Been Called A “Nigger”!

March 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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14 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Black, black, about an exclusive mindset. gotta keep it in the family according to this “pastor” or should i say false pastor.

    People who oppose racism then act racist themselves only hurt their own cause. As far as im concerned this guy isnt doing Gods work, he is only hurting the minds of everyone who listens to him.

  2. LftBhndAgn

    I can’t comment on this at this time. All I can say is I am TIRED of being labeled a RACIEST WHITE because of what happened in history that I can not change or played ANY part in.

  3. drillanwr

    No, but I’ll just bet my firstborn she’s “used” the word … heh!

    Can’t help but feel there’s a lightning bolt with this guy’s name on it …

    Advice to his “followers” … Steer clear of the “church service” if there’s a storm coming.

    BTW -

    NOTICE all the church visits by “presidential candidates” were democrat?

  4. David Marcoe

    Keep on yapping. It just gives us more ammunition.

  5. 1madpittbull

    So what in blazing hell was that? :shock:

    What kind of “church” is this? Seems rather cult-esk…

    Seriously WTF…

  6. Kevin M

    No identity politics here. Ferraro was right: If Hussein were white, he would be NOBODY!

    This pastor is as helpful (not!) to Hussein as his skank bigmouth wife.

    Hello, President McCain.

    Hussein is a nobody asshole surrounded by cretins. Get the word out.

  7. LftBhndAgn

    IF this man was a true pastor or religious man, the sermons he would give to his followers would NOT include RACE. Jesus does NOT know man in color.

    “Beware of false teachers. For some are in the habit of carrying about the name [of Jesus Christ] in wicked guile, while yet they practice things unworthy of God, whom ye must flee as ye would flee from wild beasts.”

  8. T Double Dash

    Socialist America, they want us to hand them money for doing absolutely nothing. :mad:

  9. LftBhndAgn

    Adding to my above post:

    Crying “Racism” is a profitable business.

  10. RememberOurFathers

    At the time of Jesus, the vast majority of slaves that toiled at the end of the Roman whip came from EUROPE. Conquered Europeans were slaves twice as long as the African slaves in America, just one of many, many countries who participated in the African slave trade, a trade that was kept alive by African monarchies who thought it was the perfect way to consolidate their power, by capturing and selling members of rival tribes into slavery. Nevermind that the U.S. is the only nation who fought a civil war over the legality and spread of the institution, nevermind that our country has gone through tremendous pains to rectify this admitted injustice. European Americans will never be trusted or respected by people like Jeremiah Wright. If this country were to exist according to the model Jeremiah Wright or Barak Obama would wish to have in place, you can bet that white people will have the yoke of slavery around there necks. If Obama wins, there will be war in our borders.

  11. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn:

    Jesus does not know color in man. Great point!
    And in reality, Jesus himself probabally did not look like the Swedish dirty blonde haired guy with blue eyes that we like to pretend he looked like.
    Perhaps he was of a darker color with not so straight hair.
    Just speculating of course.
    The whole point is that this “quack” of a reverand is doing his homie O’Bambam no good turns. Keep yapping Reverand Racist.

  12. JonnyMordant

    “Hillary is a Nigger!”-JonnyMordant

    There… end of argument! Now, what would you like me to call her next?

  13. hegelbot

    ah jonny you beat me to the punch… :idea: lol

  14. hegelbot

    So question folks? If islam doesn’t make a distinction between the secular and religious, can any mosques be tax exempt?

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