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28 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    They’ve done so well in taking care of the inner-city neighborhoods and that speaks volumes.

  2. Mark

    This is so pathetic…they don’t even try to legitimize hussein anymore…now it’s just because he’s black he’s going to be the best. Words escape me. He will be able to rile up the people of oppressed nations (behind a dictator’s back) just because of his skin color? Is this shit head even aware that most of the Iranian people already hate their so-called president? No, he clearly doesn’t because he spews the same crap about more handouts for healthcare, education, and environmental shake-down games. This asshole really pisses me off, who would vote for this cretin?

  3. Max

    Liberals would never say that about someone like Shelby Steele or any of the conservative black Republicans. The only reason he utters such nonsense is because he and Obama see eye to eye on Leftist politics; that is all.

  4. drillanwr (typical white female)

    What a steaming pile of maggot infested HORSE SHIT fermenting in the high noon desert sun!

    This guy’s philosophy is fucking nuts!

    If ANYTHING I’m even more fucking freaked out he’s in a position of power decisions in this country than I was before.

    What a racist, condescending, hollow PRICK!

  5. hegelbot

    what an entirely dishonest assessment of the situation, and once again, what do we call electing a black guy just because he is black? anybody? bueller? bueller?

    just a side note or question. Do you think Ben Stein was teaching intelligent design the day ferris took his day off?

  6. DC

    Same old “souffle”…………he has been , and always will be a pandering, self-absorbed, arrogant moron. :mad:

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    Kerry is a giant pile of crap. I cant believe he even said that. Being a certain color will make someone a better leader? WTF kind of theory is that? Isnt it funny the condemnation you see on this board about the lefts racism. I thought we were supposed to be the racist ones. At least thats what i have heard for years from their side. bastards

  8. Kermit

    Damn I have never seen anyone ever hold a shotgun like that. It’s as if he is scared shitless to even touch it. It is obvious that this is was a pose for a photo op.

    Then again, he could be afraid of the recoil that a 12 year old can handle.

  9. cnchess

    Sen. Obama is an unconscious socialist and Kerry is just unconscious.

  10. ron

    All I can say is the Arabic word Ased. it is arabic for slave. it is also the Arabic word for
    black african. one only has to know that Arabs see blacks as slaves. with that in mind
    how again is obama going to help win the GWOT? the master doesnt take orders from
    a slave. I think Kerry meant his being a secret muslim will help AQ win the GWOT and
    since democrats have alined with AQ. the whole enemy of my enemy thing.

  11. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: ron

    Yes, and the fact that B-HO insists he is a “Christian” … would make him, at the very least, an infidel … if not an apostate.

    Kerry looked like he was doped up (drugs … I know he’s a dope).

  12. Kilemal


    You have an excellent point.

    I wonder how many of the black African Christians and Animalists of Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya have had any luck negotiating a mutually respectful peace with the Muslims.

    Skin color or cultural experience has no hope of dealing with this kind of demonic evil. Only the consistent application of military force can remove the scourge of Islam from our planet. :gun: :gun:

  13. Mike F.

    It STILL boggles the mind that the voters of this country came within a few % points of electing that f-ing traitor, idiot, boy-toy as President and Commander-in-Chief of our military. He does confirm that this election will be all about RACE if Obama is nominated. According to Hanoi John, his best asset in foreign policy will be WHAT? His skin color! In the dictionary, his (Kerry’s) picture is found under “asshole”.

  14. Mike F.

    It STILL boggles the mind that the voters of this country came within a few % points of electing that f-ing traitor, idiot, boy-toy as President and Commander-in-Chief of our military. He does confirm that this election will be all about RACE if Obama is nominated. According to Hanoi John, his best asset in foreign policy will be WHAT? His skin color! In the dictionary, his (Kerry’s) picture is found under ”asshole”.

  15. Mike F.

    Sorry about the double post. Can’t figure out how to make the edit function work.

  16. el Vaquero

    J Friggin Kerry is such a pompous fool, liar, bigot and needs to be gone…has he ever had a rational idea?

  17. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: el Vaquero

    J Friggin Kerry is such a pompous fool, liar, bigot and needs to be gone…has he ever had a rational idea?


    Not unless it was a “designer” one … and really, really expensive … and his wife paid for it.

    BTW -

    That “hunting” picture of Kerry …

    THAT’S a “turn and run” stance … if I’ve ever seen one … LMFAO!!!

  18. rightangle

    It sounded like Kerry said “It would be such an AFRO-mation” at the start of that speech. He then dismisses B.O’s white mother and grandmother’s contribution to helping raise him. All that seems to matter is where the x goes in that racial category box. I wish he :gun: and senator Kennedy :beer: :beer: :beer: would load up the truck and drive out on an extended hunting trip together.

    :arrow: Ron. I wouldn’t mind if a Colin Powell type (who is more capable of backing up his words )were in a position to deal with some of these arab leaders. I think it would shatter some of their stereotypes. I know he isn’t any more conservative than McCain seems to be. Also “ased”, I had heard the term “abeed” used by arabs when making that reference.

  19. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: rightangle

    I used to be a Colin Powell “fan” … when he was still in the military. But I believe, as is the case with Sec. Rice, the damn State Department screwed him up …

    But yes, Powell does qualify far mo’ better to be president and meet with leaders of other countries (especially viewed as ‘enemy’ leaders) than B-HO.

  20. Indy

    Obama a visionary? He comes from a place of oppression? What a load of crap. He grew up a kid of privilege with an ivy league education. What the hell is wrong with this lying Kerry. More revisionary history from the leftist ideologues.

  21. rightangle

    :arrow: Drill. I did say Colin Powell ‘type’. I liked him earlier too. Partly because our armed services have higher standards to apply to those who advance in rank, I feel he earned his status. Whatever the outcome in this upcoming election though, I hope our Joint Chiefs “don’t get stuck with stupid.”

  22. ron

    My point wasn’t to say that a Black person couldn’t be a good president, but rather that John Kerry doesn’t know what the hell is going on. A weak black leader would be looked at like a slave and they wouldn’t be afraid of him. Look at the cartoons they draw of Secretary Rice. They only understand force.

  23. Dan (The Infidel)

    John Frigging Kerry is an adle-minded fool. This pin-head and his so-called Winter Soldiers (all frauds) betrayed a Nation and the Armed Forces by lying through his pusilanimous teeth both to Congress and the American people. And much like his butt-buddy BHO, he got a pass for his lying, traitorous commentary in 1971. Not only did he get a pass, he actually got elected to the Senate by the idiotic voters in MA.

    To make matters worse ol “dead eye dead eye” here came within three percentage points of becomming POTUS.

    If that many voters would back up a traitor and a pathological liar like John Freaking Kerry, how many of those same delluded voters will back a racist-lover like BHO?

    Somebody needs to give the voters some better Alzheimer’s meds and start a new anti-drug campaign for the rest. Cause too many of the US voters are either high on CDS, somering from some mental disease, or just plain stupid.

    BHO and John Kerry were made for each other. After all, liars, traitors and racists were made for each other since all of them seem to want to always pick up the turd by the clean end; while shoving that same turd in our faces and expecting us to say mmmm-good.

    No thanks Dhimis. You can keep your turds (or is it douche bags???).

    On the other hand both Kerry’s comments and BHO’s comments re his Pastor are “just words”. (Sarcasm intended)

  24. rightangle

    :arrow: Ron. I never mistook you to mean that. I did get the gist of your first post, and I apologize for my brevity earlier in not thanking you for that.

  25. Infdel

    Is it any wonder why he’s a failed politician?

    I’m sure I looked that goofy the first time my dad let me shoot his shotgun at age 6. Am I supposed to be impressed? Snobby pose.

  26. Kevin M

    It remains that if Hussein were white, he’d be the biggest nobody who fell out of the running long, long ago and long forgotten. How the hell did this steaming pile of nothing ever get so far?

    Liberal White Guilt. Every witless imbecile who could rent their skull for storage space is backing Hussein for one reason: they believe it will prove to themselves and the world that they are not racist.

    Hussein has a meager (and largely crooked) political background. His promises are the lowest form of smoke and mirrors, his inner circle are racists and crooks, and his wife would be about as popular a first lady as an uncooked pork chop in a mosque.

    There is nothing but liberal white guilt pushing this assclown toward the White House. I am not half as disgusted with Hussein as I am with the drooling cretins who actually believe this nitwit should sit in the oval office.

  27. EDinTampa

    He is a charlatan.

    He is nothing of what he claims to be from hunter to Viet Nam War Hero. He isn’t even a credible Senator.

    How he can show his face in public is beyond me, I guess he doesn’t even realize he is a hasbeen that never was.

    Anything Kerry has to say about Obama is another reason not to vote for him.

    The only thing Hussein is good for is taking out the Clintons.

  28. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Kevin M

    It remains that if Hussein were white, he’d be the biggest nobody who fell out of the running long, long ago and long forgotten.

    You mean he’d be Dennis Kucinich …

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